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What does Michelle's Family really think?


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I have to wonder if any of the leg humpers ever realize they sure don't talk or show Michelle's side of the family much. It got me wondering what they really think of Michelle and the whole 19 kid thing.


I have a feeling that they had some sort of religion growing up and were not atheist (unless someone knows if they are) and we just sort of mainstream. I know she was years younger, but wow we never hear a peep.


I wish they would post on here :)


That being said Jim Bob was horrible to his dad (who said he didn't want them to have anymore after the 18th on air) and I don't know what to say about his mother. Sometimes I think she doesn't mind other times I think she just goes with the flow.


I really hope Jim Bob doesn't take advantage of his mother. Although in the books he always made her seem like the smart, wise christian mom while dad was a deadbeat.

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well they just spent time in Ohio with Michelle's family at least her sister Pam. I know one sister is no longer living. I really want to know what her Lesbian sister feels about them. I mean i know Josh supposedly says that his aunt Believes that marriage is between one man and one woman and that he loves his aunt but I find it hard to believe that she's okay with the hate they spew.

http://www.crushable.com/2013/08/19/ent ... -marraige/

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I was amused by the leghumpers who made comments about how exciting it was to see more Duggars. Ummm ... Michelle's family aren't Duggars. Idiots.

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Maybe they just don't want to be on television. I don't think I'd want my actions on the news all the time. "Mother of Michelle Duggar, of 19 Kids and Counting, went to the grocery store this afternoon and bought baby food. Is this an indication of news to come?" AACCKK!

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Maybe they just don't want to be on television. I don't think I'd want my actions on the news all the time. "Mother of Michelle Duggar, of 19 Kids and Counting, went to the grocery store this afternoon and bought baby food. Is this an indication of news to come?" AACCKK!

considering Michelle's mother is dead I really hope not because that would be creepy.

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I have wondered about Michelle's family. I did see part of an episode where the Duggars went and visited.. her dad?

I don't know if their lack of involvement with the TV show means lack of involvement IRL but I do find it ironic that Michelle is so away, separated from her family, and doing something different than the way they raised her. Which is not what she wants her daughters to do, at all.

Michelle is the youngest tho, and I'm betting that with the youngest girls, especially Jordyn and Jennifer who were so pushed aside for Josie, they are not too terribly attached to Michelle and won't be as amenable to following in Momma's footsteps.

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I have wondered about Michelle's family. I did see part of an episode where the Duggars went and visited.. her dad?

I don't know if their lack of involvement with the TV show means lack of involvement IRL but I do find it ironic that Michelle is so away, separated from her family, and doing something different than the way they raised her. Which is not what she wants her daughters to do, at all.

Michelle is the youngest tho, and I'm betting that with the youngest girls, especially Jordyn and Jennifer who were so pushed aside for Josie, they are not too terribly attached to Michelle and won't be as amenable to following in Momma's footsteps.

Michelle's parents were older when she was born and her mom passed away fairly young. I doubt she was parented the same as her older sibs...just as the younger Duggar kids are parented far differently than the older group. I doubt the same relationship standards will be applied to Jordyn that are currently being applied to Jessa, UNLESS Josh moves in and takes over. By the time the little ones are ready to court, JB, if he's lucky, will be darn near 70. Let's face it, Michelle is already checked out. What will she be like in another 20 years?

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Michelles family is apparently from Cincinnati. I find this very surprising because I am from Cincinnati and when you're from that city you tend to know all of the "celebrities" that came out of the city. It's just like a thing for the city, we all know Jerry Springer, Carmen Electra, the Lachey brothers, George Clooney etc. are all from the area. Your hard pressed to find a person in the city that doesn't know which "famous" people have emerged from the city.

I didn't find out her family was from that area until after getting into the show. That was very surprising to me. It's just not a normal thing in our culture to not know something like that.

But, I think, her family is smart in not being on the show often or out in the public eye. It's really hard to go unknown in the city and they would be constantly annoyed and bombarded with questions. And if they're no longer there, people would figure out what friends they have still left in the city and the friends would be hounded with questions.

Also, because her family is from that area I would be willing to bet she grew up Catholic. I know that she wasn't saved until later into High School and with her parents being from that area and having at least 5 children it's a good indicator they were/are Catholic.

I know this may sound crazy but I promise it's just how that part of the country works.

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Michelles family is apparently from Cincinnati. I find this very surprising because I am from Cincinnati and when you're from that city you tend to know all of the "celebrities" that came out of the city. It's just like a thing for the city, we all know Jerry Springer, Carmen Electra, the Lachey brothers, George Clooney etc. are all from the area. Your hard pressed to find a person in the city that doesn't know which "famous" people have emerged from the city.

I didn't find out her family was from that area until after getting into the show. That was very surprising to me. It's just not a normal thing in our culture to not know something like that.

But, I think, her family is smart in not being on the show often or out in the public eye. It's really hard to go unknown in the city and they would be constantly annoyed and bombarded with questions. And if they're no longer there, people would figure out what friends they have still left in the city and the friends would be hounded with questions.

Also, because her family is from that area I would be willing to bet she grew up Catholic. I know that she wasn't saved until later into High School and with her parents being from that area and having at least 5 children it's a good indicator they were/are Catholic.

I know this may sound crazy but I promise it's just how that part of the country works.

Another Cinci area person here... :)

Just looked up Michelle's father's obituary and they mention making donations to a Baptist church. One of her sisters passed away last year and another Baptist church was mentioned in that obit also. I'm guessing she was probably brought up Baptist but dove headfirst into fundidom later on.

I'm not from this area originally and I was really surprised when Michelle's father passed away to discover that he had lived here in Hamilton. The sister they're visiting right now? Lives in a rural area a mere 5 minutes from where I live. I've discussed "The Duggars" with several people who grew up here and not once had it come up that she was originally from around here. I think the extended family has kept a good measure of anonymity because they really don't include a lot of talk about Michelle's family on the show. Plus, add in the fact that maiden names and married names don't grab the attention as well as the Duggar name does, it's probably been easier for them to escape notice.

I guess they're just not the big celebrities they might think they are! :lol:

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On one of the early specials some of Michelle's siblings visited them for her birthday.

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Didn't she grow up in Arkansas? I believe her family moved when she was 17 which is why Michelle got married so young. Otherwise she would have to move with her parents and have a long distance relationship with JB.

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Didn't she grow up in Arkansas? I believe her family moved when she was 17 which is why Michelle got married so young. Otherwise she would have to move with her parents and have a long distance relationship with JB.

Hmm... Not sure what the timeline of when she moved to Arkansas but both her father and sister's obituaries mention them being born and having passed away in the Cincinnati metro area. Maybe they moved there and then back again, leaving Michelle there married? She's the baby though, isn't she?

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Hmm... Not sure what the timeline of when she moved to Arkansas but both her father and sister's obituaries mention them being born and having passed away in the Cincinnati metro area. Maybe they moved there and then back again, leaving Michelle there married? She's the baby though, isn't she?

Yes she's the baby, she is the youngest of 7 kids. counting her there are 6 girls and 1 boy.

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So I just read the obiturary's for both Michelle's dad and her sister. three things I found interesting. I always knew her mom died in 91 but I was never sure exactly when. It looks like she died when Jill was not yet 3 months old. and another thing is that Michelle's closest in age sibling it seems also lives in Arkansas, Also in her father's obituary it says he left behind 31 Grandchildren. so Michelle has 19 her sister Kathie who died in 2013 had 2. that leaves 10 between the other five siblings.

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I "know" of one of Michelle's nephews because he lives in my town (not in OH or AR). By all accounts he's a really nice, decent, regular guy. His mom is Michelle's sister and I believe she and her husband live in Ohio. I just think Michelle's side just may not be comfortable filming directly like Mary, Deanna, and Amy. I also don't think any live in Arkansas. But this guy has attended Josh's and Jill's weddings and is invited to Jessa's. He's not fundy but is a Christian; Baptist if I had to guess but not Catholic. He suffered a loss in his family in the last year or two and the Duggars actually drove up here to attend the visitation/funeral which surprised me. So I have to say they are reasonably close to Michelle's side.

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I "know" of one of Michelle's nephews because he lives in my town (not in OH or AR). By all accounts he's a really nice, decent, regular guy. His mom is Michelle's sister and I believe she and her husband live in Ohio. I just think Michelle's side just may not be comfortable filming directly like Mary, Deanna, and Amy. I also don't think any live in Arkansas. But this guy has attended Josh's and Jill's weddings and is invited to Jessa's. He's not fundy but is a Christian; Baptist if I had to guess but not Catholic. He suffered a loss in his family in the last year or two and the Duggars actually drove up here to attend the visitation/funeral which surprised me. So I have to say they are reasonably close to Michelle's side.

according to Michelle's father's obituary written in 2010 Michelle's sister Carolyn lived in Lowell Arkensas she may have moved since then but in the not so distant past one sister did live in the same state as Michelle.

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I would assume Michelle's family was probably in shock as Michelle kept having more and more children. I would assume they were amazed at first and assumed she's soon realize she was overwhelmed and stop having kids or start spacing them out a bit. Do we know why Michelle's mother died? Was she sick for awhile before her death? Could her mother had been diagnosed with a lethal disease around the time Michelle had the miscarriage and that impacted her going off the deep end with the QF mentality.

It sounds like the family may have moved to AK for a while but raised their oldest children in OH. If Michelle and her closet in age sister live in AK they may have been the only ones to actually make the move with their parents. As far as the show I think part of it is they don't see the Duggars often and when they do it's not for things they want shown. I mean would you want to be filmed a funeral? Plus I don't think they're famewhores like Amy. Even Deanna isn't shown that much and mostly it involves a storyline with Amy. And Grandma Duggar (along with Grandpa Duggar when he was alive) are very involved with the Duggars lives. I mean they had Grandma in 14 Kids just coming over to watch the little ones while they went grocery shopping and they watched them when Michelle had a baby. Now of course Grandma Duggar lives there so she pretty much has no choice but be filmed.

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I would assume Michelle's family was probably in shock as Michelle kept having more and more children. I would assume they were amazed at first and assumed she's soon realize she was overwhelmed and stop having kids or start spacing them out a bit. Do we know why Michelle's mother died? Was she sick for awhile before her death? Could her mother had been diagnosed with a lethal disease around the time Michelle had the miscarriage and that impacted her going off the deep end with the QF mentality.

It sounds like the family may have moved to AK for a while but raised their oldest children in OH. If Michelle and her closet in age sister live in AK they may have been the only ones to actually make the move with their parents. As far as the show I think part of it is they don't see the Duggars often and when they do it's not for things they want shown. I mean would you want to be filmed a funeral? Plus I don't think they're famewhores like Amy. Even Deanna isn't shown that much and mostly it involves a storyline with Amy. And Grandma Duggar (along with Grandpa Duggar when he was alive) are very involved with the Duggars lives. I mean they had Grandma in 14 Kids just coming over to watch the little ones while they went grocery shopping and they watched them when Michelle had a baby. Now of course Grandma Duggar lives there so she pretty much has no choice but be filmed.

at one point Jim Bob's dad said neither him or Michelle's dad really approved of them having all those kids. and I do think Michelle's mother had a long term illness because she once mentioned the twins first birthday was the last birthday she celebrated with them but the twins turned one in January and Michelle's mother didn't die until August.

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I would imagine that Michelle is no longer 'Michelle' to them, as they knew her when she was young. It is probably very difficult to talk to someone whose true self is buried under 20+ years of a cult. Why bother? They could talk to Michelle, but she isn't really Michelle, just some hollow, walking billboard for ATI/IBLP. Her family probably really wants the real Michelle back (the one who shot slingshots at cars and mowed the lawn in a bikini), but knows that that is unlikely to ever happen. I get the idea that Michelle was a sarcastic, snarky, sassy young woman before she fell in with Jim Bob. So am I, and I can't imagine what kind of a relationship my family would have with me if I fell in with the Gothardites. I think my parents would be very, very sad, and would mourn for the person that essentially died. Their daughter.

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A friend once told me that Beyoncé's father lives about 15 miles from me. Supposedly, his thing is to go to the local country club, get drunk, and float around on the water all day in a small boat or inner tube.

A lot of people know this because the club apparently made him an unofficial part of the tour. Sign up for the club's day boat trip package, and your tour guide will point him out on the lake.

I knew where Beyonce's family was from originally, but her dad moved, and I never would have know if someone hadn't pointed it out to me.

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I would assume Michelle's family was probably in shock as Michelle kept having more and more children. I would assume they were amazed at first and assumed she's soon realize she was overwhelmed and stop having kids or start spacing them out a bit. Do we know why Michelle's mother died? Was she sick for awhile before her death? Could her mother had been diagnosed with a lethal disease around the time Michelle had the miscarriage and that impacted her going off the deep end with the QF mentality.

It sounds like the family may have moved to AK for a while but raised their oldest children in OH. If Michelle and her closet in age sister live in AK they may have been the only ones to actually make the move with their parents. As far as the show I think part of it is they don't see the Duggars often and when they do it's not for things they want shown. I mean would you want to be filmed a funeral? Plus I don't think they're famewhores like Amy. Even Deanna isn't shown that much and mostly it involves a storyline with Amy. And Grandma Duggar (along with Grandpa Duggar when he was alive) are very involved with the Duggars lives. I mean they had Grandma in 14 Kids just coming over to watch the little ones while they went grocery shopping and they watched them when Michelle had a baby. Now of course Grandma Duggar lives there so she pretty much has no choice but be filmed.

It really bothers me that they filmed Jim Bob's dad's funeral. I'm glad they're not exploiting Michelle's side of the family like that.

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It really bothers me that they filmed Jim Bob's dad's funeral. I'm glad they're not exploiting Michelle's side of the family like that.

There must be a very good reason. Either, her family absolutely does not agree, get along or want to be with the family and/or part of their reality show OR JB does not allow them to be filmed.

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A friend once told me that Beyoncé's father lives about 15 miles from me. Supposedly, his thing is to go to the local country club, get drunk, and float around on the water all day in a small boat or inner tube.

A lot of people know this because the club apparently made him an unofficial part of the tour. Sign up for the club's day boat trip package, and your tour guide will point him out on the lake.

I knew where Beyonce's family was from originally, but her dad moved, and I never would have know if someone hadn't pointed it out to me.

OT, my best friend in high school (still tight friends), his mom was an art teacher for a long time and is a professional artist. She taught a class that Beyonce was in. She described Beyonce as a "completely unremarkable, quiet, average" student.

There's a motivational speech in there, somewhere.

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There must be a very good reason. Either, her family absolutely does not agree, get along or want to be with the family and/or part of their reality show OR JB does not allow them to be filmed.

I don't know if this is a possibility, but maybe Dim Bulb and Mullet might also be embarassed by them and try to keep them out of the show...Maybe, who knows?

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I don't know if this is a possibility, but maybe Dim Bulb and Mullet might also be embarassed by them and try to keep them out of the show...Maybe, who knows?

I don't think Michelle can say she loves all her siblings not with her sister being a lesbian and their stance on Homosexual and the job that Josh works at.

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