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Kindergarten teacher found alive, no demons, only bipolar MERGED


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Saw this last night on my RSS feed -- thank you for posting it. 

I hope that Julie Anne is able to follow up with details on the "pastor" who committed this serious abuse.

There should be prison time for such cruelty, which, IMHO, amounts to practicing medicine and/or psycho-therapy without a license.

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Dammit!  This is yet another example of why these "pastors" are dangerous. 

I'm so glad she was found in time.

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Horrific, but thank god she was found alive. I can't imagine the terror her family went through, and that pastor and his wife should most certainly be held accountable. Mental illness, especially something as serious as bipolar disorder, should not be toyed with because some egomaniac decided he was going to run a church. @hoipolloi - I completely agree, since the pastor and his wife were giving psychiatric advice without a license, they should be charged with that crime at the very least. 

@MamaJunebug - I'm so sorry you've lost so many loved ones. :hug:

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19 hours ago, ThunderRolls said:

I'm so sorry you've lost so many loved ones. :hug:

Thank you, dove.  My last surviving sib is grappling with BP2 now and if Julie Anne or media come up with the identity of the losers who ran this lady's "church" I will be signing petitions for any legal action that can be taken to hold them accountable.  

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Read this article today, and watched the video: https://www.littlethings.com/missing-teacher-rescue/?utm_source=fbsp2&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=19-D-25895

Kindergarten teacher gets in a car accident, goes missing, found alive after 17 days. Survived by drinking cow trough water and eating locusts. 

Went off her bipolar meds because her pastor told her it would let demons in her body. 


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@clarinetpower, we already have a topic on this though I like your title MUCH better!

Also thank you for the new link.

Over at spiritual sounding board Julie Anne is working behind the scenes to positively identify the so called church behind this horrid story.



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