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Articles about FLDS & Kingston Clan

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I thought I would start a thread to collect the articles that are being published about the FLDS & the Kingston Clan.

Here is the latest article I have read: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/04/08/mormon-fundamentalist-yfz-ranch-raid/492767002/

It is about Roy Jeffs. He was part of YFZ raid and he has been bounced around since then and hasn't seen his mom in 6 years or so. He gives other details (I didn't know about) on the girl that was in foster care the longest from the YFZ raid.

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Here is another article about a compound in South Dakota that has had the locals a-twitter for a long time.

The compound ladies are birthing and there are no records of the births....this seems problematic... although not unusual for these folks, as the BCs might tie the fathers to underage mamas.  Sad for the kids born into this.



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12 hours ago, MarblesMom said:

Here is another article about a compound in South Dakota that has had the locals a-twitter for a long time.

The compound ladies are birthing and there are no records of the births....this seems problematic... although not unusual for these folks, as the BCs might tie the fathers to underage mamas.  Sad for the kids born into this.



I'm glad this was solved. That mom has been fighting for the birth certificates for a long time. Other moms were able to register their kids in Utah through the FLDS birthing center but that center was closed on Jeffs command. 

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An interview from a half-brother of Warren. His name is Wallace Jeffs. He's mom is the 6th wife of Rulon and he was in the middle of Rulon's 65 children. His mom was a nurse so she worked so he was raised by Warren's mom.

He wrote a book from the male perspective about the FLDS. https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2018/05/30/commentary-ex-polygamist-details-his-flight-from-half-brother-warren-jeffs-and-the-flds-to-his-new-home-in-mainstream-Mormonism/

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/31/2018 at 11:01 AM, quiversR4hunting said:

An interview from a half-brother of Warren. His name is Wallace Jeffs. He's mom is the 6th wife of Rulon and he was in the middle of Rulon's 65 children. His mom was a nurse so she worked so he was raised by Warren's mom.

He wrote a book from the male perspective about the FLDS. https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2018/05/30/commentary-ex-polygamist-details-his-flight-from-half-brother-warren-jeffs-and-the-flds-to-his-new-home-in-mainstream-Mormonism/

Thanks, @quiversR4hunting - I bought and read this book last night, and today bought the book Lost Boy by that author's nephew, Brent Jeffs - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00296SVSQ/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1  (TW: he was abused by Warren Jeffs as a child).  So sad - and so glad that folks are speaking out about this shit.

I find myself imagining Warren Jeffs and David Miscavige being locked in a cell together for the rest of their lives... if only.

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Has anyone watched the FLDS A&E episode of Cults & Extreme Beliefs? Oh my gosh. They have actually got a current lady to do the interview and Elissa Wall's ex-husband!  I think Elizabeth Vargas has done a good job with the interviews. She is not hard hitting with the people in the cult because I think she wants them to be open about their beliefs so the rest of us can have our eyes opened.  I have watched the entire series, the episodes are: NXIVM, Jehovah's Witnesses, Children of God, United Nation of Islam, Unification Church/Sanctuary Church, The Twelve Tribes & last week was FLDS.

Back to the FLDS episode. Norma Richter is the FLDS member that was interviewed and oh wow. She actually set down with Lamont Barlow (Elissa Wall's ex- husband). Norma kept focused on the taking of the land and the fact that the people that left are fine but they don't belong in short creek. She totally ignores the fact that many of these apostates have been kicked out by their beloved leader Warren. Norma rejects the "bad things" said about Warren because all the leaders have had bad things said about them. Norma's daughter (age 20) is not married and she is a CNA but she says she isn't married because the profit hasn't said to get married. Either they aren't willing to admit that marriages are forbidden right now or the people don't know. Lamont Barlow was the grandson of the Barlows that ran FLDS prior to the Jeffs family. His interview was great about how things were done before the Jeffs. Lamont's friends of ex-FLDS have returned and are working on reopening the medical clinic and other businesses.

The lady with the big blond hair and big glasses (seen on Escaping polygamy) was also interviewed (can't remember her name at all). She is now in short creek and running a resource center for ex-FLDS & FLDS and she won't say anything bad about Warren because she wants everyone to be helped.

If you have a chance see the episode and the entire series.

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@quiversR4hunting I know the lady you mean. She is working as an middle worker to have people keep staying in the houses by paying taxes or something. Hope to find the series somewhere :) love me some cult shows 

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  • 1 month later...

Came across this crazy article a few minutes ago.  Warning, this is a crowd sourced article, so I can't speak to its veracity or accuracy: 

You Can’t Make This Shit Up: A $511M Fuel Tax Credit Fraud Indictment in Utah Connects a Polygamous Mormon Cult to Mike Flynn, TrumpRussia, and Transnational Organized Crime

First paragraph: 


On August 24, 2018, the United States Department of Justice announced a federal indictment had been unsealed. Three men were charged with a $511,000,000 tax credit fraud scheme involving biofuels. Jacob Kingston, Isaiah Kingston, and Lev Aslan Dermen (aka Levon Termendzhyan) were charged in the District of Utah. The indictment was filed August 1, 2018, and ordered sealed.


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On 8/26/2018 at 4:47 PM, Howl said:

Came across this crazy article a few minutes ago.  Warning, this is a crowd sourced article, so I can't speak to its veracity or accuracy: 

You Can’t Make This Shit Up: A $511M Fuel Tax Credit Fraud Indictment in Utah Connects a Polygamous Mormon Cult to Mike Flynn, TrumpRussia, and Transnational Organized Crime

First paragraph: 


I worked at Washakie Renewable energy for 3 months in 2010. They did not produce any biodiesel while I worked there. I am happy to see Jacob Kingston getting what’s coming to him. I hope the Rachel Kingson who lied under othe in the lifetree lawsu was not his daughter. His mother is also named Rachel so I don’t know if it was his daughter or mother who lied. 

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PS. Jacob and Isaiah purchase a million dollar sports car with their money fraud. Jacob also purchased a 3 million dollar home. That money could have gone a long way towards feeding others in the order.

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Another interesting article: https://billingsgazette.com/news/state-and-regional/montana/living-next-door-to-secretive-flds-compound-noise-fending-guard/article_fc50376f-4ae7-5a6e-82b0-222be17e20dc.html

Nice to know they will keep you up all night doing construction, yet send you off on vacation with $1000 and then clear your snow.... just don't look at what we are doing and don't ask questions.  Seriously.  Nothing to see here.

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Isaiah Kingston’s (CFO) attorney tried to argue that he was not involved in the tax fraud. I doubt that since it’s the CFOs respobility to know what’s going on with finances. Both Jacob and Isaiah are being held until a hearing on September 5th. 


Also, Jacob was detained on his way to the SLC airport. The plan was for him and some of his family to flee to Turkey where he has 130 million stashed in a bank along with a mansion.



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On 8/29/2018 at 8:51 PM, DarkAnts said:

Also, Jacob was detained on his way to the SLC airport. The plan was for him and some of his family to flee to Turkey where he has 130 million stashed in a bank along with a mansion.

As Paul Harvey would say, Now for the rest of the story!  The strange and winding fraud case against two Kingston brothers turns up ties to polygamy, Turkey, even the Mueller investigation

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  • 2 months later...

More charges have been brought upon Jacob and Isaiah Kingston. The started to produce false tax documents in 2010.


I worked there in 2011. During my time there, they tried to get a small biodiesel plant started. There were many problems with it. Most of it was due to management thinking they knew more about things like engineering and fluid dynamics than the people they hired. The people who knew what they were doing got fired after a few months of starting. The other employee were not given the right training. I remember Jacob telling all the employees that the soybean oil that was being used in test runs was in no way hazardous in spite of the safety officer telling him that it had a low flash point (ignite spontaneously at a temperature that was below the average temperature for that area in the summer.) Two days later the trash dumpster ignited because they had been dumping stuff soaked in soybean oil in it. I called OSHA on them for that and a few other things while I worked there.


I was surprised when I heard how many thousands of gallons of fuel they were producing a few years later. Their plant only had capacity to produce about 200 gallons at a time. The process took at least 8 to 12 hours. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was curious about what was up in Short Creek these days, and, as it happens, a lot.  If you'll recall, this town is on the Utah/Arizona border.  Colorado City is on the Arizona side and Hildale is the Utah side.  Here's a link to a Dec.15, 2018 article on the NBC Website.  One aspect that is incredibly sad to me is that FLDS true believers paid their property taxes to the church, who never paid the taxes to the community, so these people were evicted from and lost their homes.  As noted in this excerpt, one eviction could mean dozens of wives of one man and all of their children:


Jeff Barlow, the executive director of the UEP [United Effort Plan] trust, said that between 150 and 170 families have been evicted from their homes for failure to pay property taxes. Two FLDS members told NBC News they passed on their tax payment to church leaders to handle for them. Regulators say the money never ended up in their coffers.

I'm aware that in many instances, FLDS true believers willingly allowed this to happen, but displacement on that scale is still horrible.  From earlier readings about what was going on, there were ordinary FLDS families going hungry while the FLDS elite were eating, literally, surf and turf because that's how the FLDS communal food bank operated. 

In a fundamentalist Mormon town, modernization highlights a stark divide   “A lot of things are changing and we just kind of hoped people would be open to the idea,” said the owner of the first bar in Colorado City, where alcohol was once banned.

There isn't a lot of information on how things play out depending on if you are on the Utah side vs the AZ side.  For example, the evictions could only have happened on the Utah side; the state of Utah is administering all things associated with the United Effort Plan. 

Also just came across this article from Sept. 2018, which notes that domestic abuse was common before Warren, who forbid the practice, took over.  Then Warren exerted control in a more draconian way. 

Paedophile cult leader Warren Jeffs tore this town apart. Now his victims are putting it back together   Former members of a polygamous Utah cult struggle with their own #MeToo reckoning.

This article was posted in Sept. 2018 by the New Statesman.  I'm not familiar with New Statesman, but the article seems straightforward and at least partly based on first-person accounts.  There are some eye-popping details that I hadn't read elsewhere. 

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I found this article in my local news today:Leader of polygamist group moves to Minnesota. A recent land purchase raises concerns the group may establish a “religious colony” near Minnesota’s North Shore.

Seth Jeffs was found in living in Minnesota. Utah attorney Alan Mortensen has been trying to locate him to serve legal papers since December 2017. Jeffs also bought a bunch of land and got a permit to build a 5,760 square-foot building. Possibly deserves its own post but I mostly lurk here. 

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  • 2 months later...
12 hours ago, DaisyD said:

From Rachael Jeffs' Facebook 


Warren's a POS in every possible way.

Why in the hell is he still able to communicate with his brainwashed, Stockholm syndrome followers? ?

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Not only that, but still has people watched enough to know that a person who's been sent away for years is having surgery within a week of the fact. It's ridiculous. 

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It's like Scientology. You can't tell your best friend or sibling anything because you know they'll go and report you. I just can't believe there's enough people willing to report on each other.

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... Apologies in advance to the Mods & Admins because I don't know how to start a new thread  & I couldn't figure out where else to post this ....

Is anyone else watching the special on the Kingston Family tonight? It's called Whistleblower and is on CBS at 8 Eastern/ 7 central. Apparently one girl got out and spilled the beans on money laundering + Rufus knows what else.


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