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The New Camilla Documentary.


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Thank you for the link! I watched the documentary last night and enjoyed it pretty well. I did think it was a little light on her overall life, but it seemed like a decent piece on her current situation. Just wish the sound was a little better quality as there were times that I could barely hear Camilla, but could her the background noise quite clearly.

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  • 2 months later...

Interesting documentary on Camilla.  It's a shame, really, that they couldn't have married at first. She is clearly more suited to Charles than Diana was.

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She is more suited to his family and being a royal in general IMO. Diana would have been more stable and happier being married  to some Lord and being  a relatively obscure  society figure but Still with her charity’s  and causes. 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for posting the documentary.  I'm fascinated by the British royals, but being an American, I don't get a lot of exposure to media about them.  It's clear  that Charles and Camilla love each other a great deal and that they've found happiness together.  That's a remarkable accomplishment, considering all they've been through.  It will be interesting to see them transition to the roles of king & queen, although I'm beginning to wonder if QEII will outlive us all.  What is the possibility the queen will retire soon and turn the family business over to her son?

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She will retire when she passes away. There is no 'retirement' when it comes to monarchy. 

As much as I love Queen Elizabeth, I do hope Charles gets a few years to be King, I think he'll be really good at it. He's certainly had a lifetime preparing for it, ha ha. 

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What happens if the Queen becomes incapacitated in some way?  For example, if she developed dementia or had a crippling stroke.  Could she abdicate the throne to her son?

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She would still be Queen in name but Charles would  be Prince regent and take over her duties for her until she dies and he becomes King properly. George IV did this for he Father the Mad King George the III. 

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The much overlooked fact about Charles and Camilla is that she did not want to marry him in the first place. This is well sourced in biographies of him and her both. He went off in the Navy on a long deployment and didn't communicate with her the entire time. And she was in love with Andrew Parker Bowles anyway and got engaged to him before Charles returned. People close to Camilla told Penny Junor for her biography that she wanted a quiet country family life not a royal life--and in spite of her husband cheating on her practically from the beginning--that is what she had for years with her two children. 

No one ever told Charles he couldn't marry her because the idea was never on the table. 

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  • 6 months later...
On 11/29/2018 at 6:54 PM, louisa05 said:

No one ever told Charles he couldn't marry her because the idea was never on the table. 

Interesting how these people had as little independence of choice as some of the young victims of patriarchy we read about. 

Watching this, I couldn’t help but like Camilla. If for nothing else, her voice.  Not her enunciation, so much. Her voice is matter-of-fact, nothing coquettish nor subordinate about it even when she talks with Charles.

Rest In Peace, Diana, the saddest character in all of this. Carry on, Chuck & Cam - good on you both for stiffening your spines. 

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Everyone who is in the know says Camilla has at heart always been a Frank, fun and Cheerful person. Charles needed that and that’s why his sons and family took to. 

Yes, the Aristocracy That Bred Diana and Camilla has and really still does see Daughters as ornaments to be married well but more than one or two became a burden Sons are important, educated and needed. Academic Education was certainly not a priority Diana or Camilla or the Queen growing up. Debs need only manners and social polish and French maybe. Riding , shooting and hostessing we’re worthy enough accomplishments. They were supposed to shut their eyes to Husbands wandering. In many ways the fundie girls and these noble Ladies were very similar. 

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