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So, how was your evil Christmas?


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Given that FJ is a vipers' nest of feminists, liberals and other undesirables I thought it would be kinda fun to compare notes on how Christmas went for us all.

I'm expecting to be SHOCKED by what you have to tell me. Kittens roasting on an open fire, satan appearing at your black mass...

Me? Oh you know. Tree covered in sparkly stuff, presents for the kids, big dinner with grandma.

I did undermine traditional marriage by sending a Christmas card to my gay cousin.


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Same here with the Christmas tree, big dinner with family, presents for all. Not once did Satan show up but we did have some fun and a certain family would consider that to be pretty evil. I ate more than 2 animal crackers too. I guess evil was afoot after all.

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Well we went to a Chinese restaurant so that must have something to do with the devil. But hey we had Christmas brunch with my daughter and her boyfriend.

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3 days of constant feasting, 3 different trees and alot of ebil traditional catholic practices like fumigating with frankincence and my little GIRL playing the Christkind at our nativity play. Also, we went to Christmas Mass, which starts usually around 10 pm and lasts until midnight (insertevillaughtershere) - just candle lights and alot of choir singing with a paraments-wearing wine-drinking priest, no strip mall "churches" and warehouses with self-proclaimed Godly Men TM in unironed suits.... now excuse me, I have to go and condition my devil horns...

OH!, do I get extra Satan points for Perchtn? Alot of Perchtn? :music-deathmetal:

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Church, Chinese food and Jewish friends? WE'RE ALL GOING TO HELL!

I had to google Perchtn. Cool. Definitely satan-worshipping points there. OMG can you imagine the fundie horror at having such a pre-Christian thing as part of their IT'S A CHRISTIAN HOLIDAY CHRISTIAN NO-ONE ELSE'S DON'T SAY HAPPY HOLIDAYS party?


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Maybe Doug Phillips (who was probably dressed up as the scarlet tool for Christmas - if they hadn´t pawned the costume closet yet) would like a visit? They could chase him around the closed VF warehouse :popcorn2:

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Spent Christmas in Russia, which we all know is still run by Godless Commies*. In fact, they didn't celebrate Christmas at all! I mean, yeah, that have their own, but we all know Jesus was really, indisputably born on Dec 25 in a pile of hay. So I sat in front of the computer grading papers, watching old Christmas specials and eating chocolate. Not a mention of God all day!

*This is not a joke, I've had people ask me what life in the Soviet Union is like, to which I'm like "Um, I dunno, got a time machine?"

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My husband and I attended a Krampus themed haunted attraction that had evil elves, creepy snowmen, an ax carrying Santa, etc. It was fun, and I am sure all my fundie family and mates really loved the pictures I posted on Facebook of the event. :D

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Went on vacation, only to discover that we were apparently surrounded by Jews.

Did not post pics, since we knew too many people still affected by a nasty ice storm here. Too many family and friends spent the holidays without power. The big tree on our front lawn is now dead.

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Well, the days leading up to Christmas were without power due to a tornado (that never touched down)... We got it back on Christmas Eve. The week before? Ice, it only stuck to the trees and of course got the power lines.

Christmas day we opened presents, drove two hours to see family in Tupelo, stayed the night, shopped the next day. Ugh. LOL! (Too many people... I don't care for the rush)

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Very evil, indeed. We went caroling. I helped The Partner's dad decorate the Christmas tree while TP helped his mom and sister with cookie baking. We met up with a couple of old friends we hadn't seen in about a decade. I went to church on Christmas Eve and sang in choir with my mom, while TP went to an extended family gathering.

Although it was too cold for sledding, we blew soap bubbles on the back deck and watched them freeze. That was fun. Oh, and we gave my niblings a small mountain of books and hopped them up on sugar, then helped them play with Legos.

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It was nice, as there was the dinner, opening presents where my niece even got some Disney Planes toys. A cousin of mine that fundies would hate because of his sexual orientation, posted pictures on FB of him surfing at his hometown beach on Christmas morning, as he and his fiancee came down from San Francisco. It was really beach weather this Christmas. The day after Christmas, my brother, niece and I went to Sin City/Las Vegas to visit my mom for a few days, where my niece got a remote controlled car as one of her gifts. My evil family doesn't believe in enforcing gender roles when it comes to toys, so now that we know she also loves Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as much as My Little Pony, she's most likely going to get a bunch of those Ninja Turtles for her next birthday.

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We opened presents and then cooked a ham. As the sin of sloth infected all of us our Christmas dinner was ham. And whatever else one could dig up should just ham seem insufficient. Then we went to a friend's house to watch the Dr Who specials.

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Got up fairly early, opened presents with the kids. I got a new coffee maker, and since my coffee is one of the most important and precious parts of my day I am VERY happy. We ate cinnamon rolls with lots of icing and candy from our stockings for breakfast. My kids got things like makeup and Marvel comic-themed items and Tolkien stuff, so I'm sure they're going to hell.

But then we went to the Nativity Liturgy at church, so maybe that canceled out our sinful Christmas morning.

But then husband and I went to see 47 Ronin, which was so-so script-wise but absolutely beautiful to look at, especially Hiroyuki Sanada whom I lust after with a vengeance.

Yeah, I'm going to hell. :D

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Our secular Christmas was lovely. We woke up at 7, opened presents. Watched Christmas movies on TV. Made cinnamon rolls out of a tube. Cooked a turkey. Wore pajamas all day. It was pretty fabulous.

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