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"Getting raped is a sign from God!"


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So, one girl I knew from college has an aunt who is ultra conservative fundamentalist Christian. A few weeks ago, my friend's family had a family reunion and she was catching up with her nut cracker of an aunt. They somehow got onto the topic of abortion. Her aunt is pro-life even with rape. The woman's defense over no abortion even with rape? "You shouldn't punish a life just because you have sinned." My friend, who is liberal, asked her aunt to elaborate on her response. According to that nut job, it's the women's fault for getting raped. Her reasoning behind that are the following:

-Women who work have a higher chance of getting raped because some jobs make them work late. Working late at night = walking to your car by yourself = rape

-Girls who dress immodestly (she flips over girls wearing jeans and a modest top) are just asking for it

-Girls and women nowadays have too much freedom which makes them be at a higher risk as well. She argued with the whole "this is why men should have authority over women" since men have to be "ok" with whatever women want to do in their lives.

There was more to this bull shit but I can't remember. My friend argued back and said it's the men's fault too but her crazy nut job of an aunt said that was not true. Her aunt said the women are more at fault for sinning in God's eyes and a rape is a sign from God that you're disobeying HIm and warning you.

A sign from the man upstairs?! REALLY?! If I last remember, I thought God was loving. She makes the Botkins seem like a breath of fresh air.

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-Girls and women nowadays have too much freedom which makes them be at a higher risk as well. She argued with the whole "this is why men should have authority over women" since men have to be "ok" with whatever women want to do in their lives.

Of course, because rape is such a recent phenomenom - not.

What about nuns who get raped? Oh but, wait, they're Catholic so they're sinners too, I suppose, not being Christians an' all.


Edited because I do know that phenomena is the plural.

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Wait...aren't women statistically more likely to be raped at home by friends or family members? In other words, men they know and presumably trust? :?

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Having anyone in control over someone else's thoughts, actions, wealth, property, etc. lends itself to abuse. Women, being every bit as capable and intelligent as men, do not need "authority." We need to be left the fuck alone. I don't have any stats, but I bet rape is higher in countries where women have few rights and are legally forced to be under a man's authority.

Rape is not at all a recent phenomenon- it's in the fucking Bible. Old Testament, even. Rape has been documented over thousands of years. In the case of rape, the point is not sex but power, that is, abuse. Men who would actually support such a system are either idiots or abusers.

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Wait...aren't women statistically more likely to be raped at home by friends or family members? In other words, men they know and presumably trust? :?

Don't be silly. You can't be raped by your husband, because he owns your body. And if you're "raped" by your boyfriend, it's your own fault. You led him on by dating him. Duh.

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The aunt's comments just made me sick. "My" sexual assault happened in broad daylight. I was on PMS, in my biggest woolly, puke-green cardigan, with no make-up and greasy hair. What I did wrong was using a public restroom. To me, that illustrates that it doesn't matter what a woman wears. And I find it incredibly sad and aggravating that I always have to watch my back. The only thing that saved me that day, is that I grew up with brothers, and a mother who didn't believe that girls shouldn't fight. Mom was a big believer in doing whatever is necessary to protect yourself. So, I punched and kicked that guy. Luckily for me, he ran*. No one "deserves" that! No one!

*) For the record, I did prosecute. Turns out, that guy had several outstanding warrants for rape and sexual assault. I'm glad I helped put him away. But: thanks mom for teaching me how to fight back.

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Having anyone in control over someone else's thoughts, actions, wealth, property, etc. lends itself to abuse. Women, being every bit as capable and intelligent as men, do not need "authority." We need to be left the fuck alone. I don't have any stats, but I bet rape is higher in countries where women have few rights and are legally forced to be under a man's authority.

Rape is not at all a recent phenomenon- it's in the fucking Bible. Old Testament, even. Rape has been documented over thousands of years. In the case of rape, the point is not sex but power, that is, abuse. Men who would actually support such a system are either idiots or abusers.

I was being sarcastic, hence the 'not'. Where's the sarcasm icon? i'll be sure to use it next time.

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The youngest pregnancy carried to term was by a 6 year old girl. Obviously there wasn't consent so she was raped. Pray tell what would auntie say about this?

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I was being sarcastic, hence the 'not'. Where's the sarcasm icon? i'll be sure to use it next time.

I knew you were being sarcastic, I was kind of building on that. Sorry for not being clear.

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Sorry, Kitty. I'm new and hypersensitive about treading on any toes.

It's fine. :) If you want a sarcasm icon, though, there's always the eye-rolling smiley, if you're not using quick-reply. Just for future reference, it's : roll: without the space if you're a quick-reply kind of gal like me.

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The aunt's comments just made me sick. "My" sexual assault happened in broad daylight. I was on PMS, in my biggest woolly, puke-green cardigan, with no make-up and greasy hair. What I did wrong was using a public restroom. To me, that illustrates that it doesn't matter what a woman wears. And I find it incredibly sad and aggravating that I always have to watch my back. The only thing that saved me that day, is that I grew up with brothers, and a mother who didn't believe that girls shouldn't fight. Mom was a big believer in doing whatever is necessary to protect yourself. So, I punched and kicked that guy. Luckily for me, he ran*. No one "deserves" that! No one!

*) For the record, I did prosecute. Turns out, that guy had several outstanding warrants for rape and sexual assault. I'm glad I helped put him away. But: thanks mom for teaching me how to fight back.

Ack! I fear this. I am often in a situation where I need to use a public bathroom. May I ask where this happened? (Like, a mall? A movie theatre? I can't think of anything else atm).

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Ack! I fear this. I am often in a situation where I need to use a public bathroom. May I ask where this happened? (Like, a mall? A movie theatre? I can't think of anything else atm).

It was in a train station (in Europe), in the ladies. I thought the guy was a cleaner, because you get male cleaners every now and then. Well, he wasn't.

ETA: Forgot to say where precisely.

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Don't be silly. You can't be raped by your husband, because he owns your body. And if you're "raped" by your boyfriend, it's your own fault. You led him on by dating him. Duh.

Yes, and according to one fundamentalist Christian parenting book that was donated to the library of my Lutheran church (I had great pleasure in trashing it), if you're raped by your father, it's because you have too many privileges; he has promoted you to the status of substitute wife and obviously you must be terribly spoiled, so the first step is to remove your toys and so forth.

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To answer Lainey's question on statistics, here are some sobering figures from the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN):

15% of sexual assault and rape victims are under the age of 12.

93% of juvenile victims know their attacker.

17.7 million American women have been the victims of attempted or completed rape.

Their statistics are gathered from very reliable sources (such as the U.S. Department of Justice). For more information, please see the following site: http://www.rainn.org/get-information/st ... lt-victims (link intentionally unbroken, as I imagine they WANT people to find them!)

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Yes, and according to one fundamentalist Christian parenting book that was donated to the library of my Lutheran church (I had great pleasure in trashing it), if you're raped by your father, it's because you have too many privileges; he has promoted you to the status of substitute wife and obviously you must be terribly spoiled, so the first step is to remove your toys and so forth.


So the CHILD is to blame? This makes me want to hurt someone.

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Oh for christssakes. What kind of fantasy world is this woman living in? I'll wait patiently for her sequels "Murder is a sign from God" and "You were kidnapped because God willed it so" rant. :roll:

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And here's another....a fundy friend (well now former friend) of my husband once told him that if his wife ever got raped, it would be God's will that it happened. Hubby never forgot that comment and still shakes his head over it to this day.

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