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Modesty fail


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I'm feeling very mean spirited about the whole fundie business these days so I'm hoping this topic will help me out a bit. Please contribute if you see fit.





And the honorary photo:


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Does this count: 2.bp.blogspot.com/_Apq7u7Dbne0/SYHX6e8dUwI/AAAAAAAACO0/p89ytK0Wdrg/s320/kelly-20003.GC

Oh well, I realize Kelly didn't care much for modesty at that time... but still.

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Does this count: 2.bp.blogspot.com/_Apq7u7Dbne0/SYHX6e8dUwI/AAAAAAAACO0/p89ytK0Wdrg/s320/kelly-20003.GC

Oh well, I realize Kelly didn't care much for modesty at that time... but still.

It counts because she posted it.....if she were that concerned about modesty then she wouldn't be posting photos online of 'back when I was a trashy slut'.

Nice collection. I think there should be a standing LOLmodesty thread.

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And a special prize should be awarded to the person who finds our unicorn- a Maxwell modesty fail photo.

Some intriguing activities may include: vanilla ice cream, guns... that sort of thing.

Also, gay subtones get extra points.

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The last one reminded me of that episode where the Duggars are throwing pottery and Boob is behind Michelle and they have this cheesy romantic saxophone music going. Ugh... Puke!

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Is it just me, or does Jinger look really thin?

That pic is from when they went to Journey last year, I think - there were a few pics around then where people felt she looked way thin. I can't remember anyone saying that since then, though, so maybe she was going through a stage. She's kind of hit her awkward stage this year - I know I dropped a bunch of weight right before I went through my gawky stage as well.

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That pic is from when they went to Journey last year, I think - there were a few pics around then where people felt she looked way thin. I can't remember anyone saying that since then, though, so maybe she was going through a stage. She's kind of hit her awkward stage this year - I know I dropped a bunch of weight right before I went through my gawky stage as well.

When I saw her in person last March I thought she looked a normal size. Those who also have seen Jinger in person, what do you think?

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Since it's Teri Maxwell's birthday today I thought I'd throw in some porn for her as well.

VBot and a can of Coke:


LOL. Nice! :dance:

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It certainly can be suggestive but Anna looks so young in that photo that I hesitate to paste it. I'm not sure how old she was in 2007 but my conscience seems to be having problems with it regardless. Maybe someone else's is not so (overly?) active.

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Since it's Teri Maxwell's birthday today I thought I'd throw in some porn for her as well.

VBot and a can of Coke:


The microphone looks rather "phallicy," like it could be a special Rock Star vibrator from Toys in Babeland.

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