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Amy Fame Whore Duggar not paying her producer


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Apologies if this was posted elsewhere on FJ, there is a radar online article about Amy Duggar refusing to pay her producer who got her the cousin Amy singing specials. According to the article, the Duggars (no idea which ones are involved. Maybe just Amy.) believed the producer was just being helpful and not expecting to get paid. :?


http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/a ... -new-show/

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That's hilarious. The Duggar mindset at its finest. All of them seem to think the whole world is just there to bed over backwards and support them in whatever they do, no matter how big or small the endeavor is.

Doesn't Amy (and the Duggars) understand that time, use of the equipment in the studio, and promoting Amy herself costs money? Why would she expect any of this for free without giving some kind of return on the producer's investment.

I can't give this enough eyerolls. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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That's hilarious. The Duggar mindset at its finest. All of them seem to think the whole world is just there to bed over backwards and support them in whatever they do, no matter how big or small the endeavor is.

Doesn't Amy (and the Duggars) understand that time, use of the equipment in the studio, and promoting Amy herself costs money? Why would she expect any of this for free without giving some kind of return on the producer's investment.

I can't give this enough eyerolls. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I'm shocked that Grandma Duggar has herself twisted up in this hot mess. I thought G-ma Duggar was a class lady now I realize she is just a money-hungry laundress with $$$ shooting out of her eye sockets.

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Yeah, me too. Although she is the one who raised Jim Bob, so maybe I shouldn't be too surprised, but I guess I still wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

I feel terrible for Slocum, though. It sounds like he worked really hard for Amy, and she, her mom, and Mary all royally screwed him over.

I've been hearing rumors about how Jim Bob has been reaming people for years, even before the show started, so I guess he learned it at his mother's knee.

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I hope Slocum does sue these self-entitled Duggars and receives his due payments. But he states that 'they are on their way' to bigger things. New show? Hot career? I think Slocum may just have the last laugh where that's concerned.

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I am sure Amy knew he was supposed to be paid, I just think she figured he would be so in awe of working with her that he would just waive any payment. No way can Amy afford to pay for any of this.

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Amy has no talent whatsoever that could carry a singing career or a show about her attempts at a singing career. She's just pathetic, trying so hard to be rich and famous because her last name is Duggar (Or is it Jordan?) while living at home and acting like a 15 year old. :puke-front:

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I am sure Amy knew he was supposed to be paid, I just think she figured he would be so in awe of working with her that he would just waive any payment. No way can Amy afford to pay for any of this.

this is the real issue. She doesnt work and her album didnt go anywhere. She cant pay for crap.

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I'm shocked that Grandma Duggar has herself twisted up in this hot mess. I thought G-ma Duggar was a class lady now I realize she is just a money-hungry laundress with $$$ shooting out of her eye sockets.

IT could be that her "headship" (her idiot son) is pushing her in that direction and so she must obey

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I hope Slocum does sue these self-entitled Duggars and receives his due payments. But he states that 'they are on their way' to bigger things. New show? Hot career? I think Slocum may just have the last laugh where that's concerned.

If he has a contract saying he gets $X it should be an open and shut case.

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The Duggars probably thought they could get away with not paying because it would be bad press for the producer to demand payment. These people have no shame.

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Did she have a contract with the guy?

On his facebook he says:

The truth is i worked for over a year working with Amy and her Mom and Grandma wanting to simply help them... I did not sign a TV contract until we were already done with first show. Then I signed a deal...Im not really that surprised which is kinda sad...Thx for caring

Kind of ambiguous but I am taking it to mean he did have one and is seeking compensation based on that, and not for the time before that. It sounds like she hasn't paid him at all.


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On his facebook he says:

Kind of ambiguous but I am taking it to mean he did have one and is seeking compensation based on that, and not for the time before that. It sounds like she hasn't paid him at all.


Thanks. I agree with him. It is kind of sad that he's not surprised. I wonder how they will spin this. Actually, I'm pretty sure I know how they will spin it. I hope the leg humpers will pay attention. It really is dishonest and crass.

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Some of this just doesn't make sense though. $20k per episode for Amy?!?!?! And a spin off?!?! I'm sorry I'd much rather watch a spin off of the married kids than Amy. I just can't buy the amount of money either. It just seems insane.

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Is it really Amy's fault if someone was idiotic enough to do work for her for free? I mean, I'm no fan - I can barely sit through her special episodes - but this seems like something a production company should know how to navigate.

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Amy needs to grow up. I forget that she is a grown woman a few years older than Josh. She comes across as more like an 18-20 year old who grew up with parents who praised her far too much and made her think she could be a star.

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On the one hand, Radar Online; not trustworthy.

On the other hand, why are we suprised? The Duggars are professional grifters who have fantastic PR people who have trained them well.

Amy is meant to be Amy Jordan; but we don't really know the story there.

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Amy's too busy posting pictures of her boyfriend (or whatever he is) and herself all over Instagram to care.

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I can't believe Amy didn't think she had to pay a producer for promoting her and assisting with a deal for a show. I've never been or around the television industry but even I know you would have to pay. I think what happened, is she didn't really earn that much anyway and just spent it all so when it came time that he asked for money she didn't have it and she used the excuse: I thought you worked for free.

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