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Grover Norquist tweet on how Republicans are born backfires


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Grover put out this tweet yesterday.

And yeah he's getting hammered for his stupidity...


As shown here...



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1 hour ago, 47of74 said:

Grover put out this tweet yesterday.

And yeah he's getting hammered for his stupidity...


As shown here...



Or her dumbass parents could have told her about sales tax prior to her going to the store and taught her why taxes are necessary and the good the money collected provides for the community.  But who needs socially responsible people anyway.

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Or her dumbass parents could have told her about sales tax prior to her going to the store and taught her why taxes are necessary and the good the money collected provides for the community.  But who needs socially responsible people anyway.

Yeah first that. Still I wish we could be like Europe and show the price inclusive of taxes.
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2 hours ago, 47of74 said:

Grover put out this tweet yesterday.

And yeah he's getting hammered for his stupidity...


As shown here...



OMG, this was hilarious. He was eaten alive on Twitter. How can he be so unaware of his own arrogance? Did he really think that he wouldn't get serious flak for using his own 8-year-old daughter to make an ill-conceived point about taxes? This made him look, at best, manipulative. Or more likely, cruel and abusive.

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36 minutes ago, GrumpyGran said:

OMG, this was hilarious. He was eaten alive on Twitter. How can he be so unaware of his own arrogance? Did he really think that he wouldn't get serious flak for using his own 8-year-old daughter to make an ill-conceived point about taxes? This made him look, at best, manipulative. Or more likely, cruel and abusive.

You would think after that one member of Congress used a staffer's baby as a prop and correctly got his ass handed to him Grover would know better.  Guess not though.

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21 hours ago, 47of74 said:


Yeah first that. Still I wish we could be like Europe and show the price inclusive of taxes.


Why you don't? Curious European here.

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28 minutes ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:

Why you don't? Curious European here.


The only thing I've seen that makes sense is that giant corporations like Walmart can't have national ad campaigns that advertise things for x amount because different states/cities have different sales tax amounts. 

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34 minutes ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:

Why you don't? Curious European here.

Each state has its own sales tax rate (some have none) and its own laws on what products and services are taxed. Plus, some municipalities have their own sales taxes on top of that. So large chains, online retailers, anyone who sells a product or service in more than one location would have a nightmare trying to advertise their prices accurately. So, easier to say, "this product costs $9.95, plus whatever the tax is at the location where you buy it."

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6 hours ago, laPapessaGiovanna said:

ETA different COL in the various states doesn't affect retail prices in different locations?

It can, but some things are advertised nationally with a price attached. An example is the Taco Bell 99 cent menu. That's the same across the continental US (the advertisements have fine print that indicates prices are higher in Alaska and Hawaii.) But regular menu prices at many fast food places are higher, sometimes by 20 percent or so, in more expensive areas. Other goods are the same way. I live in an expensive area. I was at a clothing store named Lane Bryant, and there was a big sign that read, "All jeans are $29." The next day, I was visiting a friend who lives about 90 minutes away in the same state. I stopped at the Lane Bryant there, and a sign with the exact same font and color scheme read, "All jeans are $19." So, there was a difference in that less-expensive area. There was also a slightly lower sales tax there that added to the price difference. I noticed that even Wal-Mart, the behemoth, offers goods at slightly lower prices in stores that are about two hours from here, than they offer in the stores here.

Basically, the US operates under a "what the market will bear" mentality.

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23 minutes ago, GreyhoundFan said:

It can, but some things are advertised nationally with a price attached. An example is the Taco Bell 99 cent menu. That's the same across the continental US (the advertisements have fine print that indicates prices are higher in Alaska and Hawaii.) But regular menu prices at many fast food places are higher, sometimes by 20 percent or so, in more expensive areas. Other goods are the same way. I live in an expensive area. I was at a clothing store named Lane Bryant, and there was a big sign that read, "All jeans are $29." The next day, I was visiting a friend who lives about 90 minutes away in the same state. I stopped at the Lane Bryant there, and a sign with the exact same font and color scheme read, "All jeans are $19." So, there was a difference in that less-expensive area. There was also a slightly lower sales tax there that added to the price difference. I noticed that even Wal-Mart, the behemoth, offers goods at slightly lower prices in stores that are about two hours from here, than they offer in the stores here.

Basically, the US operates under a "what the market will bear" mentality.

IIRC one of our area car dealers had an advertisement geared towards people in one state telling them that if they came over to them they could save a few hundred dollars in sales taxes since the one state was lower at the time.  Given how much a car costs even a one percent percentage difference would amount to a few hundred dollars.

I think it was aimed towards those of us here in Iowa, telling us to come over to either Illinois or Wisconsin to buy a car.  I think the sales tax advantage is gone now, I never hear the dealers talking about that any more.  And it's about the last thing I really look at when buying a vehicle.  My forthcoming Bolt I'm buying from an Illinois dealer, mainly because that dealer is the closest one to me certified to sell the Bolt, and not because of any tax differences.


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Sales tax is high in Texas (bad!); we have no state income tax (good!).  Sales taxes in my city (large metropolitan area) are much higher than surrounding towns in the county. 

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Here in Oregon we don't have sales tax at all, so I always get to be surprised by it whenever I leave the state.

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6 hours ago, 47of74 said:

  My forthcoming Bolt I'm buying from an Illinois dealer, mainly because that dealer is the closest one to me certified to sell the Bolt, and not because of any tax differences.

I am looking forward to hearing all about your Chevy Bolt! :roseglasses:

6 hours ago, Howl said:

Sales tax is high in Texas (bad!); we have no state income tax (good!).  Sales taxes in my city (large metropolitan area) are much higher than surrounding towns in the county. 

For the non-Texans that are reading this, our state sales and use tax is 6.25%, but our local taxing jurisdictions can choose to add up to 2% to the state rate. I didn't know for many years that the state sales and use tax rate was actually 6.25%, because I'd only ever lived in areas that collected the full 8.25%. :pb_redface:

As @Howl pointed out above, we have no state income tax to provide revenue, so the state of Texas nickels and dimes us to death on a regular basis to keep the state running.




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