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White bus o'gloom


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Ok....my laptop's eaten the first two versions of this post and smirked at me for doing it. Thus I'm gonna post it in dribs and drabs. Laptop may have gone to the dark side ..... LAPTOP! Are you a Maxhellion???


Also: This topic may well be mergeable with an existing topic, I didn't find one.Sister-mods, feel free to merge it.


Every time I see an apparently unmarked, white rv/bus, I tense up. Why? Because it reminds me of what could be inside.


Poor Sarah writes with wonder about a line of unusual cars that they passed, and passed twice! Wow, what do you suppose about that???!!! Well, PS, I suppose it could be members of a classic car ... here comes the four-letter "C"word ... club. Yes. A group of people who gather around a shared interest in vintage vehicles, and travel in the vehicles to meet other such vehicle owners, and talk about their rides, and share beers and tacos. The idolizers. Idolizers!!!!!


Along the same lines: PS remarks how they often will pass -- wait for it -- the same vehicles! On the same roads!.... I've typed this 3 times, now, I'm just going to let the crickets say it all.


"Someone" in the bus will occasionally say, "I remember seeing that!" or, "We passed that, before!"

Yes.....PS.....other outsize "children"....that's because things like mountains, and buildings, and billboards do not move. Unless of course they are hit by a tornado.... an earthquake.... the end of days.....


It gets very warm in the bunk part of the bus, so when they're saving the batteries, they'll use fans, not a/c.

Those bunks. Occupied by 4 adults, 2 late-adolescents. Why not let 3 or 4 of them crash on the bus sofas, or the floor? Air flow, people!!! Hey ... also .... you never know what can go on in those cloistered little bunks. Stevovah, did you not think of that, man????


Finally....I think....not related precisely to the bus, but the photo of those poseurs sitting elevated on a stage in front of a couple dozen seekers after truth? How dare they! What have any of the Maxwells done to make themselves experts, worthy of our ears and minds?


The Outsize "children" have simply complied with rules for which they had absolutely no alternatives.

The parents have restricted their children to that degree. There is no expertise in that: remove all outside influences, offer no opportunity to disagree, let alone act on any point of contention, and voila!, you have 8 automatons telling others how to be automatons. So sad that some people reach for that ring, thinking it's the way to go.



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MamaJ! Have your headship, the venerable TSU, contact One Ton Ramp at once! They'll fix up your laptop right quick, or at least pray over it and charge you.

I think of the kinds of conversations I have with the young people in my life: about literature, movies, theater, music, fashion, relationships, philosophy--heck, even religion--and the life of PS makes me so sad. No wonder the template for their blog is a life-sucking shade of griege: it represents the colorlessness of their oppressive, limited existence.

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MamaJ! Have your headship, the venerable TSU, contact One Ton Ramp at once! They'll fix up your laptop right quick, or at least pray over it and charge you.

Thank you! I needed that LOL!

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Ah ha! So the Maxwells do take credit cards. We had a discussion about this recently, and most thought they probably did not, as they are so against debt. Apparently debt is ok as long as it's to buy Maxwell books.

ETA; Sorry MJB. I know this is slightly ot. I was just so excited to learn this. Oh, and excited that Jesus had the credit card company fix their glitch in time for the Maxwells to sell a bunch of their crap books.

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I just bopped over to Maxhell and looked at the travel pics. Way to take photos of some of the most breathtaking terrain in the US and vacuum the beauty and energy clean out of it.

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I was in the camp that thought they wouldn't accept credit cards so I'm surprised--but not really--to find out that they do. I'm sure they spin it as helping people get on the path of righteousness and glorification of the Lawd but hypocrisy is still hypocrisy not matter how you try to dress it up. And hypocrisy abounds in Maxwellville. Steve writes about the importance of having a home business so you don't find yourself as an employee who's forced to go against your principals and beliefs, yet they support companies like Apple and Microsoft on a daily basis and shill their wares through amazon--whose policies are of the debil. Equality? Education?Healtcare? Say it ain't so! But you're right there helping it along, Stevie. You walk the walk 100% of the time, not when it's convenient or beneficial for you. Suck on that one, you fucking hypocrite.

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Ah ha! So the Maxwells do take credit cards. We had a discussion about this recently, and most thought they probably did not, as they are so against debt. Apparently debt is ok as long as it's to buy Maxwell books.

ETA; Sorry MJB. I know this is slightly ot. I was just so excited to learn this. Oh, and excited that Jesus had the credit card company fix their glitch in time for the Maxwells to sell a bunch of their crap books.

But-but-but, debt is OK as long as it's incurred by other people.

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Ah ha! So the Maxwells do take credit cards. We had a discussion about this recently, and most thought they probably did not, as they are so against debt. Apparently debt is ok as long as it's to buy Maxwell books.

ETA; Sorry MJB. I know this is slightly ot. I was just so excited to learn this. Oh, and excited that Jesus had the credit card company fix their glitch in time for the Maxwells to sell a bunch of their crap books.

*giggling* I know!!!! Actually that was on my list of things to whine about, but naptime intervened!

Didn't the first Maxwell conference interloper (that we heard about, any way) say that a woman with bad teeth whipped out the plastic to pay for a stack of books?

My Lutheran parents taught me that God answers prayer in one of three ways: yes, no or wait. What if J---s had told Stevovah and Mary "wait" 'til like the next week? Woo, how many bounced checks would have afflicted the Maxbalance sheet??

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I just bopped over to Maxhell and looked at the travel pics. Way to take photos of some of the most breathtaking terrain in the US and vacuum the beauty and energy clean out of it.


Last year my TSU bought me a point-and-shoot camera, even though I'd dropped copious hints about a nice SLR.

So Poor Sarah uses her SLR-with-who-knows-what to ... point and shoot. Makes me nuts.

Then again it isn't all her fault. Stevovah refused - apparently again - to visit the Grand Canyon. Can't be stopping the white bus o'gloom and permitting the Overage children to wrongly worship at creation with truly crafted, creative photography, even if it is God's handiwork they're shootin'.

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My Lutheran parents taught me that God answers prayer in one of three ways: yes, no or wait. What if J---s had told Stevovah and Mary "wait" 'til like the next week? Woo, how many bounced checks would have afflicted the Maxbalance sheet??

Jesus might answer "wait" to you Lutherans, we Episcopalians, and most definitely to Catholics. But he'd never, never, never say it to the Maxwells!

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The Maxwells lead such an austere life. When they were in Red Bluff, Anna made tacos for lunch. The thing is that Red Bluff has many authentic Mexican restaurants. I wish that they could have tried real tacos.

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Just read about their bus batteries. I have to wonder, don't they charge off of the engine too? So if the battery is low in the morning, as long as they drive enough all day, it'll be charged up for the night?

The tricked-out Land Cruiser I vacation in has two batteries installed in it (just normal truck batteries), you can switch from one to the other, two batteries is more juice for camping (we have an inverter and house-type plugs installed so you can plug in normal household appliances/computers/phones/radios/whatever too) but they charge from the engine. Meaning, charge with gas.

Again their website is SO damn heavy.

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Stevovah refused - apparently again - to visit the Grand Canyon. Can't be stopping the white bus o'gloom and permitting the Overage children to wrongly worship at creation with truly crafted, creative photography, even if it is God's handiwork they're shootin'.

Maybe they can't have them looking at one of the prime examples of proof that the earth isn't six thousand years old? Or maybe they will be so in awe of it that maybe it will become an idol? Can't have them asking too many questions about all those rock layers and how it long it took the river to erode it. :naughty:

ETA: Interesting side note: there is a book out there on the Grand Canyon told from a creationist viewpoint but the nonprofit association at the park would not sell it in their bookstores. Interesting though that the NPS bookstores at the park had to sell it. Your tax dollars at work.

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Jesus might answer "wait" to you Lutherans, we Episcopalians, and most definitely to Catholics. But he'd never, never, never say it to the Maxwells!

I must say - :lol: :lol: - through the giggles - I have never had so many LOLs in one FJ session as today!

But of course, kpmom, what *was* I thinking?????!!!!!

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"House" batteries are typically charged by the engine with a flip of a switch. They only hold so much electricity and they either used more than they generated or the batteries were not charged. I think they use more power than they generate. You don't run the generator just to power the batteries, you use it to generate house electricity and topping off the batteries is a byproduct. It takes a lot of power to run a motorhome that size with that many people. My thought is they top off the batteries so they can have enough electricity and not have to sleep with the generator on.

When I live off-grid I use very little power. Mostly LED light and maybe the dvd player. i rely mote on the iphone. My SO runs more electronics so his use is larger than solar can keep up with so he uses his generator daily.

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Just read about their bus batteries. I have to wonder, don't they charge off of the engine too? So if the battery is low in the morning, as long as they drive enough all day, it'll be charged up for the night?

The tricked-out Land Cruiser I vacation in has two batteries installed in it (just normal truck batteries), you can switch from one to the other, two batteries is more juice for camping (we have an inverter and house-type plugs installed so you can plug in normal household appliances/computers/phones/radios/whatever too) but they charge from the engine. Meaning, charge with gas.

Again their website is SO damn heavy.

Yeah, but see -- charging with THEIR gas means moniey deducted from THEIR credit-card-completed sales dollar$.

I'm sure their friends who permitted them to suck up the kilowatthours felt more than blessed to be able to give in yet another way to the Maxhellions. :!:

The heaviness of their website? It's part and parcel of what their lives are like, I think. I fixed my TSU's lunch at 7, went back to bed and got up at 8:30. They never get the option to sleep in, or lay abed reading a book ... heavy, damn heavy, indeed. Like a penal institution.

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The main thing we need to power with the batteries while camped with the engine off is the fridge. Gotta keep the beer cold!!! :D

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We have 3 batteries in the aurabbit tour truck. 2 for the house, and one for the engine. We also have a solar panel on top to help charge the deep cycle marine batteries that are in the closet for extra power. If I could afford it, I'd hop over to Harbor Freight and buy 2 of their larger panels and affix them to the roof to generate more power. We have a small generator that will run the house lights but not the a/c. Luckily we haven't been camping when there is a need for a/c. We're buying a new propane stove/oven/grill to replace the dead oven. The fridge works with dry ice for a couple of days and that's all we've needed so far. Beer goes into the big cooler with more dry ice.

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It's a pity that this restaurant gives loving, accepting Christians a bad name by promoting hated and fear of homosexuality.

I posted this on their latest post. I know it won't get through but I can't let it slide.

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I can't believe their lives are so dull that all she can think to post is that they saw the same cars more than once.

Oh wait. Yes, I can.

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I'm new to freejinger, and have just checked out the Maxwells blog.

How utterly batshit boring! Sarah is 31 you say? And she writes crap like " Snow is nice. It's pretty. It's refreshing"

What the actual fuck? Lord, take me now!!!!!! Hahahahaha

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The bus o'gloom is now home. The most exciting thing that happened on their drive home was watching the moon change positions. :roll: Wonder if Stevie will allow them to sleep until 6:00 or 6:30 since they got home so late... :think:

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Probably can't go to the Grand Canyon because Steve is afraid the kids would jump into it.

The Maxwells have gone to the Grand Canyon before. Apparently they looked 'knowingly' at each other when their guide talked about the rocks being millions of years old, because of course they knew better. :roll:

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