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Glenn Beck opens his mouth and stupidity falls out


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Hmm.. his 9/12 project, which is political, has a summer camp. Can we compare them to Hitler Youth as well?

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Can we just consign Beck to deserved irrelevance now?

I wish. Sadly, far too many people believe every word he says.

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About 6 years ago, I my brother came to help me move. He was a big Glen Beck fan at the time, and he was in town so we went to see him. The first hour was about his journey of how he came to be where he was at the time, actually it was kind of a nice story. The second hour was the political half, lots of jabs at the left, but nothing to crazy. Now, the guy is just effing insane. I'd love to be inside his head to understand if he really believes what he spews or if he is just doing it for the attention and $$$.

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I wish. Sadly, far too many people believe every word he says.

That's what bothers me as well. I have a number of friends that are relatively sane and still think he's rational. I just don't get it.

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That's what bothers me as well. I have a number of friends that are relatively sane and still think he's rational. I just don't get it.

My dad likes to listen to him, in part because Beck's batshit crazy, and in part because dad knows it drives me nuts.

ETA: clarifying that Beck's the batshit one, not my father.

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There's a girl from my high school class who is a huge fan of him, Rush, etc etc. She's also extremely religious. NOT that one needs a religion to find this latest verbal diarrhea disgusting, but you know, it adds an extra level of "ugh." I'm very, very tempted to send her an article about this and be like, "Are you done with this crap yet, please?" I haven't talked to her in years though, but oh my gosh you guys this is the internet equivalent of biting my tongue until it bleeds.

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Why do people think this asshole is relevent? He has nothing but trash to contribute. How can he live with himself?

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My great aunt watches Fox news *cringe*. She's the funniest, sweetest woman, and not especially religious, and fairly liberal when you actually talk to her (eg., one of her close friends is gay and she loves him and his boyfriend and finds it romantic/adorable/lovely), so I don't understand at all, except think that maybe she just doesn't think about it too deeply. Last time I visited her Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly were on the screen together - one was guesting on the other's show. I wasn't sure whether I would have to leave the room in anger or if my I'd pee myself laughing first, it was so absurd to watch. Beck made O'Reilly seem almost liberal, and incredibly sane.

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I think its good to pay attention to people like Beck from time to time just to see what they're up to.

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What baffles me, and this is no offense to anyone who is LDS, but I am just shocked how many fundie-lite folks take his word as gospel truth, but any other Mormon would be deluded and not worth listening to because they "aren't a Christian."

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I think its good to pay attention to people like Beck from time to time just to see what they're up to.

Exactly! I will watch a few minutes of O'Asshole and I used to turn to Beck every once in awhile just to see what they're up to... and to see if Beck would cry some more, that was priceless.

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My great aunt watches Fox news *cringe*. She's the funniest, sweetest woman, and not especially religious, and fairly liberal when you actually talk to her (eg., one of her close friends is gay and she loves him and his boyfriend and finds it romantic/adorable/lovely), so I don't understand at all, except think that maybe she just doesn't think about it too deeply. Last time I visited her Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly were on the screen together - one was guesting on the other's show. I wasn't sure whether I would have to leave the room in anger or if my I'd pee myself laughing first, it was so absurd to watch. Beck made O'Reilly seem almost liberal, and incredibly sane.

Occasionally, I listen to Fox News just to know what they are saying. O'Reilly is more liberal than Beck. O'Reilly is conservative but he isn't nuts. He's loud and obnoxious but he does sometimes say things that make sense. Beck is just crazy.

I used to listen to Beck when he was just a comedian who was to the right. He was actually funny, even if I disagreed with him, but over time, he has become unhinged.

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he has been this way since they put him on some not-usually-prescribed- for-ordinary ( read not rich) people ADD med. People who were close to him when he was mainly a good comedian feel this will drive him to his death. The LDS church has also, I believed, set him up to be a modern day prophet. I used to find him quite funny, 8 or so years ago. I can't stand him now. Most of his early fans can't either, we find his new fans to be beyond batshit crazy. Coke may have cooked him a little, but this crap he's taking now has completely changed him.

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I have a friend from Norway who does have something to do with the government (really, he kicks immigrants out). I was going to post that article on a forum we both frequent, but considering my Norwegian friend's feelings about the attacks I've decided against it.

A few years ago, Beck was insane but still occasionally said things that made sense. Given how much crazier he's become and how he said before that he's primarily an entertainer, I'm hoping he's a very sick parody of the far right.

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It's just one more example of how the crazy right-wingers insist on blaming the victim, because a white male with money and conservative values would never do something violently unhinged :roll: Rape victims dress like sluts, so it's not the man's fault that he raped them. Gay people bring AIDS on themselves, so they deserve it and there's no reason to find a cure.

Also, Glenn Beck has Nazi Tourettes...Lewis Black FTW


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Glenn Beck has Nazi Tourettes...Lewis Black FTW

:icon-lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Just when I think we've hit bottom ....

One of my best friends from college (a self-identified bisexual pagan) is a huge Beck fan, and has tried to get me to listen to him .... I really, really don't get it. :doh:

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Guest Anonymous
Just when I think we've hit bottom ....

One of my best friends from college (a self-identified bisexual pagan) is a huge Beck fan, and has tried to get me to listen to him .... I really, really don't get it. :doh:

Maybe your friend is listening for the lulz? Otherwise I've got no idea how that works.

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Guest Anonymous

There is a fabulous open letter to Glenn Beck over at Daily Kos. It starts out with a bunch of screenshots from Beck's website - comments that his followers have made in support of the shooter. Yeah. Try to wrap your head around that one. There's even a woman talking about how he looks hot posing with a gun. I wish I was kidding. Then the letter writer lays into Beck. The whole thing is very worth reading. I can't link the pics/screenshots and it isn't complete without them so I strongly suggest clicking over.

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/07/2 ... -on-notice

Do those comments look familiar to you? They should, because they were from YOUR fans, on YOUR blog, The Blaze. And there are many, many more just like them. Take a good long look Glenn, at the monster you have created.

You see, the other day I was browsing around and I happened to stumble across a veeeery interesting post on "The Blaze". Now, I have to admit that before this weekend, I had no clue what "The Blaze" was. And as I started reading I thought WOW, who on earth would post the manifesto of the madman, mass murdering killer of unarmed children Anders Breivik? The Mainstream Press has avoided doing so, and YouTube has been fighting to keep it off of their site for obvious reasons- why would anyone want to glorify the work of a killer? Well, apparently "the Blaze" does! And apparently, you must be really intent on having people watch the video, because you keep updating the link every time the video gets pulled down and a new one uploaded. That is remarkably persistant. It is obviously very important to you that no reader miss the opportunity to watch this virulently racist, anti-muslim propaganda film-a film that ends with a call to arms and a picture of Breivik himself, holding an automatic weapon and wearing a wetsuit-a image that did not escape the notice of what appears to be Breivik's latest fangirl (as an aside, pictures of child killers don't really do it for me, LADYLIBERTEA, but different strokes, eh?) You were also helpful enough to include a link to his 1,500 page manifesto that reads like, well, every peice of right-winger horsecrap screed I have ever had the misfortune to come across, complete with detailed bomb-making instructions. Who on earth would want to publicize such a thing?

And then I figured out I was on a Glenn Beck blog. And then it all made sense. Because, of course, this stuff is like catnip for your followers, because despite all of your hand flapping and ridiculous contortions to pretend that it isn't the truth, you and I both know that what Breivig believes in, as he lays out in very intricate detail in his manifesto, is the very same soup you swim in. This apocalyptic, muslim caliphate marxist multi culti conspiracy porn is exactly what made you a very rich man, and no amount of pretzel logic is going to convince anyone of sound mind that he was a lefty. You may not be a murderer, and you may disagree with the actions he took, but you cannot deny that he is one of your own.

And that is what brings me to my main point: I am here to give you a very dire warning.

Someone is going to die.

Someone is going to get their fucking head blown off by one of your mouth breathing, black helicopter spotting true believers who, as these comments show, you have completely and utterly convinced that liberals are evil, bloodthirsty monsters who are out to destroy America, devalue their currency, confiscate their gold coins and put their firstborn children in ovens. You have completely and utterly convinced them that people like myself, and people here at Kos, and people like those 67 teenagers on Utoya island, and even that little old lady who lives next door with the Obama sign in her yard, are no different than NAZIS....

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