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A great deal on hot dog buns = encouragement from God

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I was reading the latest blog entry of the Staddon family about their FEW weekend they had in WVa. Oddly enough everyone they invited was late because they were battling the enemy or something. Down in the comment section Donald Staddon wrote about how a great sale on hot dog buns was a "happening" (his quotes) of the sort that God uses to encourage his followers. Now granted, when one wants to feed a large group of people hot dogs, a sale on buns is a money saving score. But I'm not sure how that relates to God. There are specific sale cycles that grocery stores have on a regular basis, and bun sales in July are pretty much a given and not in the least bit controlled by God. And I'm sure that heathens got to take advantage of the sale as well. That family just makes me chuckle.

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This is what makes me view fundies as selfish. In parts of the world, people are starving. Some of these people are Christian. The same god who ignores their hunger is the same one who provides hot dog buns for the Staddons. Really? Either their god is a racist(because most of those starving people are not white) or he cares more for the Staddons than the rest of the world.

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i think he just likes a good wiener

HA! i choked on my sunny d reading that. :lol:

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i think he just likes a good wiener

:lol: :clap: :lol: :clap: :lol: :clap: :lol: :clap: :lol: :clap:

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i think he just likes a good wiener

Holy cats this made me laugh so hard now I have tears in my eyes!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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the get together was so important the devil felt he needed to do silly things to interrupt it? Boy I wish I was that special. God helps them fight the devil with buns. this is just too crazy.

so god is a real weeny and the debil causes cars to break down. these are the creatures that control the world?

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I agree that they are selfishly misguided. They view them selves as THE elect, all good things that come their way are "miracles" (as they refer to them) given to them from God as a sure sign of their elect-ness. They don't do good works because they want to save souls, they do it because the works are a sign of their moral superiority over others. They are already chosen for heaven in their eyes, their salvation is already a done deal. If they really gave a rat's ass about hungry people, not the like-minded sheeple invited to their God party, they would have purchased every stinking bun they could put their hands on and donated them to the local food bank. They do live in a very economically depressed area after all.

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Call it a miracle if you survive a car accident or a risky operation or something, but hotdog buns? Be serious.

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I get 40 pounds of day old bakery to feed to my pigs. My farrier pays an even better deal, 5 bucks a truckload. A lot of it is in good shape.. So am I more favored since I often get thousands of buns for three bucks? Who knew?

By the way, God was at a great garage sale recently. Found some nice ladies suits for a buck each.

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But the author of the blog post cites many "miracles" that occurred. In fact the post was all about the miracles:

Invitees RSVP'd = miracle

"the Lord intervened" to fix their internet issue = miracle

they found a venue for the event = miracle

they got inexpensive name tags = miracle

some fool donated money = miracle

guests showed up late = miracle

trash can sale at Dollar General = miracle

EVERY stinking thing that occurred was apparently a miracle. I'd love to post comment, but alas they blocked me several months ago:)

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But the author of the blog post cites many "miracles" that occurred. In fact the post was all about the miracles:

Invitees RSVP'd = miracle

"the Lord intervened" to fix their internet issue = miracle

they found a venue for the event = miracle

they got inexpensive name tags = miracle

some fool donated money = miracle

guests showed up late = miracle

trash can sale at Dollar General = miracle

EVERY stinking thing that occurred was apparently a miracle. I'd love to post comment, but alas they blocked me several months ago:)

and here I thought making water into wine was a miracle. silly me. How the hell can I get through life without god doing miracles for me? Can you imagine gods workload if these are the miracles he performs?

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What a bunch of morons. God does not care if you get cheap hot dog buns. They need to stop speaking for God.

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Ye gods. Had I known it was a miracle that we got Ball Park hotdog buns BOGO for our Memorial Day cookout/beer bash, I'd have said grace before we ate. I just thought it was clever shopping on my husband's part. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

edited because I only have the one husband.

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This is exactly the kind of thing that makes it impossible to be around fundies or fundie-lites much any more, which includes quite a few people I know that are otherwise nice people. I just don't know how I'm supposed to react when they praise God for them finding a good parking space at Kroger. It just makes me feel like the top of my head is going to blow off.

On the other hand, it would explain a lot of what's wrong with the world. Clearly God is too busy with hot dog buns and premium parking spaces to be bothered with disease and starvation. :roll:

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This is exactly the kind of thing that makes it impossible to be around fundies or fundie-lites much any more, which includes quite a few people I know that are otherwise nice people. I just don't know how I'm supposed to react when they praise God for them finding a good parking space at Kroger. It just makes me feel like the top of my head is going to blow off.

On the other hand, it would explain a lot of what's wrong with the world. Clearly God is too busy with hot dog buns and premium parking spaces to be bothered with disease and starvation. :roll:

It is aggravating, isn't it? I've got relatives that think like this. I'm grateful and happy when little stuff like this happens, but I don't presume to think its a sign that the creator of the universe is looking upon me favorably because I happen to hold a particular set of superstitions.

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And yet more people than the Staddons got to take advantage of the "happening" bun sale. I'm sure not everyone who got buns would be considered Christians per the Staddon definition. So who created their "happening"? And why does the Lord fix their computer and all I get is the grumpy IT guy when mine acts up?

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I think this all has to do with the fundie fobia of the world " luck". When I was a kid, people of all religious stripes, even the super-faithful, would call a bit of positivity falling into their lap " luck", or, conversely something negative " bad luck"

Like.. Hey, what luck! I got a parking space right in front of the movie theatre! ( positive) or " Rats, I lost my wallet! What rotten luck! (negative) Or "WOW! I got lucky tonight with Mary Lou!" ( could go either way)

You get the picture...

But Fundies, in their incessant and unrelenting need to squeeze and pound EVERYTHING into the mold of their version of what they thought this that or the other thing meant in the Bible, the world " Luck" became a bad word. "Luck" conjured up images of leprechans, yellow moons, red stars, green clovers, Stevie Nicks, games of chance and other things unsavory to Fundie-Land. Why "Luck" was right up there with unicorns, Ozzy Osbourne and Cocaine! ( Which both Stevie Nicks and Ozzy ended up in Betty Ford for doing, but that's another story) So the idea of random happenstances of good and evil being called "luck" had to be replaced... but with what? Well since it had to fit in the bible, It HAD to be God giving them the " good" luck and The Debil giving them the "bad" luck. (Jury is still out on Mary Lou...)

So, now WE all have the bad luck to live in a world where our Fundie Friends personalize the daily variables of life to such a degree as to consider finding a good parking place, getting a zit on the day of the big date, er, courtship meeting, or bending over and tearing their pants as an Act of God or An Attack of The Evil One. ( Never mind that they eat too many tater to casseroles and it gives them greasy skin and gets them fat.)

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Invitees RSVP'd = miracle

Well, the RSVP's might be a miracle in some groups....

So, does this mean that the triscuits I found at Big Lots for 25 cents a box today were a miracle? (They were just past their best by date, so seriously discounted)

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But what a terrible way to live when you think that every unfortunate event is Satan attacking you. We were on vacation when the a/c died. When the dog sitter called to tell me this, I did not think I was being attacked by Satan. Instead I thought that it wasn't unexpected since the a/c is on it's last legs age-wise. Shit happens. When the a/c repair dude was 2 hours late, I didn't think it was becausethe enemy was keeping him from my a/c but that at this time of year a/c guys are pretty busy. When the issue was a relatively inexpensive fix, I didn't toss this up as a miracle from God, but the fact that the owner is a really cool guy that I hang with socially and have used his company for 15 years. So he tossed me a loyal customer discount. Thankful? Yes. Miracle from God? No. Shit happens. Sometimes it's good, and sometimes not. Just have to roll with the punches called life.

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@ Wolfie

Good score on the Triscuits. You've probably got another month to eat them. I got 6 packs of Carefree panty liners for free today with my coupons + sale price. Shall I chalk this up as God performing feminine hygiene miracles?

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But what a terrible way to live when you think that every unfortunate event is Satan attacking you. We were on vacation when the a/c died. When the dog sitter called to tell me this, I did not think I was being attacked by Satan. Instead I thought that it wasn't unexpected since the a/c is on it's last legs age-wise. Shit happens. When the a/c repair dude was 2 hours late, I didn't think it was becausethe enemy was keeping him from my a/c but that at this time of year a/c guys are pretty busy. When the issue was a relatively inexpensive fix, I didn't toss this up as a miracle from God, but the fact that the owner is a really cool guy that I hang with socially and have used his company for 15 years. So he tossed me a loyal customer discount. Thankful? Yes. Miracle from God? No. Shit happens. Sometimes it's good, and sometimes not. Just have to roll with the punches called life.

I think I saw the A/C demon lurking around the side of my house. . .oh, no, that's right, the unit is 23 years old and it's a friggin' MIRACLE that it's still working considering that three years ago the repairman told me it would be its last summer for sure. Thank you, Jesus! :D

Oh, and I found my favorite Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal at Big Lots last week for half of what I pay at the supermarket. Big Lots is a virtual miracle factory!

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i think he just likes a good wiener

And the Free Jinger Snark (Otherwise known as the Snarky) award of the year goes to .... Contrary!!

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But what a terrible way to live when you think that every unfortunate event is Satan attacking you. We were on vacation when the a/c died. When the dog sitter called to tell me this, I did not think I was being attacked by Satan. Instead I thought that it wasn't unexpected since the a/c is on it's last legs age-wise. Shit happens. When the a/c repair dude was 2 hours late, I didn't think it was becausethe enemy was keeping him from my a/c but that at this time of year a/c guys are pretty busy. When the issue was a relatively inexpensive fix, I didn't toss this up as a miracle from God, but the fact that the owner is a really cool guy that I hang with socially and have used his company for 15 years. So he tossed me a loyal customer discount. Thankful? Yes. Miracle from God? No. Shit happens. Sometimes it's good, and sometimes not. Just have to roll with the punches called life.

I can't tell you how many times I've pissed fundi-lite friends off by stating " It's not Satan, it's Not God Molding and Shaping you , SHIT JUST HAPPENS!

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I bought a modest swimsuit 9modest for these parts) for only 8 dollars 75% off. Jesus loves me :angelic-cyan: more than some idiot buying hot dog buns!

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