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Background On The Duggars


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A friend of mine has been asked to write about the Duggar family, and this current scandal. She has an angle she is going to go with that I haven't seen yet on any of the other articles, however, she knows NOTHING about the Duggars. Like, literally nothing.


She asked me to help her gather some background information about the family. There is a lot of information to wade through to have this thing ready by Wednesday.


If anyone could write a summary about the Duggars complete with links and sources, it would be greatly appreciated.


FreeJingerites are an eloquent bunch of people, and I figure someone can put together a decent summery and/or timeline of events starting with when the Duggars first aired.


Last week, I would have just told her everything myself. Today, I'm tired and don't have it in me to be awesome and smart lmao


ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ABOUT GOTHARD CAN BE INCLUDED TOO!!!! Someone please add the Duggar/Huckabee link and the photos with Gothard and/or Huckabee.

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This was so common back in the days of Usenet that we had an acronym: DMHFM

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Between FJ and Google I'm sure your friend can easily write their OWN report. Free Jinger has a great search function if looking for specifics and as for Google, well the internet is forever. Don't ask us to write your friends paper/report

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I have to agree. This is a good resource for your friend and there are links galore.

I have to caution though, that writing a report, whether it be for academic reasons, or journalistic reasons from a message board like this is really just not a good idea. To many speculations with little to know facts, too many opinions, too much bias. For a message board this is fine and good, but it is not the place to start an actual report with integrity. I imagine the purpose of the report is for this person to do their own research, based on credible, evidence-based facts and then express their own findings and conclusions.

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If your friend knows nothing about the Duggars, or Gothardism/quiverfull, it is hard to see how her "angle" would have any validity...or interest, for that matter.

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She was asked to write it, she asked me for background information.

That is all. I decided to ask for help gathering what information she would need.

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We don't have a timeline of events, though it's been mentioned.

I'd say send her to the Duggar family archive here, though I agree she'll have to know to decipher what's real and not.

Just out of curiosity, since she currently isn't familiar w/the Duggar background but you are, do you think her angle will hold as she learns more?

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I think it should.

I slept since I wrote the original post and now I have given her tons of information to run with.

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I'm definitely interested in reading the new angle, all the other Duggar articles put me to sleep so much that I've stopped reading at all unless they're written by those from a similar background.

Would you share when it's done?

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Haha, I thought the OP had started the thread to provide the timeline that has been talked about. Love that it is actually a request for us to write a report for her friend, complete with a Weds deadline!!!!!

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This was so common back in the days of Usenet that we had an acronym: DMHFM


I tried Google and Urban Dictionary... what does that mean? :think:

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I tried Google and Urban Dictionary... what does that mean? :think:

I think it's "Do My Homework For Me".

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I tried Google and Urban Dictionary... what does that mean? :think:

Do My Homework For Me


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Oh fer fuck sake.

First we have the 'Camera pen stupidity,' then the 'I'll deliver all your letters to the girls ' nonsense.

Now we have a 'friend' who knows nothing about the Duggars but has a good angle malarkey.

Break. Me. Give.

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First, in light of the recent scandal, there have been tons of timelines, summaries and history of the Duggars blog posts, articles and opinion pieces published. Your friend can easily start get research from there instead of an unofficial forum.

Secondly, I know that you wanted a timeline for your friend to get a basic idea of the family, but I don't think anybody on here would want to put effort into a coherent timeline (with some snarky insights, they can't be helped) only to have it reproduced in a publication without any credit. Without knowing your friend, the publication and the angle she's working on, I wouldn't want to write half her article unofficially and find it published under her name later. That's why journalists work officially with sources, who receive compensation or some kind of citation.

Your friend may not have intent to rip off FJ, but how do we know?

ETA: If your friend knows as little about the Duggars and really doesn't believe she can research their history in 5 days without a readymade timeline personally written for her on a message board, maybe she shouldn't be writing about them in the first place?

Not attacking you, but just trying to point out why this seems shady.

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Who is having your friend write this article??? If it's for her job or school, I agree that she should do her own homework. ;)

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A friend of mine has been asked to write about the Duggar family, and this current scandal. She has an angle she is going to go with that I haven't seen yet on any of the other articles, however, she knows NOTHING about the Duggars. Like, literally nothing.

She asked me to help her gather some background information about the family. There is a lot of information to wade through to have this thing ready by Wednesday.

If anyone could write a summary about the Duggars complete with links and sources, it would be greatly appreciated.

FreeJingerites are an eloquent bunch of people, and I figure someone can put together a decent summery and/or timeline of events starting with when the Duggars first aired.

Last week, I would have just told her everything myself. Today, I'm tired and don't have it in me to be awesome and smart lmao

ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ABOUT GOTHARD CAN BE INCLUDED TOO!!!! Someone please add the Duggar/Huckabee link and the photos with Gothard and/or Huckabee.

Give her our really difficult web address and introduce her to the search feature. Is this friend you?

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I'll do it. My rates for independent research are totes competitive. Cash up front, though. :shifty-kitty:

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Is this for a future Cracked article? "Seven Reasons Josh Duggar Can Fall Into the Sun"?

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A friend of mine has been asked to write about the Duggar family, and this current scandal. She has an angle she is going to go with that I haven't seen yet on any of the other articles, however, she knows NOTHING about the Duggars. Like, literally nothing.

She asked me to help her gather some background information about the family. There is a lot of information to wade through to have this thing ready by Wednesday.

If anyone could write a summary about the Duggars complete with links and sources, it would be greatly appreciated.

FreeJingerites are an eloquent bunch of people, and I figure someone can put together a decent summery and/or timeline of events starting with when the Duggars first aired.

Last week, I would have just told her everything myself. Today, I'm tired and don't have it in me to be awesome and smart lmao

ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ABOUT GOTHARD CAN BE INCLUDED TOO!!!! Someone please add the Duggar/Huckabee link and the photos with Gothard and/or Huckabee.

:lol: Complete with links and sources.

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