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Duggar Trip to Nepal


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Found this on Duggar Family Lifeisnotallpicklesandhairspray FB page:




It was in November, and at least JimBob and Jill were there. Jill wanted to visit a birth center.

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Wow, how in the world did they manage to keep that a secret? And why did they go? Was it just Jimbob and Jill? So many questions!

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Say whaat? Does that mean that Jill got to express a wish and her parents actually listened to her? That's pretty awesome. And Nepal, wow, I thought they had never even heard of Nepal.

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Wow, how in the world did they manage to keep that a secret? And why did they go? Was it just Jimbob and Jill? So many questions!

My thoughts. It's a long stretch by Duggar standards, but it may be possible Jill has been researching this birth centre and wants to move there, and so JB had to go with her to check it out to see if it was suitable?

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I really hope so. Jill has so much ambition and is the most independent of the daughters, hope she gets to do something she wants.

I don't think Jimbob would let his unmarried daughter move out though :(

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My thoughts. It's a long stretch by Duggar standards, but it may be possible Jill has been researching this birth centre and wants to move there, and so JB had to go with her to check it out to see if it was suitable?

Boob & J'Chelle won't let their grown children go to college, even the most conservative and restrictive Christian college. Does anyone really think they would allow their unmarried daughter to move to Asia? Assuming Boob add J'Chelle were hit on their heads, gained a bit of sense, and consented to Jill moving to Nepal, would Jana have to accompany her?

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One of my friends from high school worked at a Nepali orphanage for a period of time. The shit that she had to deal with (including one of the directors sexually molesting the orphans) would make ultra-sheltered Jill go catatonic.

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I hope that Jill and the other kids are able to follow whatever dreams they have. I know that they won't be allowed to, unless they marry. And even then, they'll have to pop out a lot of babies.

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This may be the "APS birth center in Kathmandu" mentioned in Wiwok's blog: http://www.midwife.org/Aadharbhut-Prasu ... ntre-Nepal

I hope Jill gets to go there as a volunteer. Its a real, SECULAR, non-Gothard birthing center.

I just searched the ATI and IBLP websites, by the way, and there is no mention of Nepal on either site.

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At first I thought she was getting in some hours for her midwifery licensing requirement. My friend became a midwife in Utah and made a couple of trips to the phillipines, each one a couple months, to get enough births under her belt. But I don't think that's what happened here. Very strange it was just the two of them. I think she wants to be a midwife and wants to live abroad so maybe they are exploring different missionary options. Maybe she already has a special friendship with a missionary...

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I'm wondering if they went in order to convince her not to pursue missionary work. Like, see how awful it is to live here full time. We can visit and you can do great things that way, but you'll do better work at home.

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I bet she is secretly engaged to a missionary who plans to work there. I wonder if they would send a Jslave there every few weeks to "visit" Jill like they do the Smuggars.

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One of my friends from high school worked at a Nepali orphanage for a period of time. The shit that she had to deal with (including one of the directors sexually molesting the orphans) would make ultra-sheltered Jill go catatonic.

Maybe they're picking up a blessing?*

*Knock on wood in hopes I'm wrong

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Or dropping one off and trying to hide it.

"Sorry Jordyn, now we are marrying your buddy off, theres just nobody to look after you"

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The one question no one has asked is; what happens if Jill really does want to be a missionary there and her parents say no or dissuade her? What will her response be? Would it be a life changing event, which makes her question her beliefs? So often you hear of people turning away from the faith when other christians make statements which they can't wrap their heads and hearts around. I think Jill would have a very hard time being denied the chance to go and be a missionary in a foreign land if she really felt the Lord "leading her," but her parents stated they felt she should stay with them.

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At first I thought she was getting in some hours for her midwifery licensing requirement. My friend became a midwife in Utah and made a couple of trips to the phillipines, each one a couple months, to get enough births under her belt. But I don't think that's what happened here. Very strange it was just the two of them. I think she wants to be a midwife and wants to live abroad so maybe they are exploring different missionary options. Maybe she already has a special friendship with a missionary...

Why do I regret that you did not say "exploring missionary positions"?

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"Sorry Jordyn, now we are marrying your buddy off, theres just nobody to look after you"

I was thinking more she was knocked up and they went there to hide the fact and find a home for the child like Christians used to do.

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The one question no one has asked is; what happens if Jill really does want to be a missionary there and her parents say no or dissuade her? What will her response be? Would it be a life changing event, which makes her question her beliefs? So often you hear of people turning away from the faith when other christians make statements which they can't wrap their heads and hearts around. I think Jill would have a very hard time being denied the chance to go and be a missionary in a foreign land if she really felt the Lord "leading her," but her parents stated they felt she should stay with them.

I don't know what they're doing in Nepal, but it seems likelier that Jill would do missionary work in Central America after marrying another missionary. It's closer to Arkansas and she has enjoyed her visits there. No way they'd send her anywhere alone and I doubt she'd put up much of a fight if there really was a difference of opinion. The Lord may lead her but even He is expected to work through Daddy in order to make things happen.

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This is kind of odd. Why was it just Jill and Jim Bob? Jill doesn't want to do missionary work in Asia, she wants to go to Central or South American, that's why she's learning Spanish. I can only assume that this was TLC's idea.

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Jill wants to work in Central America, hence the Spanish, but maybe she had some other reason for a short-term visit to Nepal. Maybe her goal is to start her own birth center in CA and she wanted to learn how a successful birth center operates. Something like that.

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