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Fundielicious Christmas Gift Fun from VF!


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I just got an email from VF telling me that I could give someone the gift of a Golden Ticket. What is this, you may ask? Apparently, I can send someone to any of the upcoming VF events (film festival, food conference, Titanic 100th celebration, etc...). I have a cousin who has been saving up to go to the VF film festival and wants me to come, split hotel with her, etc.. My great fear is that my aunt and uncle might decide to get me a little golden ticket to go with her. :o

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My great fear is that my aunt and uncle might decide to get me a little golden ticket to go with her. :o

Oh if they do, you have to go! Maybe the Golden Ticket will include a tour of the VF offices, and songs by the oompa loompas interns!

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