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John Piper's son divorces, blames ex-wife


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Wow...first Billy Graham's grandson, then Scott Brown's daughter, now John Piper's son getting divorced. 

In Piper's case, guess what!!! It was all the woman's fault. 

B. Piper divorce

Oh, and note well:  B. Piper has tweeted all about it (except not) and he has a book about to drop. Talk about providence. 

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Is it something in the air? Maybe it's just a time of divorce for a season.  Piper Jr. makes his living off the talk circuit (church leadership!) and writing.  I noticed a "Would You Consider Supporting Us"  in very big font at the end of his post.  I'm not sure who "us" is, in this instance.

Is he's resigned to singleness for the rest of his life?  Nah.  Because he considers divorce a death, he'll find a way to slither around the "no new marriage after divorce, ever" edict.  You just know he will. 

I was not impressed with Barbara Roberts' tweets re: Barnabas.  "If he's in shock because his wife left him, he's v(ery) likely an abuser."   Barbara Roberts writes at NotUnderBondage.com: Biblical Divorce for Abuse, Adultery and Desertion. 



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8 hours ago, MamaJunebug said:

B. Piper divorce

Barbara Roberts (A Cry for Justice) kicked B. Piper squarely in his sorry self-excusing butt there.

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I'm wondering if we'll end up with a post of Fundy divorces, like we have the "arrows" and "unmarrieds" (and as someone suggested, the list of sexual abuse scandals)

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37 minutes ago, Lurky said:

I'm wondering if we'll end up with a post of Fundy divorces, like we have the "arrows" and "unmarrieds" (and as someone suggested, the list of sexual abuse scandals)

Or maybe a celebrity Fundy divorce/abandonment of covenant marriage watch list -- although I guess we could combine them.  

Oh, and Piper Cub*, seriously, bite me:  


one cannot make up for the loss of the other and do the work of two.

*I can't take credit; it's from one of the commenters at The Wartburg Watch, but too good not to share with FJ. 

ETA: Speaking of divorced fundies, Gabriel Pearl still shows up on the No Greater Joy Ministries web site as single -- as he has for quite a few years since ex Lori flew the coop.  Sadly, his bio pic shows him posing beside his mountain bike in a general area I love (red rock country, SW US); to think that I might run into him on a trail someday is beyond squicky.  


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On 1/28/2017 at 8:04 AM, Howl said:

one cannot make up for the loss of the other and do the work of two.

Really? I'm reading this out of context, so I might not be getting it, but it felt like I was doing the "work of two" much of the time we were following patriarchy. Spouse was responsible for earning the living. I was responsible for everything else.

Literally. It turned out to be a great deal for him, because he could bask in the church's sympathy at how hard it is to make a living out there in the wicked world, and support a family, and any man who is supporting a family is automatically godly, but there was no "men's work" and "women's work" or even cooperative work at home. I did all the housework, all the yardwork, most of the parenting, paid the bills, and kept the car running. Toward the end, he was so depressed, he even ignored the offspring.

I was depressed, too, and I'm sure that's part of what kept us in bondage so long. We certainly weren't in a partnership. I don't know what you'd call it. Maybe a "marriage" according to patriarchy?

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On 1/28/2017 at 10:34 AM, Lurky said:

I'm wondering if we'll end up with a post of Fundy divorces, like we have the "arrows" and "unmarrieds" (and as someone suggested, the list of sexual abuse scandals)

I actually like this idea. A master list of fundie broken courtships/engagements and divorces would be helpful. 

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8 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:

I actually like this idea. A master list of fundie broken courtships/engagements and divorces would be helpful. 

If you compile it, I'll add it to the lists I maintain. 

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