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21 kids at Age 23


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I wasn't sure where to put this, but this woman has one six year old and 20 by surrogocy in the last year! I'm not even sure where to start with that. The husband is much older and they are very wealthy (have many nannies). But what a life for the children. This just feels like child collecting in the extreme. 


Edited by Coconut Flan
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What the everloving...

And this: "Kristina is planning to have more children naturally at some point, but for now wants to focus on bonding with the 20 new additions"

good luck.

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I feel really sorry for the 6 year old who has gone from having a single mother to having a new step-father to having 19 siblings. That's a lot for a kid to take in.

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I find this actually disgusting. In this age of climate change and over population, if you really, really need to have 21 kids, why not adopt already existing children who need parents and a home?!? In the former Soviet republics there are a lot of children living in dreary conditions in state owned orphanages (of course good facilities exist, too). Maybe give those kids a new chance at life!

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This is insane. And we've seen a lot of insane shit.

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There was an aticle on this woman a few months ago were she claimed she wanted to have 100 kids by surrogacy. I think this is beyond crazy, like she must be mentally ill. I also find it crazy that the surrogacy agency is allowing this, i know they are super rich but not everything should be bought with money.

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I really thought when I saw this thread title that it was going to be a heartwarming story about a 23 year old who had adopted or fostered 21 kids, but....I actually have no words for this. This is disgusting and insane when there are so many kids that already exist that need good homes. 

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1 hour ago, AliceInFundyland said:

This is insane. And we've seen a lot of insane shit.

Thank you for summing up this gobsmacking insanity in 11 words. I'm trying to wrap my mind around this and I literally can't.  It's awful.  

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I believe this should be illegal. There needs to be more laws regarding surrogacy for many reasons. And this is just one of them. 

The fact that they paid so little for so many surrogacies and for 16 nannies is also disturbing. She could never live like this in the US. She would have to pay quadruple it.

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Sometimes I think of friends struggling to conceive and I think it’s sad that surrogacy laws here (Aus) are so tight, and paying a surrogate is illegal. Then I see shit like this and I realise why.

It strikes me as devastating for everyone involved - the mother and father who must have some serious issues to think this level of baby collecting is a good idea, the little girl who went from an only child to the eldest in a circus, the babies who will never have the time, love and attention of a parent who truly knows and values them, the nannies who must bond with these children and become the closest thing they have to parents yet cannot extract them from the madness, the extended family. But mostly the children themselves. 

Billionaires are just a bad idea.

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4 minutes ago, Smee said:

Sometimes I think of friends struggling to conceive and I think it’s sad that surrogacy laws here (Aus) are so tight, and paying a surrogate is illegal. Then I see shit like this and I realise why.

It strikes me as devastating for everyone involved - the mother and father who must have some serious issues to think this level of baby collecting is a good idea, the little girl who went from an only child to the eldest in a circus, the babies who will never have the time, love and attention of a parent who truly knows and values them, the nannies who must bond with these children and become the closest thing they have to parents yet cannot extract them from the madness, the extended family. But mostly the children themselves. 

Billionaires are just a bad idea.

My theory is that if you need 16 live in nannies, you have too many children. Those nannies are the parents. And I bet those nannies come and go. Which will cause major attachment issues. 

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Wait.  This is a belated April Fool's joke, right?  No?   Satire then?  No?  Am I hallucinating?  No? Then OMFGWTH!!  this is beyond insane.  It's...well..umm..hell, that word hasn't been invented yet.

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Those poor kids. I just don't get why would they do it? What's the point? And judging by her Instagram, she's not even spending her full time with kids. 

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7 minutes ago, anjulibai said:

Those poor kids. I just don't get why would they do it? What's the point? And judging by her Instagram, she's not even spending her full time with kids. 

My guess is extreme narcissism and competitiveness. They obviously believe their genes are the best and there needs to be many many people on this earth with their amazing genes. And of course they want to break some sort of record to have the most children. I’m not completely surprised by this. There are plenty of men out there that have given lots and lots of sperm to sperm clinics and have had many children because of it. There are men with 30 wives and 80 children. Therefore this isn’t new for men. What’s new is the use of surrogates. That’s why I’m not terribly surprised. If anything, I’m surprise it took this long to happen. I’m sure others will follow their lead. Not to this extent. But I wouldn’t be shocked at all if rich men decide they want to spread their seed more and use surrogates as a way to get what they want. 

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I'm pretty sure I read an article about them a little while ago that mentioned one of the surrogates wanted to keep the baby but surrogates have no rights in Georgia.  I can't find it now so maybe I'm misremembering. Either way this feels like a pretty good example of the potential exploitative nature commercial surrogacy.

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12 hours ago, LurkerOverThePond said:

In the former Soviet republics there are a lot of children living in dreary conditions in state owned orphanages (of course good facilities exist, too). Maybe give those kids a new chance at life!

Her house is basically a well-funded orphanage. Part of why orphanages are so horrible is children don’t bond with a primary caregiver who loves them unconditionally (also an issue for kids who bounce around foster care). This leads to a LOT of mental health problems. These kids won’t be neglected in the same way children in orphanages are (there will be someone to feed them, change them, play with them, plenty of toys, a clean home) but there still isn’t a parent/guardian-child bond. Developmentally speaking, babies/little kids NEED a secure base to explore the world from - someone they can return to when feeling scared or sad or just need cuddles. But their caretakers are employees, who will likely come and go. There is no way this woman will be able to provide the attention these kids need. They’re just Instagram props.

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9 hours ago, Smee said:

Billionaires are just a bad idea

Agreed. I did like the meme going around a couple of years ago which was something like "once you make a billion everything above that is taxed at 100%. You get a certificate, and we name a dog park after you."

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8 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

My guess is extreme narcissism and competitiveness. They obviously believe their genes are the best and there needs to be many many people on this earth with their amazing genes. And of course they want to break some sort of record to have the most children. I’m not completely surprised by this. There are plenty of men out there that have given lots and lots of sperm to sperm clinics and have had many children because of it. There are men with 30 wives and 80 children. Therefore this isn’t new for men. What’s new is the use of surrogates. That’s why I’m not terribly surprised. If anything, I’m surprise it took this long to happen. I’m sure others will follow their lead. Not to this extent. But I wouldn’t be shocked at all if rich men decide they want to spread their seed more and use surrogates as a way to get what they want. 

I am sure the suragacy also allows the wife to keep her body trim and available to him *vomit*.

He apparently has older kids, too, from a previous relationship. They look about their teens. 

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10 minutes ago, anjulibai said:

I am sure the suragacy also allows the wife to keep her body trim and available to him *vomit*.

He apparently has older kids, too, from a previous relationship. They look about their teens. 

The body thing really bothers me. I know Kim Kardashian had difficult pregnancies but I can’t help but wonder if she just loved the part where she didn’t have to be pregnant with her last two. And now Khloe K is looking into surrogacy. I’m worried that this will become “the norm” with ultra rich people. Not because they have difficult pregnancies, but because they just don’t want to deal with pregnancy at all. 

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4 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

The body thing really bothers me. I know Kim Kardashian had difficult pregnancies but I can’t help but wonder if she just loved the part where she didn’t have to be pregnant with her last two. And now Khloe K is looking into surrogacy. I’m worried that this will become “the norm” with ultra rich people. Not because they have difficult pregnancies, but because they just don’t want to deal with pregnancy at all. 

Yes, I could see that happening. I have heard some disturbing cases over the years that I get why some places ban it or limit it extensively, which is a shame since suragacy has helped so many families who genuinely can't have kids on their own. 

But exploitation like this needs to be illegal. 

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4 minutes ago, anjulibai said:

Yes, I could see that happening. I have heard some disturbing cases over the years that I get why some places ban it or limit it extensively, which is a shame since suragacy has helped so many families who genuinely can't have kids on their own. 

But exploitation like this needs to be illegal. 

I guess I kind of look at it like adoption. I was just reading about a shitty adoption agency that pressures bio moms to give up their baby even if they change their mind with the threat that they will have to pay back all the money the adoptive parents gave them while pregnant. So it’s basically about buying a baby. And I can see how surrogates could be exploited like this as well. I bet the people in the OP aren’t even paying these surrogates much. But they are likely exploiting these women because they really need the money. 

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1 minute ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I guess I kind of look at it like adoption. I was just reading about a shitty adoption agency that pressures bio moms to give up their baby even if they change their mind with the threat that they will have to pay back all the money the adoptive parents gave them while pregnant. So it’s basically about buying a baby. And I can see how surrogates could be exploited like this as well. I bet the people in the OP aren’t even paying these surrogates much. But they are likely exploiting these women because they really need the money. 

Oh, I look at it like adoption too. It's fucked up that people go to these lengths, when there are other options. Both adoption and suragacy need to be strictly regulated. 

I looked up the fathere here, he has 8 children from his first marriage in Turkey. He is wanted in Turkey for fleeing a murder conviction. He's clearly a socuopath. Those poor kids.

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5 minutes ago, anjulibai said:

Oh, I look at it like adoption too. It's fucked up that people go to these lengths, when there are other options. Both adoption and suragacy need to be strictly regulated. 

I looked up the fathere here, he has 8 children from his first marriage in Turkey. He is wanted in Turkey for fleeing a murder conviction. He's clearly a socuopath. Those poor kids.

What will she do with all these kids if he eventually has to go to prison and she doesn’t have all of his money for 16 nannies? She surely won’t be taking care of them herself. 

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6 minutes ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

What will she do with all these kids if he eventually has to go to prison and she doesn’t have all of his money for 16 nannies? She surely won’t be taking care of them herself. 

God only knows, but he's got a big family and it looks like connections to governme t officials. I suspect he isn't going anywhere.

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  • Coconut Flan changed the title to 21 kids at Age 23

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