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Has Anyone Read The Family by Jeff Sharlet?


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I hadn't heard of this book, but it came up on my book of the day calendar this weekend.

http://www.amazon.com/Family-Secret-Fun ... 749&sr=1-1

From the info I've read, it sounds like it's about a secretive fundie group that supposedly wields lots of power in DC. The reviews make it sound a little over the top in terms of conspiracy theories which makes me wonder how credible the book is. However, given some of the stories the political fundies in my church had plus everything I read on this board, I'll admit I'm a little curious.

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I read this book and I didn't find it particularly conspiratorial. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, so I'm usually pretty sensitive about going down that road.

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I read this book and I didn't find it particularly conspiratorial. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, so I'm usually pretty sensitive about going down that road.

Same here. How was the book otherwise?

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I found it interesting because he just "connects a lot of dots" between some big players in the GOP and on the far right, both historically and presently. There are definitely some strange bedfellows, too. It was worth the time to read it, IMO.

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While The Family isn't a 'conspiracy' in the sense of 9/11 doubters, they are not to be underestimated. They wield a lot of power. Another interesting group are the religious right elected Republicans who live on C Street in DC.

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I could definitely see how it could be surprising to discover that some on the right are as coordinated, for lack of a better word, as they are. And they are generally on message, except for all of the scandals that pop up - lol. I believe they wield a lot of power, too, and agree that they should not be underestimated.

I don't underestimate anyone on the right. As crazy as Bachmann seems, or as many deceits are uncovered with regard to Palin, I still do not consider them harmless. Their message is dangerous, they have their followers, and with a "perfect storm" of circumstances, it could go very wrong. Godwin's law notwithstanding, we need only look to Germany in the 1930s to see how a cultured, sophisticated, generally educated society could go very wrong.

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St. Rachel Maddow has spent a lot of time discussing The Family on her program including interviewing Jeff Sharlet.

I thought that he was credible.

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I hadn't heard of this book, but it came up on my book of the day calendar this weekend.

http://www.amazon.com/Family-Secret-Fun ... 749&sr=1-1

From the info I've read, it sounds like it's about a secretive fundie group that supposedly wields lots of power in DC. The reviews make it sound a little over the top in terms of conspiracy theories which makes me wonder how credible the book is. However, given some of the stories the political fundies in my church had plus everything I read on this board, I'll admit I'm a little curious.

What is this calendar? I think I need more books it.

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Another good book by Sharlet is C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. He talks a lot about some of the same things we discuss here.

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What is this calendar? I think I need more books it.

The calendar is the Booklover's Page-a-Day Calendar. Workman Publishing puts one out every year and I usually find them at Barnes & Noble. Their suggestions cover everything from nonfiction of all kinds to classics to modern lit to genre fiction. I've gotten lots of good suggestions so I have saved little boxes with all of my calendars back to 2000.

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While The Family isn't a 'conspiracy' in the sense of 9/11 doubters, they are not to be underestimated. They wield a lot of power. Another interesting group are the religious right elected Republicans who live on C Street in DC.

"The Family"=the C Street folks. Same people.

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