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Kelly @ GC speaks out against FEMA


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aggythenostic (06/12/11 14:13:15)

Oh Kelly, how I hate your smug, nasty ways. But you know what I hate more? How you can never put yourself in anyone else's flipflops, not even for a minute. In her latest post on managing to raise gobs of children without food stamps, she not only manages to push the purchase of her laughable 'e book', she also manages to sneer at those who didn't get idiots to contribute to her upkeep:

I won’t debate government funding in this post. Our recent tragedy has certainly brought up a lot of discussion about FEMA and when or if it’s ever OK to receive government assistance. I don’t know all the answers. For the record, we have not applied for FEMA. Would we feel differently if the Body of Christ had not done their job to care for us in such an overwhelming way? I don’t know. But we’ve seen the church in action and praise God that we didn’t feel pressured to tap into a grossly depleted government treasury.

O rilly? SCREW YOU, KELLY! How f'king dare you? And FYI - your model for raising your family on $1 a day only works when everyone is healthy, there are no special needs, people give you their stuff because they are stupid enough to feel sorry for you, your parent let you live on their land rent-free, and no one is going to **gasp** go to college. [Oh and good luck with Samaritan Ministries if one of your kids is hit by a car, and get 300K worth of treatment at the hospital.] Do you actually think that people are in debt because they go out to eat too much? NOT EVERYONE LIVES IN BUMSCHATCH, ALABAMA! The stupid. Sigh. The stupid.

generationcedar.com/main/2011/06/debt-saving-money-and-large-families-dont-have-to-be-on-food-stamps.html [i'd break the link, but I would love for her to come here and argue her absurd points with us. Seriously, Kelly. Please come out and play ]

Last Edited By: aggythenostic 06/12/11 14:29:12. Edited 1 time.

ladypuglover (06/12/11 14:24:03)

I wouldn't want to be her with Karma looking down the barrel right at her. First she mocks the Haitians and ignores the Japanese and then acts so surprised by her own act of God. She is just asking for God to show her His wrath and I wouldn't want to be next to her as He already leveled her house and threw it on her sister. She better calm down if she ever wants her ruby slippers back.

Bella99 (06/12/11 14:44:29)

These people have no perspective. Yes, everyone at some time has made a foolish purchase, but the three leading causes of bankruptcy in the U.S. are divorce, illness and unwilling job loss. Not things most people want to experience.

I clearly recall that my godson would have been without a carseat or bassinett or much else if atheist me had not gathered them from friends or bought them for him. The baby's grandfather is a Christian minister with the latest and greatest gadgets in his home (although he is no Joel Osteen), but the father's family did not lift a finger to help them and the mother's parents were deceased.

Kelly is damn lucky that people are deluded enough to share with her and everyone in her family seems to be healthy (I spent $120 on an asthma inhaler for Her Maj last week). Some people don't have followers or family to help them.

fundiefan (06/12/11 14:55:29)

There is NO debate or discussion regarding whether it is 'OK' or not to accept or receive government assistance. Even ignoring her 'body of christ' and the money and help provided by PEOPLE, which she says is from her god, not everyone HAS a 'body of christ' or a network of friends and family or resources. She's just too self centered to care or notice because she acts and chooses perfectly so everyone on the planet should do the same.

Yes, Kelly is blessed and special; enough so that she has come very close to claiming the tornado was all about her and her faith.

Fuck you, Kelly. I'm glad your kids are sheltered, clothed and fed. Only, I am far more concerned about those who are not. My thoughts, attentions and everything else go towards and for those who are fortunate enough to have a FEMA trailer so they have a place to be.

I don't doubt for a second that if the government were to 'adopt' HER beliefs, values and point of view that she would be so 'anti' government. She can't and won't accept that a government has its limits, priorities and values because the government does not see the world as she does. No official religion means no one person or group 'gets' more or less. For all the failings of the US Government, the non-religious position they operate with is NOT one of them. The government does what it can and is capable of and willing to do. Without regard to any individual. It sucks when you are in a position of need, but as a whole, what other way could it possibly be?

So the fuck what, Kelly, if you personally do not 'need' help or support from the government. You have, however, TAKEN help where you can get it and from whom you can get it. In abundance. Good for your kids, honestly & sincerely. Your kids are not homeless or starving or lacking in medical care, education or security. They deserve to be taken care of.

Every other child in the affected area ALSO deserves to be secure, educated, fed and cared for.

Ignorant selfishness is abundant in Kelly's world. The tornadoes were not about and for her or her faith. The aftermath is not one size fits all. Thousands of human LIVES were affected and even destroyed.

I know she doesn't care. Fine, she doesn't have to. Barely 30 days later she has money to rebuild, a safe home, food, clothing, Internet access, cell phones....but, she goes even further and insults, humiliates and degrades those who still have nothing; who are still fighting and struggling to go to sleep in peace at night. While she gets to rebuild her home and move on and have a goal, far too many others have little chance of even considering goals as part of their daily lives; far too many are still overwhelmed with how to feed themselves and their kids, how to shelter and clothe them, how to LIVE.

Kelly disgusts me. Plain and simple.

thatonechick (06/12/11 14:58:41)

You are right, Kelly. Begging money off of your friends is so much classier.


chengdu (06/12/11 15:07:17)

Cracks me up how Kelly keeps saying that 'monetary donations are the preferred form of helping" for her family. Real classy.

And FEMA was all bad when tornados were things that happened to other people. Now that she knows people who are homeless, FEMA "might" be OK--sometimes--according to Her Biblical Majesty. Sorry, I just don't recall where FEMA is even mentioned in Scripture.

Interestingly, Kelly has received $35,000 in cold hard cash donations (her preferred form of helping), according to her ChipIn.

apple1 (06/12/11 15:35:27)

Do you think that is true, or is it Kelly-fiction?

My husband is originally from a small community in Alabama (not Kelly's!) that had major devastation. I do not know of anyone who has received much in the way of donations, other than labor by their neighbors. Many (but not all) carried good insurance, but there is still much just plain hard work, and there is deductible $$ to absorb.

I cannot see Kelly's situation anywhere there.

SnarkyJan (06/12/11 15:41:05)

I wonder how long it will take for Mrs. Dalloway to show up here and urge us to cut her some slack because she's going through hell. She's too good for FEMA but not too dainty to freeload off her followers? Ladypuglover is right, karma just can't wait to get its hands on her. Oh, and Kelly dear, you were bragging about your children's earning potential and how you expected they would be able to contribute to the family till? I hope those kids abscond with their earnings and spend it enrolling in college.

mirele (06/12/11 15:49:51)

Kelly's gonna hate me. But she infuriated the crap out of me, so I let her have it.

This isn't going to last long on her blog.

Kelly, it's so wonderful how you can step on your pedestal and proceed to make women who are struggling to make it in a very tough world, in a very tough economy, feel even lower than pond scum by your words. In fact, coming from you, it's downright remarkable. After all, your good Christian friends have donated, what, over $35,000 to you so that you and your family can rebuild after the tragic loss of your home.


Most people don't have blogs where they can regale readers with stories about their life and have friends gently drop hints about how Poor Kelly Lost Her Home, Can You Please Help Out? Most people live from paycheck to paycheck, and they're not spending money on luxuries. You may think so, but you would be wrong. That's because you don't live in the real world with the rest of us.

The average family, upon the loss of their home in a disaster such as a tornado, is going to have to accept federal and state aid, because they don't have the kind of resources you have available to you. Yes, that includes FEMA trailers, food stamps and other aid. When you write the dreck you do, you make women and men feel like they are somehow deficient because they're not like you. And I'm pretty sure that is absolutely deliberate on your part.

I hate how you basically use yourself and your genuinely good circumstances (yes, you lost your house but you've got a cool $35K in a donation account to get started) as a way to hammer on women and men who are not in your circumstances, to make them feel even more guilty, to make them feel like they're not serving God as good as you are.

You make me sick.

And so you can feel snide about me, here's my demographics: 50, single, never married, no children, two university degrees, two cats, full-time job, and an upside-down mortgage that I pay on religiously every month even though the home is worth 28 percent of what I owe on the mortgage. Despite my circumstances, I'm certainly not stupid enough to fall for the swill you dish out on a regular basis to your readers.

Sincerely yours,

Deana M. Holmes

Mesa, AZ, USA


I hope she's furious with me. I really do. I want this woman to think about what a cruel, little, mean person she is.

Last Edited By: mirele 06/12/11 15:59:49. Edited 1 times.

fundiefan (06/12/11 15:51:18)

I think she has that much money and more. She is part of the inner circle; she has the McDonald's, Smith's, Bradrick's, Brown's, Morton's, Sanders's...and all the others in her inner circle giving, supporting and providing for her. Not to mention the gullible strangers who follow her on the Internet.

There is really nothing at all wrong with that. It becomes less admirable/honorable, though, when all the giving goes to one person/family and everyone and everything else is ignored. Ignored and crucified.

shirleymaclaine (06/12/11 15:56:07)

This really slayed me:

"We are given so many nice clothes that we hardly ever need to buy them. We breastfeed our babies and our church gives us “diaper showersâ€. (Given these two things, our children literally don’t cost anything for the first year of their lives.)"

In a list of money-saving tips for others, no less. As if.

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SnarkyJan (06/12/11 16:00:03)

Go get 'em, killer.

chengdu (06/12/11 16:12:42)

Of course it's true. Check out the ChipIn icon for her family. It is posted several places, but you can go to Life in A Shoe, wait till the whole page loads, search for the word "tornado". That will bring you to an older post that asked for donations for Kelly, and posted the ChipIn. The ChipIn is continually updated though the post is old.

mirele (06/12/11 16:26:22)

Kelly's ChipIn is the one in the middle.


Taken from inashoeDOTcom/2011/05/blogging-over-there/

chengdu (06/12/11 16:31:09)

Please let us know if you get any emails from Kelly. I suspect you will.

mirele (06/12/11 16:37:35)


Marian the Librarian (06/12/11 16:47:20)

GOOD for you, mirele!! It's up on Kelly's blog now (5:45pm PDT)...let's see how long it takes for her pretzel logic mechanism to kick in.

Edited three minutes later to add: Kelly's vaporized your comment. Mad

Last Edited By: Marian the Librarian 06/12/11 16:50:45. Edited 1 times.

NothingLeftToLose (06/12/11 16:50:43)

Go Mirele!

This Bama girl thanks you!

Crackedeggs (06/12/11 16:57:46)

Let her have it.

I love how she touts how great it is that her church helps them out, gives them clothes, etc.. But... if everyone expected their church to do that? No one would have shit, because there would be no one with excess to give. I mean, OK.. I wear nearly nothing that didn't come from a thrift store or wal mart. I'm not trying to be superior here. But the only way such an attitude would be sustainable is if people rotated the kids clothes as the kids grew... and for adults, well, I guess we could go back to one work dress and one

hoipolloi (06/12/11 16:58:33)

Mirele - magnificent job. Thank you.

Crackedeggs (06/12/11 17:02:10)

It's down. Figures, she can't take anything but worshipful admirers kissing her feet.

kaetrin (06/12/11 17:08:14)

Note also the commenter on that post who was so Shocked and Offended when she was expecting her fifth child and someone in her church gave her an application AND the application fee for a local food bank. How DARE they assume that she might be in need because she has more than the average number of children in a difficult economy! They must HATE children and spend all their money on Caribbean vacations!

(Poetic license on my part but still!)

Koala (06/12/11 17:20:38)

Nope. Kelly can't have her sheeple getting any ideas. She needs the $$$ to keep rolling in.

SnarkyJan (06/12/11 17:36:43)

I chipped in for the Lee family and I'm glad to see that so many others did, too. Kelly, do you have the merest notion of what a slap in the face your general attitude throughout this disaster must be to the Lees and their friends/relatives?

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fundiefan (06/12/11 17:37:17)

No surprise there. Only praise is welcome in that world. Anything else, not so much. We can probably expect a blog post about persecution and hate any day now. Poor Kelly, she had to remove her donation count because of the haters.

Blah, blah, blah.

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OMG, my favorite thing about Kelly is the way she clutches her pearls when anyone dares to suggest that she isn't absolutely right at ALL times:

I deleted your comment, not because of questions you asked, but because you used the comment section to vent your hatred. I am ready and willing to answer questions and allow different opinions if the commenter can be respectful and treat me like a human.

Like...she treats women who work outside the home? Yeah. That kind of respect.

I wonder how many wives have had to see their husbands leave at 3:30 a.m. to pick up dead chickens for a chicken farmer, drive straight to his regular job, leave there at 5 and go to deliver pizza until 11 p.m.?

Oh boo hoo! Your hubby has to work ridiculous hours to support your fertility. I'm sobbing here, Kels. For reals. PUT YOUR KIDS IN SCHOOL AND GET A JOB THEN. Your sanctimoniousness is touching.

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And, of course, Kelly's husband is the only husband (or person, for that matter) that works long hours and does dirty jobs.

Your educated husband (or self) is just lazy for working a mere 50 hour week without blood on your hands. You don't care about your family at all.

How many husband's have watched their wives go off to work? How many families with husbands AND wives working long hours will sympathize with the Kelly?

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She butchered my comment. I won't be responding until she posts it completely...except to continue to post that she's taken my comments out of context.

This is my latest post, which is now in moderation:


It's your blog and you can do what you want, but it is simply unfair for you to take my comment and butcher it to pieces in your response without readers' ability to see what I originally wrote in context. There's no way I can respond properly to my words taken out of context like that. There was nothing hateful about my comment; just some home truths that you would prefer that your followers not see.

If you want me to respond, you can post my entire comment. If you need the comment again, you can e-mail me at mirele@gmail.com and I'd be happy to send it to you. Until then, you can posture all you want, but I won't be responding to your editing of my words.

In short, it's an all or nothing deal.


Deana M. Holmes


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Oh, and I'm sure Kelly finds time to read here...honey, your actions remind me of what a certain space-alien cult does when confronted with critics. I knew certain so-called "Christians" were no different from Scientology in this regard, but Kelly's just confirmed it Yet Again.

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I wonder how many wives have had to see their husbands leave at 3:30 a.m. to pick up dead chickens for a chicken farmer, drive straight to his regular job, leave there at 5 and go to deliver pizza until 11 p.m.?

Get a job, hippie.

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For some reason this latest post of Kelly's made me feel sorry for her more than angry. How horrible to be in the midst of recovery from a freaking' natural disaster and have to worry about all your friends judging you harshly for something as blameless as accepting temporary gonvernment help to keep your kids under a roof. Seriously. But yeah, as usual she can't help preaching and doing her best to make other people feel guilty. Argh.

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I feel like her response to Mirele is basically saying "if you are poor, its because you don't work hard like my husband does. Poor and accepting government assistance = LAZY"

I find her beyond irritating. I'm not sure how people like Kelly think its OK to be so judgmental of others. Isn't that God's job?

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Heh. Another thing I love. Jeanette asks her a DIRECT question: Do you keep money from the government? Check out her answer :lol: :

Jeanette says:

June 12, 2011 at 10:55 pm

Just out of curiosity… for those who do not feel it is right to receive government funds, what is the Scripture to support your decision? And is it wrong to receive financial aid, unemployment? Do you send back the rebate checks the government sends out?? How about Earned Income Credit on your taxes for each child you have?? Just wondering.

Word Warrior says:

June 12, 2011 at 11:21 pm


That’s why I said, “I don’t have all the answersâ€â€¦because I don’t

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Mirele, I love the comment you left at Kelly's blog so much I want to take it out behind the bleachers and get it pregnant!

Of course, Kelly's sycophants can't help but come to aid their fearless mistress. One member of "My Life With the Thrill KELL Kult" claims Kelly gives so much through her blog because she is so SELFLESS.

Shit, I give more through my blog, and I write about pop culture. Plenty of film makers, writers, musicians and other bloggers have e-mailed me to thank me for my support of their creative endeavors.

Yesterday I got together with some of my friends to attend a film event (Don't worry Kelly; it was free. I don't want to end up on food stamps and upset your delicate sensibilities). My friend Carrie doesn't follow fundies at all but she thoroughly loved my WTF File post on Kelly. She said Kelly is obnoxious piece of work.

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Great job, mirele, elle & the others who challenged Kelly & her smugness. :clap: [Love these new smilies]

Did anyone catch the commenter who said that with her 6 or 7 kids they'd love to use Samaritan Ministries but that Samaritan doesn't accept enrollees with autism, which one of her children has?

Talk about cherry-picking.

Oh, and Kelly, if you're reading here: :hand:

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Heh. Another thing I love. Jeanette asks her a DIRECT question: Do you keep money from the government? Check out her answer :lol: :

Don't you love it? You know, she's really no different than Lina and Anthony when you think about it. She's just making it up as Doug Phillips she goes. Wonder where she'll live now that her parents don't have a free house to give her? Because it didn't sound like there was homeowners insurance on that house...

Also, am I the only one troubled by all of the fundie commenters talking about having children as young as 12 make money for the family, so they are "assets" instead of "liabilities"?? I mean what the hell???

Why does the money not go directly to the kids? All of it.

If you can't support your kids without putting them to work and taking the $$$$, then you've got too many damn kids!

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Don't you love it? You know, she's really no different than Lina and Anthony when you think about it. She's just making it up as Doug Phillips she goes. Wonder where she'll live now that her parents don't have a free house to give her? Because it didn't sound like there was homeowners insurance on that house...

Also, am I the only one troubled by all of the fundie commenters talking about having children as young as 12 make money for the family, so they are "assets" instead of "liabilities"?? I mean what the hell???

Why does the money not go directly to the kids? All of it.

If you can't support your kids without putting them to work and taking the $$$$, then you've got too many damn kids!

Do we need to enact a Coogan Law to help the children of fundies hold onto their money?


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Did anyone catch the commenter who said that with her 6 or 7 kids they'd love to use Samaritan Ministries but that Samaritan doesn't accept enrollees with autism, which one of her children has?

Of course, because autism is just a fake diagnosis made up by the damn libruls, dontcha know? :roll: I could actually see if they decided they weren't going to reimburse for expenses related to autism; they're a private company so they can do what they want, and it wouldn't be the first form of care that they refuse to pay for. But to totally reject a family because one of their members has a certain disorder? Clearly that's what Jesus would do.

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As if Kelly's artist kid is actually making money selling things to people who aren't friends and relatives.

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We are expecting our 5th child. One of the women at church came up to me after Sunday Service and handed me an application and $5 to apply to a food pantry run by the Dept. of Children & Families that accepts people who make too much for food stamps. She said since we were expecting another one she just knew we needed help and got this application for us and went to one of the elders’ wives and got the $5 application fee from her. She told me that the Lord and laid it on her heart to help us. I thanked her nicely but 2 things came to mind. The 1st – how sad it is that people assume that if you have more than 2 children that you must be struggling. The 2nd was how disturbing it is for women to use the excuse of the Holy Spirit or God “laying it on my heart†for their preconceived prejudices. While this women did mean well, perhaps she could have spoken to me privately and asked if their was any help we needed. Because I do need pray!

Oh the hypocrisy. It's kind of like when the word of God always agrees with the word of Kelly. Interesting how things like that work out. Honestly, Kelly's blog is boring. I read it for the comments.

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My comment hasn't posted, or else she deleted it that fast.

How long have you been reading this blog? While in THIS post she skirts around crucifying those getting any sort of aid, in the past she has said she sees no reason for it because her large family has been fine without it (ignoring the many privileges she has that are extremely uncommon). Even in THIS post she is talking about how hard situations in life are of one's own choosing.

Let's see. Between me and my husband, we have no debt at all. None. Not even an emergency credit card. We have a car bought cheaply in cash. We buy everything we have second-hand. Guess what. Even my bras are second-hand! The shoes on my feet right now are five years old and worn through, but they do the job. Our daughter is in CLOTH diapers, and still breastfeeds even though she is a toddler. I make a lot of her clothes, and I make them a couple sizes too big, at least, so that she has time to grow into them to maximize how long she can wear them. I darn our socks instead of throwing them away. We don't complain about doing things like this. We are glad for the money we save and feel wealthy at times because we know that something needing mending isn't a hardship for having to be replaced. We live as frugally as we can, beyond the point many would consider reasonable.

Last month our income unexpectedly dropped by 2/3. That same day our landlord told us she wanted the house back since her son-in-law lost another job. Today we are homeless. We don't have family or friends with the money to put us up. They shouldn't have to deplete their own savings, their own financial safety nets, because we had to use ours up to get through the month, after using up the previous cushion we had to buy a car when our old one died. After using the previous one to take care of a medical emergency. I personally would not give all of my financial cushion, when we have one again, to someone else because what if we need it and it's gone, and no one has money to help us out?

This income loss was through no fault of our own whatsoever, and we could not have seen it coming.

Today my husband and I are living apart our of necessity. He's couch-surfing near his work so he can still get to work while we're awaiting word on whether or not he's got a job transfer to an area that's got a much lower cost-of-living. Our daughter and I are...well, let's not go into that, other than to say we have a roof over our heads, though we don't have a home. We've got food stamps right now, not much, but it helps. The alternative would be to take the money from my husband's pay so that we don't have the money to move if he gets the transfer, keeping our family severed for longer.

Our family and friends aren't wrong for not sinking themselves for us, and my husband pays taxes into the system to be there for us when it's needed. I think you and Kelly and all your pals think that everyone getting aid are lazy low-lives. Yes, there are some like that. But guess what. Not all of us are. Some of us are on it temporarily, and are damned ashamed to need help, even just temporarily.

You might ask why I haven't sold my computer. Selling my computer wouldn't pay the bills, wouldn't change our situation at all. I'm using it to try to make some money so we can get out of here quicker, get our family back together faster so that we can be together again somewhere where it costs less to live so we can get off of aid. Aid is being used as assistance to help us get back to self-sufficiency faster. As it's meant to!

Kelly would look down on my little family for being in a tight spot right now and receiving a whopping $114 in aid (in a place where gas costs $4.69 a gallon, and ground beef is $4.99 a pound when you can find it on sale!), while overlooking the thousands upon thousands she's been GIVEN. I'd gladly have my home and possessions blown away in a tornado to get what she's received. She also received upwards of $20k a year in EIC on taxes for all those kids, money from taxes that people like my husband pays, which claiming aid is for the lazy (in case you don't realize it, that's more than many families live on all year, families who don't have clothes and expensive sewing machines just given to them). That is a form of aid that she overlooks as aid and gladly accepts. It's like the rules change for her. She overlooks how her celebrity has helped her garner donations from people around the world. It's okay for her family to receive aid from others, INCLUDING THE GOVERNMENT, but for someone like agnostic me, it's wrong. ONly when she receives it is it even maybe okay.

You don't understand what a celebrity is. There are a lot of actors that make films for their friends. They are different than big0name Hollywood actors. A celebrity is well-known for what they do. Kelly is a fundy-mommy blogger. There are many fundy-mommy-bloggers. But Kelly is a well-known name for it.

I can tell you that this post is condescending. She's saying that financial hard times are due to wasteful choices, and that's not at all the sole cause. The top three causes are illness, job loss, and divorce, and in only one of those is there any choice at all (and many couples who want to divorce stay together because they can't afford to divorce). I fully expect this comment to be deleted. But I'll be posting it at one of "those forums" with a link here. So it won't be gone.

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