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Shooting at a Black Church


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My tiny Midwest Methodist Episcopal church is praying like crazy. I just don't understand it and it makes me sick and sad.

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This is going to be such a huge story. White shooter, black church, Democrat state senator pastor, a church historic for the role it played in the 1800's. That's race, religion, and politics right there, and I'm sure there will be other angles as well.

I'm very sad and upset for the victims and their families; I've actually been getting a bit teary just thinking about it.

Edit: 9 confirmed dead now, just horrible. What motive could someone have possibly had to do this?

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I will never be able to wrap my mind around what point there is in shooting up a church or school or any other crowded place. :cry: :wtf:

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Edit: 9 confirmed dead now, just horrible. What motive could someone have possibly had to do this?

Motive is easy. It's an act of terrorism perpetrated to spread fear.

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I will never be able to wrap my mind around what point there is in shooting up a church or school or any other crowded place. :cry: :wtf:

I hate that this has become so regular for Americans. So many crazy people in a manic phase have access to guns. It's horrible that this happened in a church, but it's not even the first church shooting. Every school campus I've worked on has had training on live shooters and other crisis situations. I can't believe this is part of American life.

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I read that today was the anniversary of a 1822 slave revolt led by one the founders of the church, Denmark Vesey.

This is true. There were AME church leaders throughout SC in Charleston. One of the deacons just spoke on MSNBC.

Prayers for everyone. I hope they find the killer....quickly.

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I know this church and congregation well. A very kind minister and generous congregation actively engaged in the community. Heartbreaking ;(

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It's a special kind of coward that opens fire on families in a Church, or children in a school. Just awfully sad, and so many families but be heartbroken :(

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NAACP: Survivor told family gathered at nearby hotel that gunman sat down in church for bit, then stood, opened fire.

Just sickening

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I've heard the news on the radio this morning. It is heartbreaking and all my prayers go out to the family and friends and the community. I hope this doesn't cause a domino-effect with more and more violence and innocent victims!

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I will never be able to wrap my mind around what point there is in shooting up a church or school or any other crowded place. :cry: :wtf:

White shooter. Black church. Nine dead. My first guess would be poisonous, mind-altering racism. I hope they catch him soon. He's killed people now, and actively evading the law. He'll see no reason at all for restraint if he encounters any person or thing he sees as a threat.

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My stomach is so sick. I was in the church shooting at Wedgwood Church about 20 years ago.

There are just no words for such a violation. I am praying hard for the victims, church and community.

Praying, also, that this bastard is caught and brought to justice.

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I'm so heartsick that I wake up almost every morning to news of yet more senseless violence. I'm so over this country's obsession with guns. Will we never leave the "Wild West" mentality behind?

Peace to the victims and their families and I hope the coward who did this is caught alive.

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.@FBI confirms that Dylann Roof, 21, of #Columbia area is suspect in #CharlestonShooting. #chsnews pic.twitter.com/FFYhF1Cw

He's actually from Eastover, a tiny town about 45 min from Columbia.

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Guess how FOX is spinning it? Why, as a "horrifying attack on faith," of course!


Even though the gunman TOLD his victims he was killing them because they were black. Oh, and look: Here’s a photo of him wearing a jacket with the flags of Apartheid-era South Africa and Rhodesia sewn onto it.


This is nothing but RACIST TERRORISM, but the right will continue to portray it as part of the "War on Christianity."

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Per breaking news out of a SC Fox station they have caught him in the Charlotte, NC area.

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My stomach is so sick. I was in the church shooting at Wedgwood Church about 20 years ago.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that.

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I don't think we're going to be hearing too many stories about a "good boy gone bad." You've got to be taught this kind of hate so I don't think the apple fell too far from the tree.

I'm just glad he was caught alive. All to often these cowards take the easy way out and kill themselves or set themselves up to be taken out by law enforcement.

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I read a 5 year old survived by playing dead. A few other reports state that this kid was a pill popper who made a lot of racist jokes in high school. This former classmate was somehow surprised that he was really racist, and you know, not just making inappropriate jokes. :?

So tragic.

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