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Lori's Mom

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Lori demonizes her mom in her latest post.

My parents didn't have a very good marriage while I was growing up. My mom was never taught how to love and obey her husband. She didn't have any good role models. She tried to do the best she could. She was faithful to my dad and loved her children. Thankfully, they both always loved Jesus.

My dad worked long, hard hours to provide. They are just so opposite in personality. My dad was an only child and my mom was one of seven. On Christmas morning, everyone shared favorite memories of them. Everyone shared fun adventures with my mom, like snowboarding, trips to Coronado Island, etc. They shared how my dad encouraged and helped with their education or health problems. {My dad was the one who made enough money for my mom to show everyone a good time!}


Let me get this straight--Lori wants all women to stay at home and let the husbands provide for their families, yet she criticizes her mom for staying at home and spending her dad's money (on what sounds like fun family trips that created fond memories for Lori and her siblings.) Also, what ever happened to Lori's assertion that young men today should be seeking out wives who are "like their grandmothers?" Does she realize that she's poking holes in her theories that everyone of her mother's generation knew their gender roles?

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The whole post was a nasty shot to her mom, but the last sentence about her dad making enough money for her mom to show everyone a good time was a really mean criticism of her mother. It sounds like she didn't like it that the others were sharing good memories of her mother.

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Sounds to me like Lori has a problem with sharing! She doesn't like sharing her mother with others. Or she's jealous that everyone has good memories and she stuck with the life she made for herself.

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Lori really is a miserable waste of a human being, isn't she?

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This isn't the first time she has trashed her parents. There was a posting where she said something about her dad not being a good spiritual leader. I know she trashed her mom before, but I can't remember exactly why she did. She flip flops on her parents though. She has done postings, where she basically states that her stay at home mom was better than her childhood friends' working moms.

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So, Lori's mom wasn't a doormat and enjoyed life? Yeah, how horrible.

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Lori's aunt has disagreed with her in the comments.

Lori, it upset me when you wrote that your mother did not have a good role model. In fact, I resent it when you refer to my parents like that. I regard them as excellent role models. But you are right that they did not teach us to obey our husbands. They were a team, a partnership, and they worked together to raise their family in a loving, Christian home.

As we all know, that's not good enough, according to Lori:

I meant a good role model in being a submissive, obedient wife as my purpose for this blog is. I called my mom last night and asked her if her mother ever taught her to be submissive and she laughed and said no. I never even referred to your parents in the post. Most women have no role models of submissive wives in their lives.


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Yet Lori says her mother was never taught to LOVE or obey her husband. After stating her parents didn't have a good marriage. She is implying they didn't have a good marriage because her mom sucked as a wife and her mom sucked as a wife because SHE was never shown any better.

Lori is an asshole.

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I just saw the aunt's comments. I'm glad she called Lori out on that shit. I'm surprised Lori even allowed those comments to be up. This posting kind of shows that Lori is ungrateful to her mother. It reminds me a bit like how super Catholic Abigial trashed her parents on her blog.

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I just saw the aunt's comments. I'm glad she called Lori out on that shit. I'm surprised Lori even allowed those comments to be up. This posting kind of shows that Lori is ungrateful to her mother. It reminds me a bit like how super Catholic Abigial trashed her parents on her blog.

Totally agree. This particular aunt chimes in from time to time and she never seems all that pleased with Lori.

Lori never misses a chance to throw her mother under the bus. She even implies from time to time that she was the one who set her mom on the right path. I tell you what, if I were her mother her whiny little ass would be in for a big surprise when they read my will...I would disinherit her so fast her nasty little head would spin. :nenner:

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Totally agree. This particular aunt chimes in from time to time and she never seems all that pleased with Lori.

Lori never misses a chance to throw her mother under the bus. She even implies from time to time that she was the one who set her mom on the right path. I tell you what, if I were her mother her whiny little ass would be in for a big surprise when they read my will...I would disinherit her so fast her nasty little head would spin. :nenner:

I have known some people who have done stuff like that to their kids in a similar situations. But I bet Lori's dad wouldn't disinherit her. He seems to dote on her quite a bit even though she is a whiny bitch. I remember some posting where she whined about her dad bought her the wrong kind of soup during a time when she was sick.

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Earlier, the aunt explains that Lori's mother was the 5th born in a one-bedroom house, and raised through the Great Depression and WWII, by "kind and gentle Christian people." For Lori to sit back in her comparative lap of luxury and criticize the mother's upbringing and role models must seem like a slap in the face.

The aunt was also an older sister - although I'm not sure by how many years - and maybe feels that she was grouped together with the "poor" role models.

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