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Duggars on the Pro-Life Band Wagon


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So we knew this was coming...


I noticed on the smuggars instagram, a pic from the Carolina pregnancy center. So I googled and found a vid that JA20 himself uploaded featuring Papa Smug...



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Oh and more goolging found a pic:


Jim Bob Duggar holds a Knights of Columbus "Defend Life" poster at the South Carolina Citizens for Life Rally in Columbia, SC on January 14, 2011.

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evidently! Seems they are now faux Jewish and Faux Catholic now lol!!!

Seriously, they just astound me with the crap they pull out of their backsides!

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Wow, did you hear how that place works? Pregnant women have to earn credits by attending church in order to get stuff from the "baby shop."

Wow, wouldn't want to actually be a real charity and just give stuff to the poor unaborted babies. :?

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Wow, did you hear how that place works? Pregnant women have to earn credits by attending church in order to get stuff from the "baby shop."

Wow, wouldn't want to actually be a real charity and just give stuff to the poor unaborted babies. :?

Yup. They only care about the christian babies. The ebil jews and muzlims can abort their babies apparently.

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They are aware the Knights of Columbus are, uh, Catholic, yes?

I thought exactly the same thing!

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Yup. They only care about the christian babies. The ebil jews and muzlims can abort their babies apparently.

Don't be silly, they want the ebil Jews and Muslims to convert to their religion and have no shame dangling cute baby clothes as bait. :roll:

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Choose life.. Ok.. Where are these goons with their signs when an unwanted baby is thrown in a dumpster or tossed out a car window? Or is it only a fetus has a right to life? :think:

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Ignoring all of the other bullshit in this video: JB is such a dork. Also, this should have been edited. There was no need to show Boob taking a picture with fans at the end. :roll:

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Ignoring all of the other bullshit in this video: JB is such a dork. Also, this should have been edited. There was no need to show Boob taking a picture with fans at the end. :roll:

But the Duggars are the ATI equivalent of rock stars... ;)

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Oh I've just been snooping at the Caroline Pregnancy Center's website, and basically its all "Adoption is an Act of Love."

They state that they "do not offer or refer for abortion services." BUT Will "Offer peer counseling and accurate information about all pregnancy options."... meanwhile it also goes on with 5 pages of anti-Abortion information, including details of the procedures that conveniently uses the term "baby" after the word "fetus"...

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Dont these people understand that whether or not abortion is illegal, people are gonna do it anyway? We'll have sleazy back alley "doctors" performing them all over again! Is that really what they want!?

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Dont these people understand that whether or not abortion is illegal, people are gonna do it anyway? We'll have sleazy back alley "doctors" performing them all over again! Is that really what they want!?

The more misery the better. It'll help turn people's hearts toward Jesus, dontcha know.

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Dont these people understand that whether or not abortion is illegal, people are gonna do it anyway? We'll have sleazy back alley "doctors" performing them all over again! Is that really what they want!?

Women who choose abortion are clearly evil and deserve to die (along with their precious fetus, no less).


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So, you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to get stuff from that shop, stuff that's probably second-hand donated stuff anyhow, and the hoops UNDOUBTEDLY include being oh,so GRATEFUL to the KIND CHRISTIAN people who are so GRACIOUSLY helping these sinful girls who fornicated.

But the Duggars and other fundies and conservatives are angry that many, many unmarried pregnant women turn down this FREE HELP and go on welfare, etc? Jeez! :lol:

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Dont these people understand that whether or not abortion is illegal, people are gonna do it anyway? We'll have sleazy back alley "doctors" performing them all over again! Is that really what they want!?

No I think they actually think abortions will stop.

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Guest Anonymous
Dont these people understand that whether or not abortion is illegal, people are gonna do it anyway? We'll have sleazy back alley "doctors" performing them all over again! Is that really what they want!?

What it would do is turn women of child-bearing age into medical have and have-nots. The have-nots would either have to complete unwanted pregnancies, or risk their health and maybe their lives, having back-alley procedures. The haves will find themselves either paying exorbitant fees to underground obstetricians, or flying to countries where abortion is still legal.

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"Abortion safety" advice from their website:

Do not allow anyone to sell you an abortion prior to the 8th week of pregnancy.

Providers will sell you an abortion but then will not "guarantee success" prior to the eighth week. The fetus is simply too small to locate. Abortion is already a blind procedure (by feel and guesswork) and when done prior to the eighth week, the danger of internal damage is higher. The suction tube may perforate your uterus and bowel. More commonly, the abortion can be incomplete, which means tissue is left behind, which could cause severe infection that may lead to infertility and, in some cases, toxic poisoning or even death.

Um.. I'm going to call bullshit on this.

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