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PERSECUTION!!! Tebow cut by the Jets


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And as soon as the Jets start doing sucky (which they likely will, and nothing at all to do with Tebow) Tebow's good Christian brother will start crowing with glee on twitter like he did last year when Denver lost in the playoffs.

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As for those who actually might cry "Persecution!" or something similar, maybe they never stopped to consider that Tebow actually might not be that good of an NFL QB and his faith has nothing to do with it? From what I've read, his college team's offense was tailored to his style, which might have made him look better than he actually is. And even if he was a genuinely good college QB, the NFL is a whole different game. There are many players who starred in college who couldn't make it in the NFL (Ryan Leaf and Cade McNown are two who come to mind)... maybe Tebow is in that category.




Nah. That can't possibly be why he got cut. :roll:

(I do wish him well, though, whether or not he catches on with another team.)

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Lolz at the Christians crying that he got fired because he got "persecuted". I'm not into sports at all; but maybe it was because he was a bad player? Would fundies throw the same big deal if it was a minority Christian who got fired from the Jets? I don't think so. Christians in western countries don't know the meaning of persecution. Persecution isn't critizing the majority religion in western society, you dipshits.

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As for those who actually might cry "Persecution!" or something similar, maybe they never stopped to consider that Tebow actually might not be that good of an NFL QB and his faith has nothing to do with it? From what I've read, his college team's offense was tailored to his style, which might have made him look better than he actually is. And even if he was a genuinely good college QB, the NFL is a whole different game. There are many players who starred in college who couldn't make it in the NFL (Ryan Leaf and Cade McNown are two who come to mind)... maybe Tebow is in that category.




Nah. That can't possibly be why he got cut. :roll:

(I do wish him well, though, whether or not he catches on with another team.)

I agree with a lot of what you said. Tebow has never been suited to be an NFL QB. A lot of Tebow's Christian fans are people who are more into college football than the NFL. Before the 2010 draft, fans on various teams were hoping that their teams wouldn't draft Tebow. People predicted that he was going to a bust and that has come true.

I had to laugh at a few comments that were on this article.

http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap100000 ... -tim-tebow


He deserves so much better than all of this, wherever he ends up going, I hope it's somewhere, where they will utitilize his talents, he may not be the stuff of a NFL quaterback, but remember he still lead the Broncos to playoffs after a horrible start under Kyle Orton. Everyone loves Tebow, he's the stuff that kids look up too, I pray for good things for Tebow, and hope wherever he goes, he gets his chance and he's not just sitting on the bench.

Tebow doesn't deserve better. He hasn't proven himself. The Broncos made the playoffs partially because they were in a weak division. They had a 8-8 record that season. Not everyone loves Tebow. He is a smug Christian and he isn't the only player that kids look up to.


Raiders...good fit. But the best fit are the 49'rs.....I bet 49'rs will be Tebow's next team.

I don't think the 49ers would pick up Tebow. Jim Harbaugh probably wouldn't want to deal with Tebow's style of play.


its really sad to see an athlete be mistreated like this.

wish Tebow all the best.

Tebow isn't being mistreated in any way.

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Our household is now $5 richer! My husband bet this would happen. Does this make him a tool of satan? He says he had a vision from god.

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If he doesn't get picked back up, it will because of his diva complex and refusal to play any other position. He is a really good player. He is not a good QB.

I do like Tebow for one reason - it lets me know where coworkers are on the religion spectrum. For example: Broncos vs Pats (2012 Super Bowl) let me know that someone I worked with is a crazy Religious person when he let it slip that "he's more of a Tebow fan" and "loves his faith, which is much more important than the game." Ok, call me crazy, but I like to see actual passes being made. And while Tom Brady is a very attractive man, and they can do all the interviews with him, I can think of many many things I would do before cheer for the Patriots.

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From a comment by a Tebow leg humper;


He deserves so much better than all of this, wherever he ends up going, I hope it's somewhere, where they will utitilize his talents, he may not be the stuff of a NFL quaterback, but remember he still lead the Broncos to playoffs after a horrible start under Kyle Orton. Everyone loves Tebow, he's the stuff that kids look up too, I pray for good things for Tebow, and hope wherever he goes, he gets his chance and he's not just sitting on the bench."

Oh please. No one "deserves" a job in this world. Good QBs are gold in the NFL. If he could play, NFL teams would be climbing over each other to sign him. The fact that they are not leads me to believe he can't play.

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And as soon as the Jets start doing sucky (which they likely will, and nothing at all to do with Tebow) Tebow's good Christian brother will start crowing with glee on twitter like he did last year when Denver lost in the playoffs.

The jets haven't been to a Super Bowl in my lifetime, 2013 will not change that. If the jets DON'T suck this will be proof of god's approval, because the jets ALWAYS suck.

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From a comment by a Tebow leg humper;


He deserves so much better than all of this, wherever he ends up going, I hope it's somewhere, where they will utitilize his talents, he may not be the stuff of a NFL quaterback, but remember he still lead the Broncos to playoffs after a horrible start under Kyle Orton. Everyone loves Tebow, he's the stuff that kids look up too, I pray for good things for Tebow, and hope wherever he goes, he gets his chance and he's not just sitting on the bench."

Oh please. No one "deserves" a job in this world. Good QBs are gold in the NFL. If he could play, NFL teams would be climbing over each other to sign him. The fact that they are not leads me to believe he can't play.

Heck, I used to love OJ Simpson when he won the Heisman Trophy. I even had several pics on him tacked to the wall. See how that ended up?

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I agree with a lot of what you said. Tebow has never been suited to be an NFL QB. A lot of Tebow's Christian fans are people who are more into college football than the NFL. Before the 2010 draft, fans on various teams were hoping that their teams wouldn't draft Tebow. People predicted that he was going to a bust and that has come true.

I had to laugh at a few comments that were on this article.

http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap100000 ... -tim-tebow

Tebow doesn't deserve better. He hasn't proven himself. The Broncos made the playoffs partially because they were in a weak division. They had a 8-8 record that season. Not everyone loves Tebow. He is a smug Christian and he isn't the only player that kids look up to.

I don't think the 49ers would pick up Tebow. Jim Harbaugh probably wouldn't want to deal with Tebow's style of play.

Tebow isn't being mistreated in any way.

My God, these people are delusional. Tebow was/is a terrible NFL quarterback! The reason the Broncos made the playoffs wasn't because Tebow, either. The AFC West is the weakest division in the league (Raiders, Chargers, Chiefs, Broncos). It ain't hard to win that division if you're the Broncos.

I've said it time and time again, but Tebow is better suited playing tight end. He can catch a ball and he's a big guy that can break some tackles in a catch and run situation.

This whole, "he never got a chance!" bullshit is not true. He got a lot of chances...in practice, where he most likely didn't show the coaches anything amazing. That's why he didn't play.

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My husband thinks that Tebow is going to wind up with the Patriots. Not as a QB though.

Wouldn't surprise me if they wanted to make him a Gronkowski-style tight end.

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If he doesn't get picked back up, it will because of his diva complex and refusal to play any other position. He is a really good player. He is not a good QB.

I do like Tebow for one reason - it lets me know where coworkers are on the religion spectrum. For example: Broncos vs Pats (2012 Super Bowl) let me know that someone I worked with is a crazy Religious person when he let it slip that "he's more of a Tebow fan" and "loves his faith, which is much more important than the game." Ok, call me crazy, but I like to see actual passes being made. And while Tom Brady is a very attractive man, and they can do all the interviews with him, I can think of many many things I would do before cheer for the Patriots.

Broncos V. Pats in the 2012 Superbowl?? That didn't happen. That was Giants and Pats. This year was 49ers and Ravens. The Broncos haven't been to a Superbowl in a while. They also wouldn't be playing the Pats, since they are both in the AFC. Superbowl is AFC v. NFC.

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Not a fan of Tebow’s. I don’t think he’s all that good of a player, and he does seem to come off a little bit holier than thou (just to go with the religious thing…). It doesn’t seem though, that the Jets gave him much of a chance, and I’m not sure why they picked him up if they weren’t going to give him a shot. It’s not like they had a whole lot to lose last season by actually putting him out there. But hey, I’m a Pats fan, so what do I care. :D

I heard speculation on the radio this morning that there might not be too much interest in him from any NFL team, and he may have to head to Canada. You go where the lord leads you – right? :P

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Tebow (or his representative) told several NFL teams prior to today he would not even consider playing another position than QB. Perhaps the "persecuted" should consider how big Tebow's ego is, in relation to his "talent". NFL teams aren't in the business of keeping anyone on the roster because they're a "Christian".

The minimum pass completion percentage of a successful NFL quarterback: 60%. Tim Tebow's: 49%.

I continue to hope this is the end of the line re: football for Tebow, but I'm betting his agent has spent the past few hours attempting to reason with him on playing a different position. If he wanted it badly enough, he'd find a team that needs a tight end/fullback and ask for a tryout.

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What I know about football consists mainly of what my son tells me about football. The last time I really watched and was interested was back when Joe Montana and Jerry Rice were tearing it up on the 49er's roster.

That being said, what I know about Tim Tebow is he annoys me with his Christianity and the way he displays it. He seems incredibly full of himself. I don't like that in any quarterback or other star athlete. I find quiet competence mixed with genuine humbleness most appealing. So Tebow misses out on two counts.

I will be curious to see where he ends up, and if he can be a team player.

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Look, I am deep in Jet's country and the Jets suck, but they did not deserve the added burden of His Holiness Tim and the Unhinged Groupies. So long, and don't let the door hit ya where the God Lord split ya.

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My husband thinks that Tebow is going to wind up with the Patriots. Not as a QB though.

Argh, he better not.

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It's not persecution when YOU SUCK.

Thank God he'll be gone. I doubt any team will take him.

I wonder what Timmy's new job will be.

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I wonder what Timmy's new job will be.

The fundagelical speaking circuit. He'll capitalize on how he was persecuted in the NFL and by the media for being a Christian even though the reality is that if he had not cultivated a horde of dimwitted fans who cared more about his praying than his playing, he would have been more or less ignored for his entire time in the league.

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And as soon as the Jets start doing sucky (which they likely will, and nothing at all to do with Tebow) Tebow's good Christian brother will start crowing with glee on twitter like he did last year when Denver lost in the playoffs.

The Jets were sucky with Tebow *on* the team. I doubt they could possibly be sucky-er without him.

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I think there is a chance a dumb NFL GM and team would take Tebow. Some reporters and experts are predicting that the Raiders might take Tebow. But I think the management in Oakland has learned a lot from the past. The late Al Davis had several mistakes picking up bust type players in the past. The management there might not want to go down that road again. Other struggling teams probably won't take the risk of Tebow.

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Persecution = not getting special chances when you're lousy at your job but you're totally Christian so it's okay. Gotcha. Must remember to become a loud fundie, then start practicing neurosurgery.

And Timmy's going to be just fine. I hope he doesn't come to Canada, though.

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The Jets cut QB's all the time. One of them was Ricky Ray who has become the best QB in the Canadian Football League history.

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