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So I'm eating pizza for dinner.


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:mrgreen: It's sssooooo gggooodd!!! I wonder when was the last time "God" told Steven Maxwell to order pizza for the "family". :lol: :? Goodness knows, Teri or the kids could decide on pizza.... :o

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Did God tell you to put lots of pepperoni on it? Did God tell you you should invite your FJ-ers over for 'fellowship' and 'encouragement'?

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Guest Anonymous

Every night that an FJer eats pizza for dinner, the non-Thinking Housewife roasts a kitten. Please, won't someone think of the kittens?

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Well, even if Terri plans on pizza for dinner (she is the master planner after all) God has to remind Steve to order it. If not, leftover bean burritos for all!

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Did God tell you to put lots of pepperoni on it? Did God tell you you should invite your FJ-ers over for 'fellowship' and 'encouragement'?

Yeah. Why didn't you invite us over for fellowship???

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Ha. I have not had dinner and won't. It is likely I'll wake up around midnight hungry. I'll then make toast or have a bagel.

I don't like pizza, so I don't order it. But, that's only pizza. I am all for ordering in or having take out. Whenever necessary or desired. No god or anyone else makes the rules for my food intake.

Can you imagine being so obsessed with every little aspect of life that ordering pizza or Chinese is a moral thing...which I have no doubt the Maxwells do, making this initial post far more absurd than intended yet spot on.

Normal people do what they do, end of story. It is not news or relevant to a damn thing if you order in or toss a frozen pizza in the oven. To the Maxwells, it is worthy of a blog post - if they'd ever dare to do it - and a character judgment worthy of explanation.

Enjoy your pizza and your ability to eat it without it having an impact on your soul. And, bonus points, no kittens were sacrificed.

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I made pizza for dinner tonight so I don't know where that puts me on the fundy scale

That depends. Did you pray to god to lay it upon your heart what toppings to put on it?

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I don't like pizza, but had rotisserie chicken and couscous salad from the deli. Expensive, yes, but less than takeout. I prayed the FSM and His Noodly Appendage laid it upon my heart that tonight's cooking and cleanup time would be better spent watching yesterday's Daily Show and Colbert online.

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That depends. Did you pray to god to lay it upon your heart what toppings to put on it?

I was too busy praying for the cat down stairs that was scratching at the door and meowing for help as my neighbor attempted to sing and play the guitar and forgot to give thanks for thy bounty. The chourico on it was really good so maybe the Lord saw fit to forgive me.

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I used white cooking wine sauteing fresh carrots today.I wonder if most fundies know cooking wine exists and/or realize people who use it aren't(usually) having naked drunken heathen kitchen orgies?

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Every night that an FJer eats pizza for dinner, the non-Thinking Housewife roasts a kitten. Please, won't someone think of the kittens?

Poor poor kittens.

I am on vacation with my family and tonight my dad treated us to a very good dinner. I had mushroom and pea risotto. Yum. I thanked my father but did not act like a robotkinette

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I don't think the Maxwells can do anything without making it a big moral deal. That includes eating pizza. They wouldn't want to enjoy it too much and make it an idol. But of course, if God laid it upon your heart to provide the pizza to yourself and/or your family in order to show the mightiness of His creation, I assume you're good :D

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dear jesus,

stovetop stuffing, potatoes or rice? i lay it at your feet, lord. thou hast provided us with an abundance of cream of celery soup. please guide us to make proper choices. please help keep me from being worldly and demanding flavor in my food.

may thy will be done and this food (under)nourish our bodies.

in the name of the holy macaroni-n-cheese,


that from me to jesus to you. he convicted my heart to post it here. i purposed to publish it.

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So does anybody at the Maxwell table dare roll their eyes and say, "Mmmmm?"

I imagine laying a spread in front of Papa Grim Reaper: my late mother's composed salad for starters (choice bits of crisp lettuce, radish coins, quarter-slices of cucumber, clover sprouts if they're good this week, sliced scallions ditto, and homemade vinaigrette on the side), followed by my late mother-in-law's lasagna (which never fails to prompt positively indecent noises) with a decent red Italian wine for those who partake and ice-cold Pepsis for those who don't. Dessert: Scoops of Haagen-Dasz "Five" vanilla ice cream and slices of the summer's perfect cantaloupe. Would he eat it all with a face of stone? Or just preach over it until the lasagna was tepid?

Or my late mother-in-law's taco salad spread . . . Imagine the Maxwells faced with a table laden with gently steaming sauteed ground beef seasoned with cumin, chili powder, and a skosh each of salsa and green taco sauce; a freshly opened bag of Fritos; torn iceberg lettuce, just the crispy hearts; a huge mound of grated cheese ("Tillamook medium Cheddar, not that store brand crap"); little bowls of chopped sweet onion, chopped tomato, and diced avocado sprinkled with lemon juice; a container of thick, cold sour cream; two or three different jars of salsa with spoons already in them; and dewy cans of Coke and Pepsi ready to make that delicious click and hiss. Imagine their brains locking up at the prospect of all those choices.

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So does anybody at the Maxwell table dare roll their eyes and say, "Mmmmm?"

I imagine laying a spread in front of Papa Grim Reaper: my late mother's composed salad for starters (choice bits of crisp lettuce, radish coins, quarter-slices of cucumber, clover sprouts if they're good this week, sliced scallions ditto, and homemade vinaigrette on the side), followed by my late mother-in-law's lasagna (which never fails to prompt positively indecent noises) with a decent red Italian wine for those who partake and ice-cold Pepsis for those who don't. Dessert: Scoops of Haagen-Dasz "Five" vanilla ice cream and slices of the summer's perfect cantaloupe. Would he eat it all with a face of stone? Or just preach over it until the lasagna was tepid?

Or my late mother-in-law's taco salad spread . . . Imagine the Maxwells faced with a table laden with gently steaming sauteed ground beef seasoned with cumin, chili powder, and a skosh each of salsa and green taco sauce; a freshly opened bag of Fritos; torn iceberg lettuce, just the crispy hearts; a huge mound of grated cheese ("Tillamook medium Cheddar, not that store brand crap"); little bowls of chopped sweet onion, chopped tomato, and diced avocado sprinkled with lemon juice; a container of thick, cold sour cream; two or three different jars of salsa with spoons already in them; and dewy cans of Coke and Pepsi ready to make that delicious click and hiss. Imagine their brains locking up at the prospect of all those choices.

Thanks very much, it's now 9.30 in the morning and I'm hungry for dinner.


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Thanks very much, it's now 9.30 in the morning and I'm hungry for dinner.


Yeah, what they wrote! Now I'm hungry, and lunch is still two hours away. And God did not set it in our hearts to plan a menu and do actual grocery shopping this week, so lunch is just a hot pocket. Mmmmm, lasagna... can I trade you my hot pocket for a piece?

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The Thinking Housewife is crying! You are bringing out the end of civilization, not to mention harming thousands of innocent kittens and the troops! Think of the kittens! Think of the troops! :lol:

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I used white cooking wine sauteing fresh carrots today.I wonder if most fundies know cooking wine exists and/or realize people who use it aren't(usually) having naked drunken heathen kitchen orgies?

Wait. We are to cook with the wine and not have naked, drunken heathen kitchen orgies? :shock: :? Are you sure? I mean is this just you or does everyone know this? :? We cook with the wine and not drain the bottle and then cook, are you sure? WTH? Why did no one tell me? :o :shifty:

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