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Trump 53: Orange Florida Man Awaiting Indictment


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He's no longer president! He's infecting Florida. Rumor has it that NY AG is going to indict him soon. Oh, and he was impeached for a second time, so he'll be going on trial in the senate soon.

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CNN was trumpeting this morning that there are not sufficient GOP Senate votes to convict Trump, because JFC,  Republicans JUST CAN'T QUIT HIM. 

Seth Abramson is basically tweeting that the Capitol riot was an actual planned, full fledged coup attempt that ultimately failed and others are implying as well. 



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Birther lawyer hasn't heard of the internet:

and anyway didn't the people from the rally go to the capitol

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3 hours ago, Howl said:

CNN was trumpeting this morning that there are not sufficient GOP Senate votes to convict Trump, because JFC,  Republicans JUST CAN'T QUIT HIM. 

Seth Abramson is basically tweeting that the Capitol riot was an actual planned, full fledged coup attempt that ultimately failed and others are implying as well. 

This frustrates me to no end. Sounds like a continuation of his entire administration. Every time you think it can't get worse, and you think there's a small chance he will be held accountable, it all blows over and time moves on and there is no accountability. Then he escalates to something even worse.

I don't know what to even think anymore. Except that I do believe personally that there is a giving account in the afterlife. But I sure do think he needs to be accountable in this life first.

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At this point, we need to have New York file charges against him that include a prison sentence lasting longer than 4 years. It's really the best hope for making sure he never runs for office again if he's really infected what was once the Republican party.

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Yeah no surprises here in this piece in Politico about Asshole Fuck Face of America.


During his last days in the White House, Donald Trump spent a lot of time thinking about the one and only election he ever lost, plotting every way he could to try to change the results.

He thought about when to leave Washington. He thought about what he should do when he gets to Florida. He thought about whether to pardon his family, even himself.

These are the things that consumed him as he roamed around the increasingly empty White House.

In the last days of Trump’s presidency, the things that preoccupied Trump were not the things that preoccupied other Americans. He was not preoccupied with the deadly riot he had incited, that left Capitol Hill terrorized, that had led to his second impeachment. He was not preoccupied with the coronavirus pandemic that killed 400,000 Americans, infected millions more, decimated the economy and is still raging across the United States.


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Asshole Fuck Face of America might not get his shrine.


For months, as the end of Donald Trump’s term approached, historians and journalists have been playing a speculation game: What will Donald Trump’s presidential library be like?

“A shrine to his ego,” predicted a historian in the Washington Post. Others imagine a theme park, or a “full MAGA” exercise in rebranding his presidency. One report said he’s trying to raise an astonishing $2 billion to build it.

Here’s another, more likely possibility: There won’t be one.

Trump likely won’t even manage to build a private library, such as the one Nixon finally created for himself. Or the “center” for which Barack Obama has had great difficulty even breaking ground, which will lack a government presence, a research facility, or archives.

Of course he might be in prison before too much longer at the rate he's going.

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I'm down with that.


Scottish brewing company BrewDog wants to rename a Glasgow airport, often used by President Donald Trump when he visits the country, after President-elect Joe Biden.

Trump is the owner of both the Trump Turnberry golf course and Trump International Golf Links Aberdeen in Scotland. Rumors that Trump would visit Turnberry after leaving the White House came after U.S. planes were allegedly spotted on surveillance missions around the Turnberry resort. Although Trump is expected to go to Florida before Biden is inaugurated on Wednesday, the brewing company's petition to rename the airport was still visible online on Tuesday.

"Donald Trump is scheduled to arrive in Scotland later this week," the petition read. "He always flies into Glasgow Prestwick Airport. We believe this airport should be renamed 'Joe Biden International.'"

First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon told reporters in January that Trump would be prohibited from visiting his golf courses while the country remained in COVID-19 lockdown.

Yeah if it keeps fuck nugget from flying there that's good with me.

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14 hours ago, Howl said:

CNN was trumpeting this morning that there are not sufficient GOP Senate votes to convict Trump, because JFC,  Republicans JUST CAN'T QUIT HIM. 

Seth Abramson is basically tweeting that the Capitol riot was an actual planned, full fledged coup attempt that ultimately failed and others are implying as well. 

Seriously, what is it going to take? 

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3 hours ago, JordynDarby5 said:

Seriously, what is it going to take? 

I really want to know now where the Republican Congresspeople and Senators were during the attack. Because if they think they were going to be separated out while the others were gassed or whatever then I think they are wrong. So had some separated themselves from the group already? 

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Concerning a Trump library.  

I imagine Trump has destroyed a lot of his presidential records, of course by law he was/is required to preserve.

Presidential Records  https://www.archives.gov/about/laws/presidential-records.html

§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Here's a Wiki comment concerning how Trump & Co. handled things ...


In June 2018, Politico reported that President Donald Trump frequently and routinely would tear up papers he received, resulting in government officials taping them together for archiving to ensure that Trump did not violate the Presidential Records Act.[6]

In July 2018, Business Insider reported that President Trump gave his personal cellphone number to various world leaders, having unrecorded conversations with them completely without U.S. officials' knowledge.[7]

In July 2018, CNN reported that The White House had suspended the practice of publishing public summaries of President Donald Trump's phone calls with world leaders, two sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN, bringing an end to a common exercise from the Republican and Democratic administrations.[8]

In May 2019, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, the National Security Archive, and the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration alleging that President Donald Trump and senior advisers such as Jared Kushner were failing to meet their legal obligations under the Presidential Records Act to create and to preserve records of top-level meetings with foreign leaders.[9][10]

In October 2019, an outgoing information security officer warned that with the transfer to the White House Communications Agency, political appointees would be in charge of electronic records.[11]

In December 2020, a group of historians sued (National Security Archive v. Trump, 20-cv-03500, U.S. District Court, District of Columbia) the Trump administration over its failure to preserve historical records in violation of the Presidential Records Act. Specifically they claimed that Jared Kushner was in violation of the Act by taking screen shots of his WhatsApp posts that do not include metadata, attachments, or other digital artifacts needed to authenticize the information.[12][13]


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I am so sick of the bald-faced corruption.  I hope OFM wakes up every day dreading the day he gets perp-walked.  Somebody, somewhere has the dirt to take him and his pathetic family down.  

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Birx doesn't know who fed Trump fake data but wants you to know it wasn't her even though she kept complicit.  


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