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Divorce to blame for the death of Trayvon Martain??? - Lori

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This is all very sad to me. The problem doesn't lie with racial issues or gun laws. It lies with the break down of the family. Seventy percent of black children are born without fathers. {source} Trayvon's parents were divorced when he was a toddler. Why don't we hear black pastors preaching about this instead of causing more racial division?

The breakdown of the family has far reaching consequences. Children need a father and a mother. There is no getting around this fact no matter what society tells us. We need to tell black mothers who are afraid for their children to love their husbands. Build a solid marriage and family for their children. This is the greatest protection for them and then encourage them to teach their children not to be walking around alone at night and never get in a fight with an adult...

I have just never in my life. Never.


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What a miserable sack of inhumanity. I wish I could reach through the screen and slap her across her hateful face.

I love how the problem is all on Trayvon and stupid black women.

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I KNEW it was going to be Lori as soon as I saw the thread title. Racist twatwaffle.

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And nothing about Zimmerman's family situation except a paragraph of "some of his best friends are black" twaddle.

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I just read Lori's posting a lot of things pissed me off. But I need to first comment on how stupid Lori is regarding the word Hispanic.

George Zimmerman is not white. He is Hispanic but they changed it to white Hispanic. This must mean we have a white black president. It makes no sense.

Lori the word Hispanic isn't a racial term. It's an ethnic term. Hispanics can be of any race. I would say that Zimmerman's Peruvian mother is likely a mestizo(Spanish and Amerindian mix) and based on the way she looks. It is likely that most of Zimmerman's DNA is European because his father is white. Zimmerman can easily describe himself as white Hispanic if he chooses to. The terms White Hispanic, Black Hispanic, and Mestizo Hispanic have been used for a long time, but many people don't' realize that Hispanic isn't a race. White Hispanics are people like Gloria Estefan, Julie Gonzalo, Joanna Garcia, Pitbull, and Desi Arnaz. Many Hispanics in this country are mestizo Hispanics. I bet Lori only thinks of Hispanics as brown people. Well Lori, Hispanics can look anyone or anything. Not all Hispanics have brown skin like George Zimmerman. I hope Lori gets some kind of smackdown someday for her erroneously thinking that a Hispanic race exists.

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This argument is such a fail on many levels. A) she doesn't know what the home life was like for him. B) Why is it people forget things like oh I don't know the kids from Columbine? Who wait for it boys and girls had intact families and if I recall one went to the church youth group. Basically one has to love how everyone is an arm chair psychologist in todays society.

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I always follow your blog, but as a black person I'm so disappointed in your interpretation of this issue.


I just started following you on Facebook. As a Black, homeschooling mother and wife I am disgusted by this post. I will no longer be following you. You are way off and have now clue what Black preachers are preaching about in their pulpits. You are a product of your environment and Fox News sound bites.

Lori Alexander

I am sure there are many amazing black preachers teaching Truth to their congregations. The ones that made the news yesterday were preaching anger and bitterness further dividing this country. We have elected a black president. We are not a racist country!

I did not mean to lump all black preachers together, just the ones that are getting national attention on television.

So electing a black president means there is no more racism? That's good to know.

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This argument is such a fail on many levels. A) she doesn't know what the home life was like for him. B) Why is it people forget things like oh I don't know the kids from Columbine? Who wait for it boys and girls had intact families and if I recall one went to the church youth group. Basically one has to love how everyone is an arm chair psychologist in todays society.

I also thought about Columbine. I have read Dave Cullen's book Columbine a couple of times. He talked about the Klebold and Harris parents quite a bit. I remember that the Klebolds were described as a loving couple and the were well liked by Dylan's friends and they instilled a strong work ethic in Dylan. They did punish Dylan after he and Eric broke into a van. From what I remember from Columbine, it was mentioned that the Klebolds attended a Lutheran church and observed some Jewish holidays because the mom had Jewish heritage. I honestly can't remember the details on the Harris parents in Cullen's book. Dylan Klebold's mom wrote an essay for O magazine a few years back. I will try to find that.

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So electing a black president means there is no more racism? That's good to know.

Especially when Lori clearly hates the fact that we have a black president :roll:

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Lori is fucking stupid to think say that racism doesn't exist. Racism will always exist no matter if we have other black or non-white presidents in the future. Does Lori not realize that white supremacy groups are still around?

Alicia whoever you are, thank you for your comment to Lori.

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From her fb:

Did you know that 94 percent of black people who are murdered are murdered by other black people? 7,000 black people are murdered by other black people each year. HERE is an article that details this information. I have read some Christian blogs bemoaning the fact that their black friends who have children are afraid for their children's lives now because of this verdict.

and from the comments of her latest post:

Here are some facts Christiana ~

Outside of the educational differences, there are distinct differences in the marriage rates between different races: 29 percent of white children are born to unmarried women, 53 percent of Latinos and 73 percent of black children.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/20/illegitimacy-be...

Someone needs to state the obvious. Black children are in desperate need of fathers

Trayvon Martain HAD a father. I believe he was staying with him at the time of his death.

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I think the same Alicia who commented on Lori's blog, is commenting on the FB page.

Alicia This article makes me so angry that I am literally shaking. May God have mercy on your ignorant soul.

about an hour ago

Always Learning Can you tell me where I am being so ignorant?

about an hour ago

Alicia With the level of anger that I am feeling at this moment. It is best that I do not address you. I will just pray so that I do not sin in my anger.

about an hour ago

Always Learning When you calm down, I would very much appreciate you telling me what facts I have wrong and where I am being ignorant. Thank you.

I bet Lori's deletes this stuff later on. There was an incident several months back in which two FJers commented on FB about one of Lori's sexists posts and she deleted their comments right away.

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From her fb:

and from the comments of her latest post:

Trayvon Martain HAD a father. I believe he was staying with him at the time of his death.

This. I seem to remember that both of Travon's parents were in the courtroom during the trial.

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This. I seem to remember that both of Travon's parents were in the courtroom during the trial.

True. But Lori would probably trash Travyon's parents because they were divorced and also because Travyon's father lived with his girlfriend.

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I have just never in my life. Never.


Like she would know what black pastors are talking about....

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Is Lori not aware that Trayvon was the victim in this case???

Lori, I feel very very threatened by you and your hateful spew. I guess in Florida I could legally shoot you.

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I just posted this comment on Lori's blog regarding her use of the word Hispanic. I wonder if it will go through.

Lori, I need to point out to you that there is no such thing as a Hispanic race. The word Hispanic is an ethnic term and Hispanics can be of any race. White Hispanics actually exist and it does make sense to label a person white Hispanic.


George Zimmerman's mother is a mestizo(mixed race European and Amerindian) Hispanic. Mestizo Hispanics have different amounts of white heritage. There are also black Hispanics and Asian Hispanics too. Please understand that you are misusing the word Hispanic as a racial identifier when it is actually an ethnic identifier.

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The stupid in this one burns even more than usual.

1. Electing Obama did not magically eliminate all racism. In fact, there is still a fair bit of racism used by some of those who are anti-Obama.

2. Why bring up stats on the rates of births outside of marriage by race? Especially since Trayvon's parents had been married?

3. This case really wasn't about Trayvon at all. He was a 15 yr old kid with some candy, walking home. That's it. An adult male was following him, even after police told him not to do so, and treating him like he was under suspicion. That's what sparked the altercation.

4. If you want to look for bigger issues and into background - look at Zimmerman's past. There's some past violence, a neighborhood in decline with a rash of robberies, a guy who is a wannabe cop, and a state culture that is staunchly pro-gun and has the Stand Your Ground law.

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What I'm trying to figure out is how Martin's parents staying married would have prevented Zimmerman from shooting him.

Zimmerman:"Oh, forgive me kind sir, but I must ask... are your parents married? They are? Well, I bid you farewell and will very much not shoot you with this concealed firearm I possess."

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What exactly did Trayvon do wrong in Lori's eyes? He was just an innocent teenager in a hoodie who was shot by some guy for looking suspicious. All he did was be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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What has bothered me about the Travyon case, is that Zimmerman hasn't expressed any remorse for Travyon's death. Lori overlooks that fact too.

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I know this is taking her words out of context, but her entire life is out of context so I figure the bitch deserves it:

Seventy percent of black children are born without fathers.

I hate to break it to her but she is completely wrong.

100% of black children are born with fathers. In fact 100% of ALL children are born with fathers..at this point homo sapiens are unable to reproduce without a male and a female of the species copulating or at least mixing their sperm and egg in some fashion. We have not yet achieved starfish status.

An immature response to an imbecilic blog post.

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What I'm trying to figure out is how Martin's parents staying married would have prevented Zimmerman from shooting him.

Zimmerman:"Oh, forgive me kind sir, but I must ask... are your parents married? They are? Well, I bid you farewell and will very much not shoot you with this concealed firearm I possess."

That's true of pretty much all of the things that the defense was bringing out to show that "Trayvon isn't the sweet little kid you thought he was." It's the same exact tactics they do to rape victims, FWIW - "she was a slut anyway so it's not like anything of value was lost."

Regardless of how horrible a kid Trayvon may or may not have been, regardless of how he was suspended or for what, he could be the worst person on earth, but the point is there's no way Zimmerman would know any of that background. NONE. He can only make snap judgements based on what's before him. Saying Trayvon is tall or "looks scary" would potentially be relevant[1], but him being suspended or whatever? Irrelevant.

But so many people seem to want to make the argument that "well, if he was a bad kid, then maybe it's not such a tragedy that he died. He never would amount to anything anyway so good riddance." THAT is what has me disgusted about so many of the comments I see to articles about the case.

[1] and then of course we desperately need to talk about what makes a person "look scary," quite frankly - saying "I was afraid" is a complicated statement

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He was a 15 yr old kid with some candy, walking home. That's it. An adult male was following him, even after police told him not to do so, and treating him like he was under suspicion. That's what sparked the altercation.

According to Lori, this is what he did wrong. You know, walking down the street and all.

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