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Tour the Duggar Pantry

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With Jessa and her stripey shirt! (Sorry for not imbedding the video)





Really, I love her shirt and want one. And I'm not even ashamed for starting the topic just so I could say that.

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With Jessa and her stripey shirt! (Sorry for not imbedding the video)


Really, I love her shirt and want one. And I'm not even ashamed for starting the topic just so I could say that.

Silly hipster :penguin-no: , striped shirts are now too main stream to be cool. I almost purchased one at the thrift store to be ironic.

P.S I am a child of the 80's and 90's so I like to be ironic. I am not a hipster but its fun to make fun of them and their horrible taste in beer.

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Are Free-Jingerites the ones commenting about the lack of fresh produce? There are 2 huge fridges in that room, as well as the ones in the work kitchen. It's seeming more possible the Duggars could be eating vegetables. Please, J-Slave, open the fridges, as well!

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Do they make the slave that cooks live in the pantry in the way that they make Mary sleep behind the laundry room.

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Do they make the slave that cooks live in the pantry in the way that they make Mary sleep behind the laundry room.

No, because that would keep the J'slave away from her younger buddies.

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Uhh, maybe someone should be watching the Tiny Precious Miracle while she runs up and down freezers on top of a cement floor? Just a thought :?

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Who runs the blog where these videos are being posted? I am fairly certain it's not the Duggars.

They are a pair of sisters who seem to be mega fans of the Duggars. I'm not sure how much contact the Duggars have with them or if they approve everything on the blog but they seem to keep up with the family.

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She said they buy in bulk because it is cheaper, then we see cases of Aldi brand spray "pam" stuff. Does aldi really give them a bulk discount, or is she referring to buying things like plastic forks at Sams, as other shots indicate.

I noticed that the shelves had been fluffed to make it look like more food, but stacking double cans on the front rows, while leaving the cases as either full or part full but only one level deep behind the front rows on things like the green beans.

I didn't watch the laundry or music room shots, because i don't care about their music and the laundry was featured years ago on one of their shows years ago? I acknowledge I watched one of their specials years ago and since then, nothing because I see nothing of interest. Their whole riff is "Look at the big giant family do xyz" and that is one note and really, who cares? I am always amazed they are still on tv. We did accidently catch a few minutes of it a year or so ago when we woke it was on when we turned on the tv. My husband, who did not recognize any of these people, said, after he heard Michelle speak 3 sentences "I hate women who talk in a baby voice." and we moved on to CSPAN.

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No, because that would keep the J'slave away from her younger buddies.

Hmmmmmm true. I guess they have to make them all have a bedroom to share instead of make them sleep in the pantry, or closet, or kitchen, or bathroom (wherever their main chores are)...theyve got to be parents to their little siblings (and you wouldnt want them having any privacy and discovering that they can masturbate)

Uhh, maybe someone should be watching the Tiny Precious Miracle while she runs up and down freezers on top of a cement floor? Just a thought

Just like they should watch their toddlers when they climb the stairs or play on them?

I cringe every time I see their barely supervised children in dangerous situation and am genuinely suprised that the worst that has ever happened to those kids is a toddler getting her head stuck in the railings.

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The little boys reaching their entire hands into the jar of pickles in both videos disgusted me. Use a fork to fish the pickles out and stop contaminating your food!

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Okay, watched enough to see a segment on having a chaperone while "dating" except they don't allow dating. However, what was TRULY creepy is that JimBob was being interviewed and talking about chaperoning dates right in front of Janna's BED. Really, why is it appropriate for him to be in his daughters' bedroom talking about that subject?????? CREEPY.

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Uhh, maybe someone should be watching the Tiny Precious Miracle while she runs up and down freezers on top of a cement floor? Just a thought :?

Well don't you know, Tiny Precious Addition (TM Michelle's nauseating voice) is now youngest daughter. :roll:

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Well don't you know, Tiny Precious Addition (TM Michelle's nauseating voice) is now youngest daughter. :roll:

"And finally, our youngest daughter, Josie"

"Latest addition" implies more could be coming. The change in Josie's status to "the youngest" might indicate Michelle knows she's the last. At what point does the "And Counting" no longer apply?

I too found it hard to watch Josie running around on top those freezers. A slip could result in a very bad injury to a child who may already have some cognitive delays. I know Jesus gives them extra attention because they are so special to Him, but seeing as Jason could easily have been killed in that 12 foot fall playing somewhere he should not have been playing, they probably shouldn't be pushing their luck.

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"And finally, our youngest daughter, Josie"

"Latest addition" implies more could be coming. The change in Josie's status to "the youngest" might indicate Michelle knows she's the last. At what point does the "And Counting" no longer apply?

I too found it hard to watch Josie running around on top those freezers. A slip could result in a very bad injury to a child who may already have some cognitive delays. I know Jesus gives them extra attention because they are so special to Him, but seeing as Jason could easily have been killed in that 12 foot fall playing somewhere he should not have been playing, they probably shouldn't be pushing their luck.

That's whythey have, like, 20 of them. They wouldn't haveto miss a beat if one or two met untimely ends.

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So, 21 people on a trip. By my calculations, each hair wash would use one normal sized shampoo bottle. So why travel sized toiletries?

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Wait, why do they have to buy canned veggies in bulk? Surely with so many people to help they could have a decent garden. And that's a household task many kids actually enjoy helping with, plus it's good exercise.

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Wait, why do they have to buy canned veggies in bulk? Surely with so many people to help they could have a decent garden. And that's a household task many kids actually enjoy helping with, plus it's good exercise.

That's what normal, sane people would do. However, the Duggars are not normal or sane. They have pretended on TV to have a garden and to make their own laundry soap. They are fake. I'm sure their excuse for not really having a garden is they travel too much and they wouldn't have time to tend the garden when they're on the road.

They could have a great garden and use it not only for food, but also as part of their learning experience.... but I doubt there are any Wisdom Booklets on gardening. I can just imagine J'Chelle pronouncing "fertilizer" in her baby talk voice. Although, it does start off with "fertile".....

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I don't understand the canned vegetables. Frozen veggies are much better and often much fresher than the 'fresh' veg that's been hanging around supermarkets for weeks. But I agree that particularly with a large family of homeschoolers, a kitchen garden would be a great idea and a great long-term school project. There's tons to learn about - nutrition, science, geography (different kinds of environments produce different food), maths (measuring out plant food, fertiliser, water), history (historical uses for common plants, the spice trade and how it developed places like Venice), English (writing recipes, menus, describing food). I feel so sorry for the kids and their SOTDRT education and crappy diet, what wasted potential. Michelle doesn't care about her kids, she's just a baby collector.

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Canned vegetables have a long shelf life and do not require having a working freezer, unlike frozen vegetables. Without consideration of the normal Duggar vegetable-eating habits, having canned vegetables on hand is itself a good idea in case of power loss. I don't prefer canned vegetables, but the hate for them on FJ surprises me. I probably have a different view of them because I was raised by my grandmother, who lived through both the Depression and WWII. Canned vegetables were a staple in my house growing up, and I certainly didn't grow up stupid or poor.

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I don't understand the canned vegetables. Frozen veggies are much better and often much fresher than the 'fresh' veg that's been hanging around supermarkets for weeks. But I agree that particularly with a large family of homeschoolers, a kitchen garden would be a great idea and a great long-term school project. There's tons to learn about - nutrition, science, geography (different kinds of environments produce different food), maths (measuring out plant food, fertiliser, water), history (historical uses for common plants, the spice trade and how it developed places like Venice), English (writing recipes, menus, describing food). I feel so sorry for the kids and their SOTDRT education and crappy diet, what wasted potential. Michelle doesn't care about her kids, she's just a baby collector.

But, but, then they wouldn't have room in their massive chest freezers for ice cream and individual burritos.

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Commercially canned vegetables are insanely high in salt and have all of the nutritents leached out of them. They are not terribly health and are certainly nothing even close to the concept of eating them for health reasons. I can see the merit of stockpiling some frozen vegetables for emergency situations, and we do so. However, for normal eating canned vegetables are not that far off of pure junk food.

Frozen veggies are much healthier, only a little more expensive when purchased in bulk, and easily stored in the freezers to all of those fridges they own.

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They are a pair of sisters who seem to be mega fans of the Duggars. I'm not sure how much contact the Duggars have with them or if they approve everything on the blog but they seem to keep up with the family.

I thought it was a mother and daughter; Lily & Ellie. (Not sure which is which.) The daughter is homeschooled.

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I thought it was a mother and daughter; Lily & Ellie. (Not sure which is which.) The daughter is homeschooled.

The website says mother-daughter. I do wonder where they get the interviews. Their picture seems to show the daughter older than homeschool age. Since they are fundie fans, is the daughter's future, like the fundies' daughters, being purposefully limited?


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I had no idea about the actual age of the daughter and, being incredibly lazy, didn't actually bother to read the site to find details. I check the site occasionally as the comments are always snarkworthy (pure leghumper) and they seem to get pictures earlier than other bloggers. I am sure I read at some stage that they started the site as a home school project. I guess that was a long time ago. Thanks for the correction Rita.

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