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Have with discussed this blog? - bakers dozen


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I am sorry if this blog was posted before but I never saw it before. I found it through the Life in Shoe blog! The kids have some really akward names, but it really strikes me that the mother declares hersel as a Beatles fan and as somebody who is really sad to have missed woodstock..

Can't wait to read your comments, let the snarking begin!!!!!

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It looks like she is actually trying to teach her children.

will do literature weekly with Adalia, Judah and Tilly. Any great books suggestions? Last year we did Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm. I am considering: Farenheit 451 to start with.

That isn't typical, hide from the world, fundie reading.

As to why this is all going on, he didn't have an answer. He said a probable senario is: Apollo had an obstruction in his upper airway (trachea perhaps) which caused him to reguritate his food, which caused him to reflux into his esophogus, which caused damage to his esophogus and voicebox, which caused the wet/rattle-y breathing. The reflux medicine has taken care of the acid in his esophogus, it has finally healed, hence the now quieter breathing.

But none of that tells us why

This has to be hell for both the child and the parents. It's one thing to have a sick child, it's another thing to have a sick child that you don't know WHY he's sick.

Why did she name the boy after a greek god? There is no way that she doesn't know who Apollo is. SHe seems like an unusual fundie.

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We talked about her. She had a prolapsed cord with Apollo and her husband called the midwife before calling 911 while she wanted him to call 911.

I was under the impression she named it after the spatial ship but I may totally be wrong.

Her kids get real homeschool. One of the guys she adopted is going to go to school because he has severe behavioral problems. The kids also go to boyscout so they get some socialization outside of home and they have some friends too.

I quite don'T grasp them as far as religion she mainly keeps it at bay and sometimes it pops up with the teaching bible and verse memorization... She never explains why she has so many kids, just that she has them, even when she says she was overwhelmed when they were all tiny.

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oops! forgot the most important thing.. but here is the link!


I've read her for years, since she brought home her Liberian children. She is not a "better than you" type of person, she's actually nice. Her children do have odd names, which is how I found her in the first place. That said, I don't think there's much to snark on here. She's a crunchy, stay at home mom who actually schools her children and lets them out of the house. She doesn't think the world revolved around her and her children.

As for Apollo.. his full name is Apollo XIV. Yes that's the "real" name. Apollo for the space shuttle and XIV because he is the 14th children in the family, and she liked the Apollo 14th mission to the moon. She's a bit quirky, but a good overall read, imo.

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Yeah she really seems to be a much more nicer person than most of the fundie-women we normally talk about. Still I'm surprised that the Life in a Shoe - Woman actually likes her on FB. She seems far too liberal for her. But it's great to read what kind of books she uses in her homeschooling curriculum. We read Fahrenheit at school and although I didn't like it, its very educational!

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Yeah she really seems to be a much more nicer person than most of the fundie-women we normally talk about. Still I'm surprised that the Life in a Shoe - Woman actually likes her on FB. She seems far too liberal for her. But it's great to read what kind of books she uses in her homeschooling curriculum. We read Fahrenheit at school and although I didn't like it, its very educational!

not too long ago they attended an "above rubies" seminar. I just remembered it... so yeah... she's not as outspoken about her religious beliefs, but but I really wonder how far they are on the fundie scale...

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Aw, her! She's become one of my favorite bloggers of late. She seems to have a bit more of an ~edge than your garden-variety fundie homeschooler. Plus her pictures are really good. Also her kids seem to have, oh, roughly 900% more personality than so many large-family kids. Maybe because she seems to pay attention to them and nurture their individual talents without putting them in little boxes.

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Is she really even a fundie? It's hard to see that from her blog. I mean, if Kim Coughlan likes her, there must be some association, but... that's weird.

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http://bakersdozen DOT typepad.com/a_bakerss_dozen_daily_lif/2009/03/above-rubies.html

Here she listens to Nancy Campbell

"Where exactly were we headed? To an Above Rubies retreat, to listen to Nancy Campbell speak about shepherding our flocks (and in our case, some flocks were bigger than others). Tami and I went last year, and had such a great (and encouraging) time we were determined to have a whole vanful this year. Looks like we met our goal!"

I think she's more stealthy about her beliefs and a little more open about leaving the kids outside of the family, but she is def. fundie.

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