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Trump 30: Donald Trump and the Deathly Comb-Over


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It's been over 13 months y'all, and it seems like for-fucking-ever. I keep hoping he will get bored and quit, but alas, no. 

Continued from here: 


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5 hours ago, Destiny said:

It's been over 13 months y'all, and it seems like for-fucking-ever.

That can't be true! It seems like at least a couple of years have past! I keep telling myself that if the democrats can get it together to win bigly in November we have an opportunity to rid ourselves of the orange menace. But then we get stuck with the bland fundie who isn't much better. 

This is depressing. 

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Gee, a mentally-disturbed woman with a gun on WH property: "Woman arrested holding ‘gun’ after driving into White House barrier was convicted last year of trying to climb fence"


This story has been updated. A Tennessee woman who was convicted last year of trying to climb a White House barrier was arrested again Friday after authorities said she drove a vehicle into a barricade near the executive mansion and was found with a gun in her hand.

D.C. police identified her as Jessica R. Ford, 35, of La Vergne, Tenn., about 20 miles southeast of Nashville. Police said Friday night that she was charged with gun possession and other offences.

The U.S. Secret Service said a woman driving a white van or SUV “intentionally drove” into the barrier at 17th and E streets NW about 3 p.m.

A tourist visiting from New York, Christopher Bello, said it appeared as if the driver “was trying to break through the barrier” and that he thought “she started to hit the gas, and her tires were spinning and smoking.”

The Secret Service said Ford was quickly arrested and no shots were fired. The vehicle’s back window and one side window were shattered; it could not be determined how or when.

Authorities said the vehicle did not get past the security post, and no one was injured. The Secret Service said its officers have encountered the woman previously.

D.C. Superior Court records show three arrests for Ford last year on charges of either unlawful entry or violating a court order to stay away from the White House. She also received psychiatric counseling, the records show. Ford received a 90-day suspended jail sentence in one case, and another charge was dismissed.

The third incident was in April. A Secret Service officer questioned her in Lafayette Square, and she told him, according to an arrest affidavit, “I’m going to jump the fence.” She ran to the fence and tried to climb it.She was arrested, pleaded guilty to unlawful entry and sentenced to 30 days in jail, all suspended, and put on a year’s probation.

According to a police report she said “she had the ‘BB Gun’ because if James Burris was the President the officers would shoot her to protect him and that she knowingly brought the gun with her.” The police report said she held a pistol. It was not clear what type of gun she had.

Ford’s relatives could not be reached Friday. Her attorney in the April case, Winston J. Yallery-Arthur, declined to comment.

Secret Service officers with long guns patrolled the perimeter and cleared Lafayette Park.

Bello, the tourist, had stopped in the District on his way home from a trip to Disney World because his 5-year-old daughter wanted to see the White House. He said they heard the crash as they walked by the security post and then saw the vehicle spinning its wheels.

He said Secret Service officers with long guns burst from a security booth and ordered the driver to stop. “She didn’t stop,” Bello said. At that point, he said, other police officers ordered bystanders to run, and he didn’t see what happened next.

At first, he said, his daughter “didn’t realize what was going on. But when the Secret Service came out and said, ‘Run, run, run,’ she got scared and started to cry.”


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3 hours ago, formergothardite said:

That can't be true! It seems like at least a couple of years have past! I keep telling myself that if the democrats can get it together to win bigly in November we have an opportunity to rid ourselves of the orange menace. But then we get stuck with the bland fundie who isn't much better. 

This is depressing. 

That's why it's important to take control of the House at the least. We have to neuter Pence. And if he moved forward with even half of his lunatic fake-Christian agenda, it might not be so hard to dump him too. It's sad to think of two years of grid-lock but we've lived through it before.

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5 hours ago, GrumpyGran said:

That's why it's important to take control of the House at the least. We have to neuter Pence. And if he moved forward with even half of his lunatic fake-Christian agenda, it might not be so hard to dump him too. It's sad to think of two years of grid-lock but we've lived through it before.

Veto proof majority would be lovely :)

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Excellent piece by Maureen Dowd: "This Snake Can’t Shed His Skin"


On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tenderhearted woman saw a rich, coldhearted, frozen snake.

His tangerine skin was all caked with makeup and his bald spot was frosted with the dew.

“Poor thing,” she cried, “I’ll take you in, and I’ll take care of you.”

“Take me in, oh tender woman. Take me in, for Heaven’s sake. Take me in, oh tender woman,” sighed the vicious snake.

She wrapped him up all cozy, tucking in his absurdly long tie of silk, and laid him by her fireside with two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish, and a chocolate shake of milk.

She hurried home that night from holding up a torch on Liberty Island, and soon as she arrived, she found that the freaky snake, transfixed by his own image on TV, had been revived.

“Take me in, oh tender woman. Take me in, for Heaven’s sake. Take me in, oh tender woman,” pleaded the cunning snake.

She clutched him to her bosom, which he really seemed to like. “You think you’re pretty,” she cried. “But if I hadn’t brought you in, by now surely you would have died.”

She stroked his puffy Velveeta scales again, and kissed and held him tight. But instead of saying thank you, that grabby snake wrapped around her you-know-what and gave her a vicious bite.

“Take me in, oh tender woman. Take me in for Heaven’s sake. Take me in, oh tender woman,” sighed the sneaky snake as he changed to “Fox & Friends” for news that was fake.

“I saved you,” cried the woman. “And you’ve bitten me. Heavens, why? You know your bite is poisonous, and now I’m going to die.”

“Oh, shut up, silly woman,” said the serpent with a grin. “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.”

The woman was aghast. “You promised you could be classy enough in the Oval Office to impress socialites from Palm Beach. But instead, you are surrounded by porn stars and Playboy bunnies — just a tacky leech.”

“Oh, shut up, gullible woman,” said the reptile with a smile. “I can’t believe I fooled you all with my huckster’s guile.”

As she felt his venom coursing through her body, she moaned in despair, “We kept praying there would be pivots, but instead there were only divots.”

He gave a snakey shrug and said: “I’ve had the greatest first year with the biggest crowds and the best people of any president. I’ve certainly put to shame that disastrous previous resident.”

“Shame?” she repeated with exasperation to the titular head of the nation. “You have none, and for that you have my sympathy. Even with a horrific mass shooting, you need Hope Hicks to script your empathy.

“You say you want to end the human sacrifices and protect our kids at school. But arming overworked and undersupplied teachers is the act of a fool. You simply refuse to recognize the problem is the guns. Is that because you’re afraid of the monstrous N.R.A. and disarming your big game-hunting sons?”

With beady blue eyes, the snake watched his victim gasp for air. He ignored the note from Hope to “Pretend you care.”

“Oh, dying woman, you really don’t get it,” he said. “The N.R.A. poured millions behind me early — earlier than any other candidate in history — and I never will forget it.”

Her muscles clenching, her organs failing, the woman found herself wailing. “It is just like when you promised a ‘bill of love’ to save the Dreamers. But you let that collapse in Congress because of Stephen Miller and the other alt-right schemers.”

The woman winced at the metallic taste in her mouth and rasped: “You could have gotten your crazy wall but insisted on ending chain migration, even when you took advantage of it to bring in Melania’s Slovenian parents. What an abomination!

“Speaking of family, you want your son-in-law to run the world, but he can’t even get a security clearance. Unfortunately, to the law and his disclosure forms, Jared never gave adherence. Oh, what a dork. Given your interest in trade, you might want to export him back to New York and in him stick a fork.”

The woman mocked the snake even as the toxins won, reminding him that his coldblooded dad would not tolerate a loser as a son. “The Mueller net is growing tight with more convictions within reach, and now it probably won’t be long until you hear the word ‘impeach.’

“Papadopoulos, Flynn and now Gates have all flipped. How long can Manafort keep his lips zipped? Those Russian indictments show that Mueller is digging like mad, so the special counsel’s path could ultimately lead to Vlad. Sad!”

“Oh, daffy woman,” the snake hissed disdainfully. “You know that’s an illusion. As I like to say, THERE WAS NO COLLUSION.”

Even as she gasped her last, the woman gave him a triumphant blast. “You really are an asp. Oh, vain and ignorant snake, you may extinguish me. But never my torch. Oh, Liberty.”

This is a more realistic version of the snake story he so loves.

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Good grief: "Trump would like to see a military parade on Veterans Day with ‘a lot of plane flyovers’"


President Trump on Saturday night said he is hopeful that a military parade “with a lot of plane flyovers” can be staged in Washington on Veterans Day but acknowledged that the expense could be a concern.

“We’ll see if we can do it at a reasonable cost, and if we can’t, we won’t do it, but the generals would love to do it, I can tell you, and so would I,” Trump said during a call in to a Fox News television show. “I think it’s great for our country.”

The parade Trump envisions would cost between $10 million and $30 million, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said earlier this month.

Trump has directed the Pentagon to plan a parade for later this year to showcase U.S. military might. The inspiration was France’s Bastille Day celebration last year, which Trump attended in Paris with French President Emmanuel Macron, and found very impressive.

“I was at the Bastille Day parade in France with the president of France, very good guy, and it was quite something, and frankly I think it’s great for spirit,” Trump told host Jeanine Pirro during Saturday night’s broadcast of “Justice with Judge Jeanine.”

Democrats and even some Republicans have questioned the need for such an event, suggesting it could have authoritarian overtones depending on how it’s conducted. Many in the military have also questioned whether a parade would be a waste of money.

Trump insisted Saturday that “the military loves it, they love the idea.”

Asked about a date for a U.S. parade, Trump said he likes the idea of Independence Day “because July Fourth in Washington, D.C., would be beautiful.” But he said the Veterans Day holiday in November is more possible.

Trump suggested the military parade would follow the traditional route of inaugural parades.

“It would be up and down Pennsylvania Avenue,” he said, adding that in addition to the display of military might on the ground, there would also be “a lot of plane flyovers.”


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"Trump bulldozed a Fox News host, showing again why he likes phone interviews"


... < video clip that I couldn't bring myself to click on >

Fox News broadcast what it called an interview of President Trump on Saturday night, but the network might as well have given him 20 minutes of free airtime. Trump bulldozed over host Jeanine Pirro, seldom letting her ask a question and showing again why he likes to make TV appearances by phone.

At one point, after Pirro asked how he planned to expand background checks for gun buyers, Trump spoke for 3 minutes and 10 seconds without stopping, talking over Pirro whenever she tried to interject. By the end of his filibuster, Trump had veered far away from the question to talk about arming teachers

At other times, Pirro's camera showed her, mouth agape, trying to get in a word but unable to halt the monologuing president. Had Trump been seated across from Pirro or in a studio with a monitor, he might have noticed that his interviewer wanted to chime in. But he was on the phone and, even if he were watching the show on TV, could not see Pirro in real time because of a slight delay — and, therefore, did not have to take the hint.

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo told The Washington Post early in the 2016 presidential campaign, as Trump made a habit of calling in to TV shows, that the phone is “a tactic, a strategy more than it is a convenience.”

“He doesn’t have to pick up on any visual cues,” Cuomo said. “He doesn’t have to worry about the body language that is coming from somewhere else. … It’s easy for him to overtalk the questioner.”

It sure is.

Some news programs took a stand during the campaign and refused to let Trump phone in. “Fox News Sunday,” for example, declined to interview Trump unless he appeared in person or on camera.

“We were struggling with this,” Chuck Todd, host of NBC's “Meet the Press,” told me in November. Todd's executive producer, John Reiss, said he was the “bad guy” who decided to allow Trump to call in.

“My feeling was, 'Look, the guy is the leading [Republican] candidate,' ” Reiss recalled. “ 'He's way ahead in the polls. Yeah, it's only on the phone, and we don't like that, and why should we do that?' But part of it was other [networks] were doing it.”

“Meet the Press” ultimately found phone interviews untenable, however.

“It was one of those moments when we said, 'No, let's stand our ground. We're not doing a phoner,'” Todd said. “And he said, 'Okay.' ”

Pirro's show was more accommodating Saturday, and Trump took full advantage.

Such a bully.

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8 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:


Hahahaha! Dumpy is now Faux Newsing Faux News! When you have to cherry pick a Faux News report you are in delusion land. Will they point out that he mis-quoted them? No.

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9 hours ago, AmazonGrace said:


Can't wait to see how Sarah Sanders explains this one away. 

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24 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

Can't wait to see how Sarah Sanders explains this one away. 

"I haven't spoken to him on that issue, but I will get back to you on that..."

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3 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

but I will get back to you on that...

One of these reporters needs to have a list of all the things she said she would get back to them on and read it to her each time while asking if she has spoken to him about the issue yet. 

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This article predicts that Trump will win a second term, and I have to say I agree:


Incumbents almost always have the advantage in presidential elections, so there’s that. The 2016 election and the events of the past year show that a president doesn’t need to have won a majority of the votes or to have a high approval rating to bulldoze his agenda through. The Republican establishment and vast are also standing by Trump and won’t tolerate any criticism of him from their ranks:


What passes as a “resistance” among Democrats is woefully inept, and still focused on wooing back white moderates rather than focusing on their base. Too many Democrats are pinning their hopes on the Russia investigation to bring down the whole administration, which I think is a waste of time for a variety of reasons. Trump’s poll numbers are far below what Nixon’s were during Watergate and it hasn’t stopped his progress. Scandals don’t affect Trump’s popularity among his base, who just dismiss them as “fake news.” Unless it’s revealed that Trump is a serial killer or something like that, I expect him to win in 2020, though I think a lot of people would still vote for him even if he was the second coming of Ted Bundy.

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On 2/25/2018 at 8:55 AM, formergothardite said:

One of these reporters needs to have a list of all the things she said she would get back to them on and read it to her each time while asking if she has spoken to him about the issue yet. 

I was genuinely surprised when the Raj? person actually followed up on someone's I'll get back to you on that last week. I think it was Friday's press conference. 

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21 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:

This article predicts that Trump will win a second term, and I have to say I agree:

The democrats really have to get their shit together and run on more than"Not Trump". We can't have another six years of Trump. 

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47 minutes ago, formergothardite said:

The democrats really have to get their shit together and run on more than"Not Trump". We can't have another six years of Trump. 

If they're smart they'll start riding the wave the Portland teenagers have started and expand on it. Even better, they should run on getting the rot out of politics; by that I don't mean the Republicans, but every rule and regulation that enables corruption and gerrymandering, voter suppression and anything else that leads to the disintegration of democracy. If they do that, then I believe the American people will move to their side en masse.

Meanwhile, the presidunce is being his usual self-aggrandizing self. 

Sure, we believe 5-time draft-dodging Cadet Bone-spur would run unarmed into a building with an active shooter armed with an AR-15. :roll:

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Oh Rufus! I watched this without sound first and it's hilarious...

Then I turned the sound on and was amazed at how Inslee just stood up and told him what he really thinks straight to his face.

Note how the presidunce completely ignores the suggestion of  "... we need a little less tweeting here and a little more listening"

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So I was talking to my youngest about Cadet Bone-spur running into a building unarmed with an active shooter with an AR-15 inside.

His reaction? 

"Yeah, I heard. He lost me at 'running'.... "


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This is getting very Kim Jong Un. Trump once singlehandedly defeated an army of undead soldiers just by throwing a handful of chicken nuggets at them, very hard.

That time when he had his chance to help a bleeding man and he was like, oh man, that blood is DIRTY..


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24 minutes ago, fraurosena said:

So I was talking to my youngest about Cadet Bone-spur running into a building unarmed with an active shooter with an AR-15 inside.

His reaction? 

"Yeah, I heard. He lost me at 'running'.... "


Am I a terrible person for wanting to test Trump's hypothesis? (Not with real bullets, mind you. Maybe crisis actors, instead of real students. Just, you know, to see if he'd really go there.)

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2 hours ago, fraurosena said:

Sure, we believe 5-time draft-dodging Cadet Bone-spur would run unarmed into a building with an active shooter armed with an AR-15. :roll:

This is what Trump looked like being hustled off stage when someone at a rally shouted "Gun!"


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1 hour ago, AmazonGrace said:


Ouch! My eyes just rolled so far up, I think they are stuck. Fuck off Sarah Fuck-a-bee.

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