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Worst Movie you've ever seen?


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Currently watching Xanadu, and while it's not the worst movie I've ever seen, it's pretty bad. I claim Ancient Relic as the worst I've seen or possibly Wizards. Anyone else wish to claim the worst movie ever?

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It was pointless and absurdly long and that's hours and hours and HOURS of my life I'll never get back.

Although I'd watch it again while doing something else for irony--it's amazing that Tom Cruise became the character he played :P

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The Happenning. The scenario, the acting, the dialogues, gratuitous violence, just plain wrong. I mean everyone was laughing in the theater (and no it's not a comedy). At first people hesitated (but I had just read bad reviews so I just earnestly laughed all along) but around halfway through everyone laughed their asses off.

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Hands down Alexander with Collin Ferral and Angelina Jollie. A friend of mine convinced me to go see see it back in grad school, he really wanted to see it for some reason. It was horrible and looooooooooong. We went walked out at the end, my friend put his arm around me and said" twin2, I'm so sorry I subjected you to this horrific piece of crap. Coffee is on me for the next week."

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"Benefit of the Doubt." Without a doubt the most violent, less sensible, tritely formulaic movie ever. I wanted so badly to demand my money back, but didn't.

I went to see it because of Graham Greene, a perennial favorite of mine, and when I saw Amy Irving, though, ooh, bonus! I didn't reckon with Donald Sutherland (never liked him, no reason, just no chemistry) and a really creepy, dull, predictable and overly violent plot.

Did I mention violent?

The Spousal Unit couldn't live without "Waterworld" the other night and that's a very close second. Half a day of my life I'll never get back. What? it wasn't 12 hours long??? :naughty: Liars don't prosper, stop that!

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Well, not the "worst", but definitely the most BORING movie I have ever seen is definitely "The New World". Soooo long... Soooooo boring. :-P

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Currently watching Xanadu, and while it's not the worst movie I've ever seen, it's pretty bad. I claim Ancient Relic as the worst I've seen or possibly Wizards. Anyone else wish to claim the worst movie ever?

As in Kubla Khan, like the Coleridge poem?

For me it's "Poser". It was a Canadian movie. Worst movie ever. Also "The Hole" with Thora Birch. I wanted those hours of my life back.

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The Happenning. The scenario, the acting, the dialogues, gratuitous violence, just plain wrong. I mean everyone was laughing in the theater (and no it's not a comedy). At first people hesitated (but I had just read bad reviews so I just earnestly laughed all along) but around halfway through everyone laughed their asses off.

Nothing happened!

I was so sad because I had high hopes based on the cast. Or just Zooey .

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Hanover Street with Harrison Ford. He chewed the scenery through the whole thing.

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I actually fell asleep watching The Bone Collector. In the movie theater. When I woke up, I walked out.

As mentioned elsewhere, I dozed off during the Keira "Pride n Prejudice" -- TWICE.

didn't occur to me to leave; the theatre seats were Just. That. Comfy!!!

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"Watched" Seven Pounds recently. Fuck that. Although I dunno if it's worst I've ever seen. Just what came to mind first.

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The Langoliers....does it count if it was a TV movie? Because that's like 4 hours of my life that I'll never get back. It was SOOOO awful.

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The Order with Heath Ledger was also really bad. I think it's the only movie I actually shut off and didn't bother to watch the end of it.

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I didn't care for these:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I felt it dragged on WAY too long)

What's Eating Gilbert Grape (Sounds like a comedy or something but it's NOT. Has a young Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio)

Arizona Dream (pretty depressing...has an old Jerry Lewis and young Johnny Depp)

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Nothing happened!

I was so sad because I had high hopes based on the cast. Or just Zooey .

but but she ate a tiramisu with another man! And he bought cough syrup just coz the pharmacist was cute!

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Spiceworld. In fact, I ended up breaking up with the person who insisted on seeing it. There were other reasons for my ending that relationship, not just his choice in movies.

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Spiceworld. In fact, I ended up breaking up with the person who insisted on seeing it. There were other reasons for my ending that relationship, not just his choice in movies.

I didn't see this movie but...wouldn't his taste in movies be reason enough?

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Whichever one of the Final Destination movies my ex-boyfriend dragged me to see. I love horror movies, not goretastic vomit fests. So gross.

Also, The Pillowbook. I watched it because Ewan McGregor was in it. It's.....special.

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Solaris. My boyfriend and I walked out of the theater after an interminable period of time. I think I aged 10 years in there.

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Have to say Anne of Green Gables : A New Beginning.

Piece. Of. Crap. I don't think any other movie (that I have seen at least) butchered a story so thoroughly beyond recognition as that one.

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"I Could Never Be Your Woman"....absolutely awful. I adore Paul Rudd, but this...this was just such a giant steaming heap of poo that I could never ever watch it again.

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Click starring Adam Sandler, it was just awful. Or The Lake House with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, because I never totally understood how they had a magical time-traveling mailbox that transported their letters to each other, yet they still got their other mail just fine. Awful, awful wastes of time.

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