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Say Jessa gets married in the next couple of months (likely), falls pregnant quickly (likely)

Anna gets pregnant with #4 (likely).

Jill's pregnant.


So that's potentially 3 Duggars pregnant...


What if, somehow, Michelle becomes pregnant with the elusive #20?



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The only thing that could possibly fall out of J'Chelle's vagina at this point is her uterus.

I was smart enough to put down the can of Coke before I read this thread or that comment would have had it all over my keyboard and monitor (which would not have made by boss happy). Oh and if you ask would you boss be happy you're on FJ and not working - that's what the minimized spreadsheet is for. SSSHHH

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I only have 1 sister and two sister-in-laws, and they're all pregnant right now, so it's not too far out of the realm of probability.

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I'd say it's actually more likely than not that Jill, Jessa, and Anna will all be pregnant at the same time. Michelle, not so much.

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The the other three, yes. Michelle will never get her precious #20.

I wonder if Boob and Mullet ever think about the fact that if they didn't use BC for the first few years of their marriage they would likely have 20 or more children by now...

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Imagine the frequency of Duggar grandkid announcements 5 or 10 years from now...

If each Duggar kid had (only) 5 kids of their own, Michelle and JB would have 95 grandkids.

If we feel like JB and M neglect their kids, imagine how little they would know each grandkid.

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Imagine the frequency of Duggar grandkid announcements 5 or 10 years from now...

That could ultimately be their undoing in terms of public image. Baby announcements are fun when it's one per year. The first time there are 3+ concurrent pregnancies will get a lot of attention. After that, it starts sounding like the never ending tabloid pregnancy of Jennifer Aniston. The general public can' keep all of the Duggars straight, and their reaction to each People cover or inset will be "didn't she just announce already?"

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I still wouldn't put it past J'Uterus to whine for IVF or something.

Yeah, I wouldn't put it past her to try-I doubt it would work though. Her uterus is so worn out she would have to be hanging by her ankles from the ceiling from the first positive pregnancy test to stop it and the baby from dropping out.

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The only thing that could possibly fall out of J'Chelle's vagina at this point is her uterus.

Dammit and I almost choked on my food reading this. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I still wouldn't put it past J'Uterus to whine for IVF or something.

So she's turning to science instead of god... I actually would like to see Michelle get ivf. So the show can lose viewers and finally get off the air. The Duggars would get so much backlash especially from couples trying to conceive.

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I wonder if Boob and Mullet ever think about the fact that if they didn't use BC for the first few years of their marriage they would likely have 20 or more children by now...

Oh I'm more than sure they're kicking themselves over it now. Just think about all the "fame" they've lost out on... :roll:

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If each Duggar kid had (only) 5 kids of their own, Michelle and JB would have 95 grandkids.

If we feel like JB and M neglect their kids, imagine how little they would know each grandkid.

All the more reason for JB to let his kids all build homes on his property, right? :roll: I know he suggested it at one point, but I honestly think that'd be the only way they'd even know who half their grandkids are.

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That could ultimately be their undoing in terms of public image. Baby announcements are fun when it's one per year. The first time there are 3+ concurrent pregnancies will get a lot of attention. After that, it starts sounding like the never ending tabloid pregnancy of Jennifer Aniston. The general public can' keep all of the Duggars straight, and their reaction to each People cover or inset will be "didn't she just announce already?"

There could potentially be multiple Duggar births per month if every single one of those kids is married off :pink-shock:

Ain't nobody got time for that!

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After a while the letter system will be thrown away. Someone is going to "honor" Jim - Bob by naming a Jim Bob jr, so that at least one grand kid will be memorable. Then another cousin will be called James Robert and then we will get a Jimmerina or a Jimchelle, and a few more Jims and James.

Old Jim Bob will be trying to sell off granddaughters that he doesn't know the name of. Maybe he can trade one for some more land to build Frey Duggar homes on.

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So she's turning to science instead of god... I actually would like to see Michelle get ivf. So the show can lose viewers and finally get off the air. The Duggars would get so much backlash especially from couples trying to conceive.

Any doctor who agrees to give her IVF should lose their license. She's be such a high risk pregnancy. I just rewatched the episode of 17 Kids and Coutning where Jordyn was born. The doctor talked about the risk of J'Uterus' uterus prolapsing. If a doctor has any morals and knows that her uterus is about to fall off and any pregnancy could kill her, they'd refuse to give her IVF treatment. In that episode J'Uterus talked about how Jordyn could be her last baby, and seemed okay with that. Now she's just bonkers and should be on "My Strange Addiction" for her addiction to pregnancy.

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I had uterine prolapse (and now have a hysterectomy) and believe it or not, a temporary "cure" is pregnancy. I prolapsed before baby #4, and the doctor told me if I wanted another baby before the hyst to get on the stick because he wanted it done before age 30. Fundal growth is up and then out so the uterus actually pulls back up into the body cavity, bringing the prolapse up with it.

Of course, after I had her I was worse than ever, and had that thing taken out when she was 6 months old. You can live with prolapse but it is miserable, and in my case it caused a bladder prolapse. /things you did not want to know about me but now do.

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If each Duggar kid had (only) 5 kids of their own, Michelle and JB would have 95 grandkids.

If we feel like JB and M neglect their kids, imagine how little they would know each grandkid.

There is no way Boob and J'Chelle will ever know most of their grandkids even slightly. Maybe the oldest ones, but the others will be very lucky if Grandma and Grandpa remember their names.

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I had uterine prolapse (and now have a hysterectomy) and believe it or not, a temporary "cure" is pregnancy. I prolapsed before baby #4, and the doctor told me if I wanted another baby before the hyst to get on the stick because he wanted it done before age 30. Fundal growth is up and then out so the uterus actually pulls back up into the body cavity, bringing the prolapse up with it.

Of course, after I had her I was worse than ever, and had that thing taken out when she was 6 months old. You can live with prolapse but it is miserable, and in my case it caused a bladder prolapse. /things you did not want to know about me but now do.

Can you imagine if you were Quiverfull/no birth control and you just had to live with that? Getting pregnant again and again, having it get worse each time, not being able to do anything about it because apparently all Jesus cares about is that you're having more babies? Holy shit! :(

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I wonder if Boob and Mullet ever think about the fact that if they didn't use BC for the first few years of their marriage they would likely have 20 or more children by now...

They should count Caleb and Jubilee then they would have 21. They were babies so they count right?

They never let us forget about them. I'm not trying to minimize their pain but they should count them as children. They had a funeral for Jubilee.

This family frustrates me. :angry-banghead:

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Can you imagine if you were Quiverfull/no birth control and you just had to live with that? Getting pregnant again and again, having it get worse each time, not being able to do anything about it because apparently all Jesus cares about is that you're having more babies? Holy shit! :(

I wonder how many of these blogging or otherwise "famous" Quiverfull moms have severe health issues that they hide from the public?

I can't believe you can be healthy after having to bear so many children.

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