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I hate that the Duggars think it's cute to wear flip flops..

Guest LilaFowler

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Guest LilaFowler

In dangerous situations, like hiking or a home building site. They need to stop being so indignant and self-righteous about it. It's not cute or funny or clever. If I had been one of the bosses, supervisers, or whatever at Habitat for Humanity, after seeing flip flops, I would have turned them away so quick their heads would have spun.


(It's also not cute the way Josh and Jim Bob joke about being fat, yet stuffing food like it's going out of style, but that's a whole 'nother subject).

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It's also kind of disturbing that Anna thought the Raspberry Bars were 'healthy'. She's corporate America's wet dream, thinking that their cellulose and hfcs filled products are the basis of a good diet.

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The Duggar girls and their attitude about "being able to do anything in flip flops" is pretty annoying. They should have been tossed off the Habitat for Humanity site. Joy Ann shouldn't have been rock climbing in flip flops in that one episode.

The Duggar girls also wear flip flops during times in which they do a lot of walking. Those girls need to wear at tennis shoes in some situations. Also they wore flip flops around the Bateses' horses.

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It's also kind of disturbing that Anna thought the Raspberry Bars were 'healthy'. She's corporate America's wet dream, thinking that their cellulose and hfcs filled products are the basis of a good diet.

I rolled my eyes at that part. Anna says some stupid shit all the time to shut up the critics and she fails. I laughed when she tried to shut up the critics who hated on her for the Hummer, by stating she was using cloth diapers for McKenzie.

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Those girls need to wear at tennis shoes in some situations. Also they wore flip flops around the Bateses' horses.

But then they'd look like sterotypical fundies! (signed by one who is now paranoid about wearing tennies with skirts!)

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I can understand preferring to be as close to barefoot as possible (I am a big fan of my many pairs of Vibram FiveFingers myself and wear them everywhere - running, to the gym, hiking, to work on more casual days, and so on!), however, flip flops certainly are not as multipurpose as they seem to believe. Way too much danger of losing footing/traction, skinning off a few layers of skin (I have seen this happen to people wearing them while riding bikes, and I cringe when I see people riding bikes in flip flops now!) and so on.

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I religiously go barefoot too, but even I know there are limits.I would never go barefoot around horses, for example.

What do those poor girls do during the winter? Tell me they put on SOMETHING so they don't lose a toe or 5?

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I still say it's just a teenage girl thing. I never understood the girls in high school who would walk around in flip-flops when it was 20 degrees and there was snow on the ground. They always insisted they were perfectly comfortable like that. And for the record, these were people from well off families who could certainly afford more weather appropriate shoes. They just preferred flip-flops. Now, granted, that's not a potentially dangerous situation like building a house or riding horses, but I never understand why people think the flip-flop obsession is particular to the Duggars. I think that's one of the most normal things about them.

Joking about being fat is often something people will do when they're uncomfortable with their weight and don't think there's anything they can do to change it. It doesn't necessarily mean they think being fat is "cute."

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In dangerous situations, like hiking or a home building site. They need to stop being so indignant and self-righteous about it. It's not cute or funny or clever. If I had been one of the bosses, supervisers, or whatever at Habitat for Humanity, after seeing flip flops, I would have turned them away so quick their heads would have spun.

(It's also not cute the way Josh and Jim Bob joke about being fat, yet stuffing food like it's going out of style, but that's a whole 'nother subject).

I'm surprised Habitat for Humanity let them near a build site. I signed up this summer to help build a house, and I received an email with specific instructions on what to wear. Among those things were closed toe shoes like gym shoes or hiking boots. Work boots were preferable.

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I'm surprised Habitat for Humanity let them near a build site. I signed up this summer to help build a house, and I received an email with specific instructions on what to wear. Among those things were closed toe shoes like gym shoes or hiking boots. Work boots were preferable.

I think maybe TLC paid HFH to not toss the girls or maybe the scenes we saw of the girls at the HFH were staged scenes. I think there will come a time when the Duggar girls will get tossed from certain venue or event for wearing flip flops.

If the Duggar girls went to a horse stable/riding place, they wouldn't be allowed near the horses.

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I'm surprised Habitat for Humanity let them near a build site. I signed up this summer to help build a house, and I received an email with specific instructions on what to wear. Among those things were closed toe shoes like gym shoes or hiking boots. Work boots were preferable.

This. I volunteer for habitat and other things of that nature and they always send a list of what you can wear, what you cannot wear, and what will get you thrown out (clothing and behavior wise). It's just annoying these people get allowed to buck a system that is in place for a REASON.

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I religiously go barefoot too, but even I know there are limits.I would never go barefoot around horses, for example.

What do those poor girls do during the winter? Tell me they put on SOMETHING so they don't lose a toe or 5?

this picture shows that some of the Duggar girls seem to have real shoes, but Joy-Anna and Jill are still wearing flip flops.. maybe not buying the girls good, warm shoes is JBs way to keep them in the house and control them 24/7.. especially during the cold months.

link to the picture:


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I honestly can't blame them for the flip flops. They're teenagers and more fashion conscious than the average fundie. If I ever wore skirts I'd most certainly be wearing flip flops or some other sort of open type sandal with them.

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A lot of these types of things (flip-flops in places they ought not be worn and a fundamental lack of understanding regarding nutrition) is mostly an awareness issue. Being brought up homeschooled and in ATI, there are a lot of common sense things that I notice people have that I just don't simply because my awareness isn't developed in these areas. Fortunately, I respond well in these situations and have a willingness to adjust, but I've been burned more than once because of this kind of thing simply because I hadn't been exposed to it.

As a kid or young adult growing up in a sheltered environment, there is a lot of cultural and situational awareness that is unknown, and a lot of the time it takes multiple failures or experiences to change or learn. As for adults displaying this type of apparent ignorance, I think it's a similar problem, but an adult's lack of foresight and willingness to adjust is very common in these circles. It often requires direct confrontation about the issue and a willingness to change by the one being confronted, both of which usually don't have positive results in ATI circles due to the mentality and positions held...even when talking about common sense, fact-based things like flip-flops and nutrition.

Disclaimer: definitely not a defense of their actions - just providing a little more perspective.

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How cold does it get in Arkansas? I'm in Wisconsin and when I was in college, I saw girls wearing flipflops well into December before switching to tennis. I think it's really stupid to wear flip flops when building houses or around horses. I know boots are more expensive and flipflops cheap, but I've seen both Jessa and Jinger wear boots now... why couldn't they have worn those? Boots + skirts = AMAZING combination (I do it all the time!)

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We get it, they can do anything in flip flops, but that doesn't mean you should be stupid to prove your point by hiking up a freakin mountain or around construction. Critics say shit to them regarding flip flops because they wear them around places where they could possibly get injured; that doesn't mean they should wear them constantly to prove "hey, look, we can do it with flip flops." I love my high heeled boots and pumps and I'm sure I could walk and run around them in any condition but that doesn't mean I'm gonna wear them out if the roads are icy to prove my point.

As for Anna, she's just slowly turning into the next Michelle and Smuggar's attitude is starting to rub off on her. She thinks she's a little know it all, and acts like her married life is perfect because she allowed God to pick out her husband and waited for any touchy touchy good time besides hand sex. Trust me, honey, my boyfriend and I could do circles around your marriage and we've been together just as long as your marriage.

Overall, the Duggars give me a migraine. I have to have a glass of wine in order for me to handle 30 mins of their God awful show.

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A lot of these types of things (flip-flops in places they ought not be worn and a fundamental lack of understanding regarding nutrition) is mostly an awareness issue. Being brought up homeschooled and in ATI, there are a lot of common sense things that I notice people have that I just don't simply because my awareness isn't developed in these areas. Fortunately, I respond well in these situations and have a willingness to adjust, but I've been burned more than once because of this kind of thing simply because I hadn't been exposed to it.

As a kid or young adult growing up in a sheltered environment, there is a lot of cultural and situational awareness that is unknown, and a lot of the time it takes multiple failures or experiences to change or learn. As for adults displaying this type of apparent ignorance, I think it's a similar problem, but an adult's lack of foresight and willingness to adjust is very common in these circles. It often requires direct confrontation about the issue and a willingness to change by the one being confronted, both of which usually don't have positive results in ATI circles due to the mentality and positions held...even when talking about common sense, fact-based things like flip-flops and nutrition.

Disclaimer: definitely not a defense of their actions - just providing a little more perspective.

The thing is, the adults raising today's teenagers/young adults in ATI had a life outside ATI and should have more awareness about nutrition and what happens to your feet if you wear flip flips 360 days a year. This should be made especially clear to the girls, who will regret their "we can do anything in flip flops" attitude when they're carrying around kid #3 and the ankles/knees/hips start to go on them...before they're 30, let alone menopause when it is most common.

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I hate to think how knarled their feet must be already... I bought a bad pair of flipflops on holiday FIVE years ago and I still have callouses from where they cut into my feet.

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Flip flops are for communal showers or the beach. Invest in a good pair of Tevas or actual sandals if you want the sun on your feet- better arch support, good traction, soles that hold up over hard terrain. It isn't smart or cute to risk your feet for no apparent reason.

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I love flip flops, and I'd go barefoot if it was socially acceptable, but even I put on some freaking gym shoes in appropriate settings! And I hope their flip flops are comfortable, because I know I have pairs that always cut into the sides of my feet no matter what.

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But then they'd look like sterotypical fundies! (signed by one who is now paranoid about wearing tennies with skirts!)

Try chucks/ converse. That's what I am wearing today.

As for the flip flops, one of those girls is gonna get hurt. I tore a ligament this summer as a direct result of wearing flip flops. Had I been wearing sneakers, it would have been nothing more than a twisted ankle/mild sprain.

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I cannot tolerate wearing flip-flops. Just thinking about having that plastic thing between my toes makes my feet hurt. Even when I'm at the beach or the pool, I wear aqua shoes.

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