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Is Jill expecting a big Wedding present from Dad?


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Jim Boy is a rich man now. I bet she will be expecting a big present. Maybe, a plot of land to build on later on if she chooses. Derrick got that house to rent because he is the only one who has a job to pay the rent.

It is not by any means a present.

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Jim Boy is a rich man now. I bet she will be expecting a big present. Maybe, a plot of land to build on later on if she chooses. Derrick got that house to rent because he is the only one who has a job to pay the rent.

It is not by any means a present.

I guess you mean Jessa...

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About the only thing I see Jim Bob "giving" to any of his grown children is something that allows him to keep his tentacles firmly wrapped around them for the good of the show, or that allows them to generate income for him.

John David has the use of a plane, not to fulfill his dreams of becoming a pilot, but to make money for Duggar industries. Jinger has her expensive camera for the same reason. Jill and Derick live in the McMansion, but it will never be in their name, because it's a way for JB to keep them on the show.

Wherever Ben and Jessa wind up, you can bet it'll be right under Jim Bob's thumb.

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About the only thing I see Jim Bob "giving" to any of his grown children is something that allows him to keep his tentacles firmly wrapped around them for the good of the show, or that allows them to generate income for him.

John David has the use of a plane, not to fulfill his dreams of becoming a pilot, but to make money for Duggar industries. Jinger has her expensive camera for the same reason. Jill and Derick live in the McMansion, but it will never be in their name, because it's a way for JB to keep them on the show.

Wherever Ben and Jessa wind up, you can bet it'll be right under Jim Bob's thumb.

JB is very keen at knowing each kid's currency- and uses it to control them.

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Jill already got her wedding gift. She got married and daddy gave her a house. Plus she got a good headship with a job and good benefits. It's not like she married a fundie boy

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About the only thing I see Jim Bob "giving" to any of his grown children is something that allows him to keep his tentacles firmly wrapped around them for the good of the show, or that allows them to generate income for him.

John David has the use of a plane, not to fulfill his dreams of becoming a pilot, but to make money for Duggar industries. Jinger has her expensive camera for the same reason. Jill and Derick live in the McMansion, but it will never be in their name, because it's a way for JB to keep them on the show.

Wherever Ben and Jessa wind up, you can bet it'll be right under Jim Bob's thumb.

True and I'm sorry but I pray Ben isn't as inept as they portray him to be. If he is Jessa's in for a very long road with him. I just get the feeling they are 2 clueless kids, they have no clue about what they are getting into.

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True and I'm sorry but I pray Ben isn't as inept as they portray him to be. If he is Jessa's in for a very long road with him. I just get the feeling they are 2 clueless kids, they have no clue about what they are getting into.

He's the worst kind of inept. Neither he or his fiancée realize just how inept he in. Quite the opposite in fact.

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I don't think Ben is as dumb as he is portrayed on the show. IMHO, Jessa is so not the type to overlook that. She seems to know what she wants, and just how to get it (jewelry box). I think she would be smarter than that. Not saying he is or isn't dumb. Perhaps he really is a good guy, albeit naive and drunk on the folly of youth (aka a more poetic way of saying YOLO 4ever!!1!!11). He will grow into maturity. He is like a year old cat, who is adult sized but still acts like a crazy ass kitten. :wink-kitty:

And lust, yessss. This could cloud her judgement. But maybe not so much. Look at the length of the engagement.

As to what Daddy will give her, who knows. House? Land? A business? 15 goats and a cow? Prolly not a pony though :(

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I don't think Ben is as dumb as he is portrayed on the show. IMHO, Jessa is so not the type to overlook that. She seems to know what she wants, and just how to get it (jewelry box). I think she would be smarter than that. Not saying he is or isn't dumb. Perhaps he really is a good guy, albeit naive and drunk on the folly of youth (aka a more poetic way of saying YOLO 4ever!!1!!11). He will grow into maturity. He is like a year old cat, who is adult sized but still acts like a crazy ass kitten. :wink-kitty:

And lust, yessss. This could cloud her judgement. But maybe not so much. Look at the length of the engagement.

As to what Daddy will give her, who knows. House? Land? A business? 15 goats and a cow? Prolly not a pony though :(

If Jill got a house and Jessa got a pony prepare for reports of earthquakes in Arkansas.

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I don't think Ben is as dumb as he is portrayed on the show. IMHO, Jessa is so not the type to overlook that. She seems to know what she wants, and just how to get it (jewelry box). I think she would be smarter than that. Not saying he is or isn't dumb. Perhaps he really is a good guy, albeit naive and drunk on the folly of youth (aka a more poetic way of saying YOLO 4ever!!1!!11). He will grow into maturity. He is like a year old cat, who is adult sized but still acts like a crazy ass kitten. :wink-kitty:

And lust, yessss. This could cloud her judgement. But maybe not so much. Look at the length of the engagement.

As to what Daddy will give her, who knows. House? Land? A business? 15 goats and a cow? Prolly not a pony though :(

I'm going with a camel, definitely a camel.

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The Duggar parents love and gifts all comes with lots of conditions. Everything they do points back to making even their adult children more emotionally and financially dependent on them.

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Are we talking about Jessa or Jill?

:lol: Both, I think. I'm not quite certain that JB gave Dill the house as a "gift". I think that was more so he'd have tenants, my assumption is that they pay rent. I highly doubt that he'd give them land. JB has said before that they hope that their kids will build homes on their property someday. Duggar compound, anyone?!

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