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Happy birthday Jinger!


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Dear Jinger,


I hope your 18th birthday is a joyous event! You deserve it. :)



A fan of yours since the first special


PS: If you decide you want to make a break for it, I live in an awesome city with incredibly progressive values. And I totally have enough space for a roommate. Just sayin'.. ;)

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Happy Birthday, Jinger! There's a big wide world out there, don't let the shackles of your childhood hold you back. Follow your dreams!

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Happy 18th Jinger! I hope you get a real birthday celebration with no cheesy little kid games to play. I hope you regain the sassy spirit you showed in the early TV days, and somehow find a way out of the fundie lifestyle.

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Happy birthday, Jinger. I hope you get the chance to experience life "on the outside" one day. And if you enjoy it and want to live that way, your parents will eventually accept that choice if they love you.

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I feel like I should be having an awesome party to make up for the fact that she probably wont.

Now don't be so cynical. Maybe her mother will take her to Chuck E Cheese.

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Happy Birthday Jinger!

I hope you get to live the life you want to live... whatever that may be.

And I hope you are the one who gets to decide what you want.

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Now don't be so cynical. Maybe her mother will take her to Chuck E Cheese.

Talking mice are tools of Satan, dont'cha know. Maybe the family can shoot some guns again.

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Happy birthday, Jinger! You're my favorite Duggar, BTW.

If you decide to run for it, you're welcome here in Georgia!

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Happy Birthday Jinger. You. Are. Legally. An. Adult. Now.

Jim-Bob has no more legal authority over you, get into a car and take off as fast and as far as you can, and take Jessa with you for company.

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SEAN! Now's the time! SHE IS LEGAL! Get with TLC, hammer out a deal for her and her older sisters to escape the compound, we'll be waiting and watching for this!

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SEAN! Now's the time! SHE IS LEGAL! Get with TLC, hammer out a deal for her and her older sisters to escape the compound, we'll be waiting and watching for this!


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Happy Birthday Jinger!

Just so you know you can be a Conservative Christian and go to college, have a job, wear pants, date and only have children if you want them.

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Happy Birthday Jinger!

Just so you know you can be a Conservative Christian and go to college, have a job, wear pants, date and only have children if you want them.

And even spell your name with a "G" if you want!

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Happy Birthday, Jinger. You can legally get away from the compound!

Jinger, we are here for you: RUN! You can come live in Oregon and I won't make you be Ladybug's mom. You can wear whatever you like, date, go to college, see R rated movies, listen to music without the word "Jesus" in it, and Dance.

Oh, Jinger, I wish you could dance out of Arkansas, and bring Johannah with you!

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RUN! Leave your selfish parents behind so that they can clean their own jurisdictions and raise their own kids.

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Lets just forget about that little thing with the world ending on your next bday and all... RUN AND ENJOY WHILE YOU CAN!

I have seen the future. Jinger has to wait til her 19th birthday because all eyes are on her to make sure she doesnt run. So she will run the night before. The next day, Michelle will be so livi she will show herself as the AntiChrist and destroy the worl with her evil powers.

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Sadly, this is true I fear. I think that Michelle has a complete double nature and will absolutely stop any possibility of Jinger escaping the compound. If her or any of the other girls escaped then Michelle would have one less servant to do her dirty work. I also have a strong feeling that as soon as the cameras are off, Princess Uterus is a total bitch. I can see her yelling, screaming, and never lifting a finger. :naughty:

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