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Rick Wiles stands with Russia cause Americans are satanists


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Rick Wiles must be guzzling the crazy juice by the gallon


In a broadcast on his TruNews program this Tuesday, Wiles accused the “deep state,” a term which some use to refer to intelligence agencies, of trying to overthrow Russia as a punishment for giving up their communistic and “God-hating atheism.” In short, Wiles thinks Putin’s draconian anti-gay laws reflect what American values should be.

“It is Luciferian,” he continued. “They, that synagogue of Satan dark state, in 1917, overthrew the Russian government … The Russian people were trapped in communism, atheistic God-hating communism for 70 plus years; the Russians finally cast it off and came out from under this communist oppression. I believe the deep state is furious with them that they dared to overthrow their God-hating atheism, their Satanism.”

“The people in control of America today are Satanists,” Wiles continued, apparently forgetting that Donald Trump is president. “What do they defend? Baby killing. Selling baby parts. Homosexuality. Pedophilia. They celebrate it.”

Wiles praised Russia’s anti-gay laws, saying, “…as a Christian, I stand with the Russian people in their defense of morality and I condemn the dark state that is in control of the United States and Europe and Canada and Australia and New Zealand; it is a Luciferian, demonic Satanic empire that is against God, hates God.”


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He is so far out there, it's unbelievable.  He is a racist, bigoted, hates everything and everybody kind of person.  He has to be a complete lunatic.  But I have occasionally come across people who think the way he does.  That is what is scary, that someone like him has followers and people who agree with him.  He has the potential to be extremely dangerous.

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Whew, there's a lot there. 

So he's saying that Soviet Russia and the contemporary United Stated were were/are satantic, but Russia today is not, because he's a big fan of Putin's strongman rule and  restriction of people's civil liberties? 


6 hours ago, 47of74 said:

“It is Luciferian,” he continued. “They, that synagogue of Satan dark state, in 1917, overthrew the Russian government

"The Jews did communism, because they pull the strings of world politics" is a truly classic piece of conspiracy, but neatly encapsulates the level we're at here I guess


6 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Selling baby parts.


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You know, I have the BEST idea. Let's take a collection, help all these traitorous bastards pack, and buy them one way, first class tickets to Russia. It would solve so many problems.

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I've been slacking, and didn't even know it.  Where can I sign up for this 'synagogue of Satan dark state'?  Are there membership dues?  Club rules?  Dietary regulations?  

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