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Midwest Weather Report

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Weather reports from the upper Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc)....

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Iowa Getting Blasted

One way or the other Iowa is getting blasted over the next few days.  Most of Eastern Iowa is under a tornado watch this evening and next week the heat is coming in. Next week they're predicting 90s up into the 100s. 


47of74 in weather

May 2024 Has Been Active

This morning's storms in Nebraska and Iowa have been classified as a derecho. This is after the tornadoes that just came through Iowa. And the season is just starting too.  Ugh.


47of74 in weather

Winter Has Come For House Minnesota

"When people ask you what happened here, tell them that the North Remembers.  Tell them winter came for house Minnesota." I wonder if where I live in the Twins will get the six inches the NWS said we might get tonight.  Regardless it looks like Mother Nature decided to play catchup.


47of74 in weather

It's Fornicating Cold Out

Yeah, in the Upper Midwest it was goddamn cold this morning.  I just saw this from KCRG in Iowa a few minutes ago... When I was heading to church this morning the wind chill was -24, with the actual temperature being about -8.  The current temperature is hovering around 0 with a wind chill of -17.  We were actually warmer up here than most of my family in Iowa today.  I attribute most of that to the fact the skies were clear in Iowa while up here we were mostly cloudy - hence more ins


47of74 in weather

Dubuque Got 24.3 Inches of Snow

According to the City of Dubuque, the area received 24.3 inches of snow over the past few days. I feel bad now.  The majority of the snow all went south of the Twin Cities so the Metro didn't even receive two inches. Where I live we got about .5 to .8 inches of snow. And over the next few days it's supposed to get quite cold even before wind chill is figured in.  Sunday they're saying a high of zero and a low of -8, with it getting much colder in northern Minnesota.  I'm k


47of74 in weather

Midwest Really Getting Hit Now

Over the past couple weeks Iowa has been getting hit with a whole shitload of snow.  Last week the Dubuque area received just over a foot of snow.  And they've been getting really hammered the past few hours with eastern Iowa experiencing blizzard conditions. Up here in the Twin Cities we mostly missed out on the worst of it, with the heavier stuff all down in Iowa and southern Minnesota.  Right now it looks like the Metro is going to get one to three inches of snow between tonight an


47of74 in weather

2023 Midwest Flooding

Because of all the snow we got over the winter, the Midwest is experiencing a major flooding event for those communities by major rivers, such as the Mississippi River.  Here's a video Dubuque just put out announcing they closed off the flood wall.    The floodwall was built in the early 1970s after major floods in the 1960s.  Back in the days where those in Congress in both parties had some level of concern for the American people.  Now I don't think there's any way suc


47of74 in weather

50th Anniversary of the 1973 Blizzard

My cousin turned 50 years old today.  And over today and the next few days we have the 50th anniversary of one of the worst Iowa blizzards on record.  Something my parents and their siblings talk about even now. As I understand it my mom worked as a nurse at the time and she wound up not being able to go home for a few days because she and dad were pretty much stuck.  She worked at the local Mercy hospital and he was on the farm and they were both stuck where they were.  They had winds of u


47of74 in weather

Warm Up Coming

It's cold and blustery out today.  The temperature is about 35° but it feels like it's half that right now.  Trucks on I-35 are having some issues because of the wind out in the open country.  In the coming days it's supposed to be a different story in both the Twin Cities and Dubuque.  Sunday it's supposed to be 63° in Minneapolis and 70° down in Dubuque.  Might get up into the 80s down in Dubuque next week and someone at work was saying she heard the Twin Cities might also hit the 80s nex


47of74 in weather

Active Night

Waking up this morning we found several new inches of snow on the ground.  It had already been coming down really hard last night when I got home.  Here's what the non-sharpiefied NWS said about the snowfall totals. So I probably got close to about 8.5 inches as I'm near MSP.  So I won't be doing as much riding.  I might head down and do a few laps in the garage given that my bike is new and I want to ride it a bit.   They're still saying it's going to get up into the 30s an


47of74 in weather

Midwest Getting Hit by Storms

Both Iowa and Minnesota are getting hit by storms now.  Down in Iowa it's severe thunderstorms complete with tornadoes.  Family and friends are all heading to shelter in eastern Iowa due to the tornado warnings and the like.  Meanwhile up here in Minnesota we're about to get pummeled by more winter weather.  We have a mix of winter storms and blizzards due to hit us tonight into tomorrow.   Most winters I expect winter to have one last blast in late March or early April whether I'm in Iowa


47of74 in weather

Mount Eden Prairie

There's a pile of snow cleared in a Target parking lot here in the Twin Cities it has been named Mount Eden Prairie. It's also been called Mount Target and one Minnesota woman painted a picture of Minnesota's most famous mound of snow.  Experts think it'll stick around until mid May. I can believe that.  I worked at a manufacturing plant that was over a mile long with an almost equally long parking lot so they had quite the snow piles which wouldn't disappear until May or even the fi


47of74 in weather

Twin Cities Had Just Over 80 Inches of Snow This Season

Here in the Twin Cities we broke the 80" marker for total snowfall, making it the 8th snowiest season on record. The most the Twin Cities received on record was 98.6" in the 1983/84 season.  I hope that we're done with snow for the season but it would not surprise me at all if we weren't.  Both Iowa and Minnesota have had some nasty winter storms in April.  The Twin Cities could move up one or maybe even two more spots in amount received even if we just get as much as they're predict


47of74 in weather

Looks Like Iowa's Getting Hit Again

Earlier this week forecasters were saying that we could be seeing a major winter storm later this week here in Minnesota but now it looks like the heavier stuff will go south of us and be down in Iowa again.   Before today it looked like up here in the Twins we were going to be seeing some weather and I think they had a winter storm watch/warning before but they slid back to winter weather advisory for Thursday into Friday. It was snowing after work today but when I went out it w


47of74 in weather

The February 2023 Snowpocalypse Has Passed

The weather had pretty much passed through by 2:00pm today and it started to clear up.  According to the non-sharpiefied NWS where I am in the Twin Cities had about 13 inches of snow total, give or take.  I'm glad I decided to wait until tomorrow before I go down for the various family parties this weekend.  Even though the weather has pretty much gone through that's more time for the roads to get better.  Hopefully it'll be quiet for a while now.  Here's a few more photos from this af


47of74 in weather

Yeah We're In It Now

Winter Storm Olive has been through the Twin Cities area.  It started yesterday afternoon and by late afternoon it was coming down pretty good.  Looks like we'll be getting 10 to 16 inches of snow by tomorrow evening.  Here's a few photos I took last night and this morning.  I think I'll be staying home today and not doing too much.   


47of74 in weather

Snow's About to Hit the Fan Here in Minnesota

Looks like we'll be getting some more weather up here in Minnesota.  I guess it's payback for missing out on the storm that hit Iowa a couple weeks ago.  Various sources are saying we might get as much as two feet of snow.  Of course it depends who one listens to. This is the joke that we all mention when the winter storms come in... God only knows how much we'll get now.  I think even just yesterday they were saying maybe an inch in the metro and light snow at most in Iowa - and


47of74 in weather

Dubuque Had Record Snow Yesterday

Dubuque had the largest amount of snow to fall in a single day in over 8 years yesterday. Before that the last time Dubuque received that much snow in a single day was on Feb 1, 2015 when ten inches fell.  That was also the last time Dubuque had double digit snow fall.  We used to get those on a semi-annual basis but not in recent years. It's supposed to be a bit quieter this weekend and warmer too so I don't think that snow will hang around too long. Even up here in the Twin Ci


47of74 in weather

Dubuque Really Got Hit

Dubuque got a bit more snow than I expected today. There's a winter storm warning until 6pm this evening. Of course we're getting to the point in the year whatever does fall doesn't stay too long.  It's supposed to be up in the 40s for several days starting this weekend.


47of74 in weather

Looks Like Iowa's Getting Hit

Right now the local news sources are saying there will be about 3 to 6 inches of snow, with a winter storm warning hitting parts of Eastern Iowa. For once it looks like we're not getting hit up north by this same storm, that we'll be north of the storm.  Right now they're just saying it'll be cloudy but we'll have to see how it all turns out here in the Twin Cities.  It was up in the mid 40s today so I did toy with getting my bike out for some riding today.  Maybe closer to spring I'


47of74 in weather

Snow! Snow! And More Snow!

Still snowing up here today.  Originally we were supposed to have an in office day today so we'd be able to have a team meeting but they decided to let us all work from home today.  Supposed to keep snowing all day today into tomorrow.  Between today and tonight we could get about another six inches of snow. Here's another view from my patio... I'm ready for spring now.    


47of74 in weather

Winter Storm Update

It's snowing out pretty good right now.  The NWS is saying we're going to get about 4 to 7 inches of snow over the next day or so.  According to the DOT the roads in the Twin Cities have some light snow on them but the roads are covered with snow and ice south of the metro. Pretty much sitting at home today and tomorrow and not doing too much.  Might walk over to the grocery store later today to get a few things but it's just a day to sit at home and just relax.


47of74 in weather

Winter Storm to Ring In the New Year

Looks like we're in for a few days of it now. It looks like I'm right at the freezing rain/heavy snow border here in the Twin Cities.  I got back to Minneapolis just as the weather was starting to hit today.  Glad I got back when I did. 


47of74 in weather

After Part One

Well we survived the first part of the storm.  It's currently -8 here in Minneapolis.  The sun is out right now but the snow is still blowing around. Things are still pretty dicey out there right now and forecasters are saying out in the country there will be whiteout conditions later today and tomorrow. Still planning to head back to Iowa Saturday though.  Just going to give myself a lot of extra time to get there. 


47of74 in weather

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      Jinder Roles

      Just checking in to say my loved ones and I are fine. The storm turned south at the last minute but some places further south were not as fortunate.
      Thanks for all the well wishes guys
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