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Seven Sisters do 4-H


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They just put up a bunch of posts about their recent participation in their local 4-H fair. Come for the pictures, stay for Darth Vader llama.

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I think they probably had a great time, but the difference between them and the girls in shorts and skinny jeans...well it was just defrauding and I wish the would address that.

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I know they shouldn't, but the 7 Sisters bum me out a little. They all seem to want to get married, but for some reason the oldest haven't done so. I would hate to be stuck in that little girl limbo in my late 20s/30s.

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It is so unfair that the boys in that family look like typical kids that got their clothes at Walmart, while the girls look so singled out and visually set apart in their ugly frumpers. I feel like if they are going to make the girls wear frumpers, they should make it fair and at least make the boys wear homemade shirts and pants. Not that I want everyone to look awful, but at least it would be fair to each gender.

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I know they shouldn't, but the 7 Sisters bum me out a little. They all seem to want to get married, but for some reason the oldest haven't done so. I would hate to be stuck in that little girl limbo in my late 20s/30s.

This!! While I have never wanted to be married or have children, it is what they are striving for right, but how do they find a young man up to the skirt wearing, head covering thing unless you are Amish or Meno?? And they are grown or several of them so why are they still in 4-H, are they leaders or such??

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This!! While I have never wanted to be married or have children, it is what they are striving for right, but how do they find a young man up to the skirt wearing, head covering thing unless you are Amish or Meno?? And they are grown or several of them so why are they still in 4-H, are they leaders or such??

The youngest three girls are still in 4-H and the older ones help run it. I think it's great that they get to participate in (and actively enjoy) something secular, and have 4-H friends who aren't like them. 4-H is a big deal in their family. The sisters do appear to be unlike most STAHD fundies in that they seem actively enjoy friendships with non-fundies and fundie-lites.

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It is so unfair that the boys in that family look like typical kids that got their clothes at Walmart, while the girls look so singled out and visually set apart in their ugly frumpers. I feel like if they are going to make the girls wear frumpers, they should make it fair and at least make the boys wear homemade shirts and pants. Not that I want everyone to look awful, but at least it would be fair to each gender.

They've said many times that they like making and wearing their own clothes - for example, they address this in the comments in their 'About Us' blog section - and that they choose of their own free will to dress the way they do. They all enjoy sewing and crafts, and seem to be good at it. It's something they take pride in, I gather (from their blog).

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I really loved Anna's pink skirt she made for the fashion portion. It was gorgeous. I have absolutely no shame in saying that I want one.

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People younger or older than 4-H age can still exhibit in the "open class" competitions, which a lot of adults do (I have considered it for canned goods, but that may be a retirement thing for me).

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They've said many times that they like making and wearing their own clothes - for example, they address this in the comments in their 'About Us' blog section - and that they choose of their own free will to dress the way they do. They all enjoy sewing and crafts, and seem to be good at it. It's something they take pride in, I gather (from their blog).

But the Maxwells trot that line out on why the reversals 'choose' to stay at home pre marriage and how they 'choose' to share bedrooms....

Also Mummy Severn on occasions ditches the frumper when a certain fitness brand is advertised 'featured' on the blog.

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I love the Seven Sisters but they all seem so girlish-- I think they'd break into giggles and run away if a boy looked at them. And I agree, I don't know how they will find a suitor if they dress like Anabaptists--but aren't actually Anabaptists.

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I love the Seven Sisters but they all seem so girlish-- I think they'd break into giggles and run away if a boy looked at them. And I agree, I don't know how they will find a suitor if they dress like Anabaptists--but aren't actually Anabaptists.

Think of the mutual giggling and tea parties if the Arndt manboys and the 7 Sisters found themselves in courtships! I know it's been discussed SO many times before, but I think someone would fall in love there. How does Mama Arndt feel about head-covered daughters-in-law, I wonder?

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Tonight was a llama practice, where they practiced walking their llamas and tried on the costumes that their llamas will be wearing for one of the classes.

I love that they don't explain the purpose of dressing llamas in costumes, just "Oh, yeah, we're going to dress one llama as an injured person and one as Darth Vader." Meanwhile, the llamas are probably all "How is this my life?"

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I just found out how close I have been to their hometown. I didn't know where they lived in Indiana until she said the county of 4-H fair. Considering where they live, they would easily be confused with antibaptists- especially the progressive Mennonites.

I like the seven sisters. The family is not sheltering their children. The girls take trips without headships. The blog posts are not preachy. They don't say anything about the other girls in the Llama club or 4-h that are in short jean shorts and cowgirl boots. (By the way, the sisters should be in boots too. llamas and goats aren't as heavy as other animals but they can still do damage to your feet if you aren't wearing proper footwear.) The girls seem to have actual fun and friends outside the home and willing to try new things, make a mess and laugh.

The genuine interactions is not what we see in majority of the fundies on FJ. I do hope they find husbands (if that is what they really want) but as other said it seems it may be difficult.

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But the Maxwells trot that line out on why the reversals 'choose' to stay at home pre marriage and how they 'choose' to share bedrooms....

Also Mummy Severn on occasions ditches the frumper when a certain fitness brand is advertised 'featured' on the blog.

I see what you are saying, many fundies claim that. I do believe they are the minority in this though. I do think they are probably a bit enmeshed. All in all I like them.

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Oh, I love me some Seven Sisters. Thoroughly enjoyed all the pics. They freaking win the internet for Princess Leia with a Darth Vader Llama!

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But the Maxwells trot that line out on why the reversals 'choose' to stay at home pre marriage and how they 'choose' to share bedrooms....

Also Mummy Severn on occasions ditches the frumper when a certain fitness brand is advertised 'featured' on the blog.

And the Arndt sons all want to stay at home with Mommy and Daddy making Vine Valley videos.....

The seven sisters are like the Arndts to me, I can't read a thread about them without thinking, "WTF did their parents do to them to make all of them never want to grow up?"

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I love the Seven Sisters but they all seem so girlish-- I think they'd break into giggles and run away if a boy looked at them. And I agree, I don't know how they will find a suitor if they dress like Anabaptists--but aren't actually Anabaptists.

Maybe that is why the Arndts would be so perfect, because I get the vibe from the manboys that they would also break into giggles and run away if a girl looked at them....

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Oh, I love me some Seven Sisters. Thoroughly enjoyed all the pics. They freaking win the internet for Princess Leia with a Darth Vader Llama!

What I want to know is how they even thought of that!

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The Seven Sisters are the ideal SAHD with a full bag of skills under their belts. I have affection for them because they seem to have genuine fun and sincere smiles. How cool is it that the little brother can sew, too?

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I know they shouldn't, but the 7 Sisters bum me out a little. They all seem to want to get married, but for some reason the oldest haven't done so. I would hate to be stuck in that little girl limbo in my late 20s/30s.

They're defined in the family by being 7 sisters together. Getting married throws that off.

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But the Maxwells trot that line out on why the reversals 'choose' to stay at home pre marriage and how they 'choose' to share bedrooms....

Also Mummy Severn on occasions ditches the frumper when a certain fitness brand is advertised 'featured' on the blog.

The Duggars also say the kids "choose" to share a couple dorms, and "choose" that superstrict courting and they "choose" to CC their parents on texts.

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Maybe I'm the only one, but I do think they have kind of a purely happy innocence about them that we don't see in our other fundie girls. Sure, they don't know much else, but they seem content with their lives, unlike Jana and Sarah.

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I always figured their parents were just naturally relaxed and calm and that's why the girls seem so happy. They clearly weren't raised by an Erika. I do wonder why they dress like that instead of just "modern modest."

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