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Watchman for Christ and Ungodly Women at Chicago Gay Pride


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Oh boy, is this a blog to snark on........... Have at it ladies and gentlemen!

I am, unfortunately, very familiar with this jerk. I could use much stronger language but he is not worth the effort. Not long ago, a friend of mine had a face to face with him, and watchman did NOT come out the winner, though he likes to claim he did. They were discussing evolution. Watchman has this obsession with the GLBT community though, and kept going to that. T. kept it on the subject at hand. Watchman pretty much counters with "you are wrong and you are going to hell". He is like a plankton in the ocean and he just wants to get noticed.

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Someone left this comment on his blog

Dear Watchman for Christ and Sally,

I recognize that you don't agree with my lifestyle and I can accept that. I don't agree with your lifestyle either. I just want you to realize that the only real difference between us is that we advocate in the name of love while you advocate in the name of hate.

I don't look at Christian women and think of them as "not real women". I don't stand outside of churches with signs and a megaphone and yell that the Christian lifestyle will only make you miserable. I don't have a blog where I proudly display videos of myself talking down to Christians. I believe that we all live our lives and as long as you are not hurting anybody, then no one has the right to judge you for your life. The only reason why I am writing this is because you have hurt me with your blatant disregard for human dignity.

Sally, I think that it is appalling that any woman who does not conform with your idea of what a woman should be is considered to be less than a woman by you. What right do you have to judge me?

And Watchman, you are a sad little man, and I truly feel pity for you.

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Someone left this comment on his blog

He responded to that comment in precisely the way one would expect him to respond: By telling the OP to repent.

I've just been sifting through some of Watchman's videos. So far, they can be broken down into roughly three categories:

*** He's shouting things at people and talking over them even in such cases as he claims to invite a response

*** He's burning something - a Qur'an, a movie-T-shirt, some other book

*** He's condemning some bit of modernity and claiming real Christians would never watch x or listen to y

(Any talk of positive duty is for fags. Real Christians are more concerned with telling other people what not to do.)

He comes across as so incredibly condescending towards absolutely everyone - and especially women - that I'm surprised anyone would lower themselves enough to try conversing with that turkey. (In one video, the idiot actually has a three-minute count-down before he'll deign to answer the women asking him questions. Rather, he tells them to find a man to ask him. Incredibly, however, the women stick around and wait him out. I sure as hell wouldn't have. Jesus talked to the Samaritan woman without demeaning her thus. I'm sure this dust-creature could show the same restraint if only he'd try.)

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Oh, and here's my favorite so far: Tools for Married Women.

I'm sure it amuses him to think his comments anger me (or 'people like me'). They don't - and I'll get to more on that in a moment.

First of all, however, I would say it's unseemly the pride he takes in trying to by turns anger (for example, with his woman-baiting) or humiluate people. It's obvious in his manner of speech that this man gets an ego-boost from such behavior.

(FYI: There is no 'book of Hezekiah' - and no, I didn't need to look it up. I actually read the Bible. I'm not entirely sure Watchman reads his Bible carefully enough, however, since he seems to fail in a few points concerning how he should conduct himself while in a position of authority.)

And secondly, where Watchman's deliberately inflammatory video is concerned, his suggestions don't offend me: I actually do all the laundry and the dishes and greet my husband when he gets him and grab him a drink and so on. I'm happy to do so.

It's this street preacher himself I find creepy: There's something leering in his manner that suggests to me he actually gets some prurient excitement from trying to belittle others. (It's almost a Peeping Tom vibe I get from this guy.)

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This is the husband of the gentle and lovely "wife of a street preacher", recently discussing "grambo gestapo" at walmart.

aren't they paragons of christian virtue?

sally is the "woman of prayer"...the wife of another street preacher that these two are buddies with, but she's recently taken her blog private.

i have some sort of particular fascination with these crazies.

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what a condescending asshole. it's kind of hard to believe that the "tools for married women' video isn't parody.

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what a condescending asshole. it's kind of hard to believe that the "tools for married women' video isn't parody.

You know, sometimes I get to thinking I shouldn't even be here at FJ - I worry about crossing the line between criticism and cruelty - but then I find something like this and I know I'm precisely where I belong.

At least the preacher and his wife found each other so that no one else would have to endure the repercussions of getting with either of those people. (It's a bit surprising, however, that Watchman doesn't exhort his wife to display a slightly meeker spirit online - as if the unbelievably stupid term "Gestapo Grambo" should be appearing unironically on the blog of anyone who claims to believe as Watchman does.)

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Wow. So MLK should not be celebrated because he was an adulterer (something which surely didn't take away from his accomplishments)? I sure hope these people don't acknowledge King David's accomplishments either! Or Lot! In fact, why should such horrible people even be talked about in the Bible? Those books should be stricken from the records.

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oh, i imagine he's raised her up to be just as he wants her. hateful, but still gets dinner on the table.

they have daughters, too. sigh.

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Oh geez, Sally seems to think she is the most womanly woman out there.

Btw. the only tool in that video is the watchman himself. :music-tool:

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Oh geez, Sally seems to think she is the most womanly woman out there.

Of course. She's a stay at home mom with a "coupon blog", so she's obviously an expert in godly womanhood. Comments are moderated, but I but her sponsors may want to know what she is connecting her blog to.


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oh! excellent catch...that IS her kid, for sure.

funny how that coupon blog has NO references to jesus or her street preaching husband, or her "friends".

also funny is that the leaves on her masthead, when reduced to avatar size, look a lot like pot.

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Iron & starch socks? I stopped the video after that. I don't have the will power to not blow a gasket.

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what a condescending asshole. it's kind of hard to believe that the "tools for married women' video isn't parody.

I skimmed through a couple of his other videos and I'm not convinced that his whole routine isn't a parody. I can't put my finger on why; maybe it's just that he seems a little amused at his own statements. When he talks about giving your wife a feather duster for her birthday I almost (but not quite) hear a snicker.

If he is a parody, he's a really good one.

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Oh my!!!


Anonymous said...

I saw a link to this page on a gay blog and came to check it out. What total idiocy! Why do you think any THINKING person cares what you have to say? There is no god, you are preaching nothing but gross superstition and fearmongering. Not to mention, if there was a god, what would make you privy to his/her thoughts on anything? Why don't you focus on your own life, wallow in your superstitions and leave other people alone. The world would be a lot better place without your silly superstitions.

July 7, 2011 12:53 PM

The Preacher said...

The mistake you made anon is the beginning of your statement "I think...

Your opinion is worthless, God's Word is RIGHT!

July 7, 2011 12:58 PM

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I skimmed through a couple of his other videos and I'm not convinced that his whole routine isn't a parody. I can't put my finger on why; maybe it's just that he seems a little amused at his own statements. When he talks about giving your wife a feather duster for her birthday I almost (but not quite) hear a snicker.

If he is a parody, he's a really good one.

He has 355 videos up, including many recordings of his "street preaching." He's not a parody; he's a straight-up asshole. And the reason he's trying to suppress a snicker is because - and I'm being entirely serious, here - it amuses him to piss other people off. He finds it funny to demean his viewers.

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He has 355 videos up, including many recordings of his "street preaching." He's not a parody; he's a straight-up asshole. And the reason he's trying to suppress a snicker is because - and I'm being entirely serious, here - it amuses him to piss other people off. He finds it funny to demean his viewers.

i agree entirely. he's totally for-real, just a condescending asshole.

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i agree entirely. he's totally for-real, just a condescending asshole.

Y'all would know better than I would. I've only watched a few minutes of his stuff in total. There's still just something different about him. I've watched lots of fundies through the years and there's something different about him.

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I might be being incredibly dense here, but I do not understand what was going on in that video. Like, it totally eludes me.

Mostly I just want to post in this thread to say that I was at Chicago Pride and it was awesome. I did pass by a group of protesting douchebags, but I was too overjoyed with all the rainbows to allow myself to be brought down by a bunch of haters.

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Y'all would know better than I would. I've only watched a few minutes of his stuff in total. There's still just something different about him. I've watched lots of fundies through the years and there's something different about him.

i think what's different about him (in some cases) is that he's not just on a deluded power-trip, he's a bona fide sociopath. he morphs into whatever his personality is that day...some days it's loud, angry, REPENT REPENT, old testament preacher, and some day's it's his creepy version of "funny, loveable teddy bear" (which is what i honestly think he was going for in the 'tools for married women' vid.

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