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Buffy's Commentary

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About this blog

Because I don't opine nearly enough elsewhere.  Actually this is a weird little repository for things that amuse me...which don't always amuse other people but I'm okay with that.

Entries in this blog

Wedding planning

I am helping my daughter plan her wedding and with every discussion about the dress, flowers, reception, etc. FJ lives in my head!  Karma for my having enjoyed snarking on the Nurptials so much!  I don't really know what I'm doing so just hoping to be a better Mother of the Bride than JRod.  I'm already behind since I don't have any pictures of them teetering back into a fountain nor did I buy an engagement bench.  In my own defense I don't chaperone my daughter and her finance since they h


HerNameIsBuffy in wedding

National German Chocolate Cake Day - and Happy Friday

Haven't done one of these in years, but it's National German Chocolate Cake Day. https://nationaldaycalendar.com/days-2/national-german-chocolate-cake-day-june-11/ Fun fact, the cake isn't German like my father was German (i.e. being born in Germany to German people) but rather  Sometimes I miss sugar more than I miss men.  And that's saying something. Chocolate and coconut is by far my favorite flavor combo, followed by chocolate and black cherry (when is Black Forest Cake


HerNameIsBuffy in Blog

Was this totally an invention of sitcoms?

I blame most of my unrealistic expectations on sitcoms.  You know people in houses they could never afford with their jobs, homes that were spotless despite multiple children with dual career parents, all problems can be solved in 30 min less commercials, except the really bad problems that were to be continued for another 30 min. But what about the platonic roommates who live like family? Kate and Allie Hot in Cleveland The Golden Girls The Odd Couple I'



My bucket list

If I ever become less lazy buidling one of these, on my own, is at the top of my bucket list. I have never camped as an adult.  I hate camping.  I've had no desire to camp.  Yet I am now obsessively watching bush craft camping videos longing to get out on my own and do this... I have no applicable skills whatsoever.  But this just looks like a balm to my soul.    



Textbook, Tablecloths, and Marital Discord!

Oh gosh you guys!  She went to college, worked, and had been in love before meeting her husband - no wonder they quarrel. this is full of awesome. I just found the above amusing.  it actually pro-education even for women so progressive by Duggar standards.  



At war with myself

I keep telling myself no good will come of getting anxious and vomiting the night before an interview.  Plenty of time for that in the morning. Apparently I disagree, as every reason for ever rejection in my life is on a recursive loop in my head broken up only by analyzing my multitude of failures one by one in great detail. I don't know why I am putting this out there in a place it can't be deleted, but I do it consciously.  Maybe someday the people who love me will someday read it a



My Imaginary Christmas Barrel

I'm a big weirdo ... no shock to anyone reading here, I'm sure. Sometimes when I'm cleaning or doing laundry I look at my things and think, "Would I be happy if this was sent to me in Reverend Alden's Christmas barrel?" Those of you LHOP fans surely remember in The Long Winter when they finally got their Christmas barrel* in May they were thrilled with it's contents after a winter of such deprivation had I been alive and in those circumstances your children would know my name for my wh



A Pibble in Pajamas!

I haven't dug out the Hello Kitty Christmas jammies yet but I saw this at a thrift store today and couldn't resist. His mommy and I think he's adorable in pink penguin and snowman motif.  



If there were reality TV cameras in my house...

There would be a thread about me and you would all be mocking me relentlessly. I thought about that earlier when I was singing the chorus of The Butt-Wiggling Song for the umpteenth time today (with accompanying choreographed dance.) I just adore my grandpibble, but he's what one would call a lively dog.  Or a handful.  So I do what I did when my kids were small and also getting a little too rambunctious (I had 'lively' children.  No surprise as according to my mom I was a 'lively' gir



Help Interpreting Dreams?

The last 3 nights I've had 3 separate dreams.  Nothing remarkably good or bad, just moderate surreal to normal stuff.  But in each there was one man. I didn't see his face.  In the context of each dream we were together in a long term relationship.  I loved him and felt he loved me in that settled and secure ltr way. In each dream there was softcore erotic activity, think Cinemax.  Each time I thought the same thing, this is pleasant...I don't mind this.  It wasn't that I was putting u



Birthday Pizza - Eat At Your Own RIsk

For my son's birthday proper we did dinner at his favorite place and went to a midnight showing of Bohemian Rhapsody which was incredible - we both loved it.   They had reclining chairs and slurpees!  He goes to the movies all the time but I never do so he enjoyed watching me marvel at things as if I was new to this planet. For his day after birthday dinner (because I will stretch their celebrations) I made homemade pizza. Well, Boboli, so home assembled more than made, but still.  Hand cra



National Days of Obligation

@47of74 posted yesterday about it being National Cats Day it reminded me, much to my shame, that I have neglected to consult the National Day Calendar and have been remiss my Non-Holy Days of Obligation. So let's take a look at what we have coming up for the rest of this week: Today: National Candy Corn Day (did you know it was made with marshmallows?  Marshmallows are food of the gods.) National Publicist Day  Tomorrow 10/31 National Knock-Knock Joke Day



Sometimes Life Doesn't Even Wait Until You Get Out of Bed...

To start sucking. A little after 5:00 this morning I woke up and when I went to get a up a shot of pain went through my head.  Turns out my arm was on my hair and the harder I tried to get up the harder I was pulling it. As this was happening I tried to open my eyes but they'd been crusted shut from crying last night so for a few scary seconds this morning I was wildly disoriented, blind, and trapped by my own hair. Went back to sleep and about an hour later was jolted awake when



Self Soothe Fail

I hate flooding the blog list with consecutive posts, but I need to purge a little and I don't want to put it in a thread where people may feel obligated to respond. I've always been pretty good at self-soothing, and still am sometimes...but other times like tonight nothing works. Hormones are attacking my brain...had long ugly cry and through part of it i wasn't even upset...so weird.  And couldn't shake the crappy feeling so I gathered together my comfort things, set up my nightstand



So far I have...

Last night I did the upstairs floors.  Hardwood is gleaming and tiles so clean I am mildly annoyed my family insists on walking on them. So far today I've made a casserole for dinner and will be making an apple crisp this afternoon while doing laundry.   Why am I no one's helpmeet?  I think my domestic skills are up to par, so I must have some pretty unappealing characteristics to make me not worth the cooking and clean house.



If time travel was a thing.

I am watching this as I clean and thinking of my ancestors, especially the women who worked so much harder at domestic tasks than we ever will. My distant grandmothers who did laundry by soaking, after hauling the water in buckets and collecting the wood for the fire, beating the linen with paddles - becoming human machine agitators.  Collecting urine and using it for soaking and stain removal....wringing heavy fabric...they were their own spin cycles.  Being at the mercy of the weather and



The Door Finally Opened

I've had a particular house recur in my dreams ever since I was little.  In my dreams it's usually my Gramma's house, but it's not the one she had irl.  In fact I've never seen this house outside my dream. There are two stories but I've only been on the first level and the basement.  I remember a few dreams walking up stairs to a locked door, but I don't recall ever being on the second floor. Until last night.   I walked up the stairs with the cranberry colored carpet and came to



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      It is never too early to start the Christmas music 😍🎻
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      It's been 5 weeks since I said goodbye to Mija. I can barely stand to go in my bedroom, where she used to curl up by my pillow when it was bedtime. Man, this sucks.

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