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Jewish Controlled-World Conspiracy Myth

Anxious Girl

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It's time to discuss anti-semitic myths and to debunk them! I also have some questions: Can anybody provide me with reliable on-line documented primary sources to prove these assholic anti-semites wrong? I feel so stupid that I have to ask, it's just that I'm tired of white supremecists on the internet asking for proof and doing nothing. :embarrassed:


Myth # 1: Jews killed Jesus! No, a Roman did. Why don't you anti-semites hate Romans? (Nobody should be hated, I'm just questioning their way of thinking).


Myth # 2: The Holocaust didn't happened! Innocent Germans were killed! Um, yeah. German and non-German European Jews, the handicapped, prisoners of war, communists, Romani, European black people and people who were considered a threat to the 3rd Reich were killed. Asshats. If the Holocaust didn't happen, then what were the purpose of the Nuremburg Trials, and why do thousands of survivors have tatoos? Again, asshats.


Myth # 3: Jews own the media! Um, proof? So only non-Jews should be able to be successfull? What a bunch of douche-canoes.


Myth # 4: The European royal families are Jewish! (Does anybody have any info about this myth?)


Myth # 5: Jews own the banks! (Does anybody have any info?)


Myth # 6: The American government is controlled by Jews! Ok, really? Most of the govenors, presidents and representatives have been Christians and Mormons. So where the hell do they get this fucking idea from?


Do any other FJers have anything else to add? :D

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You will never change their minds, regardless of what evidence you provide. All their arguments make me see red, but one of the worst, is #1. WHO killed Jesus is irrelevant. It's about WHY he died, and that was to be last living sacrifice, in the name of His father. It has nothing to do with who did it, and everything to do with what His death means, including His resurrection. I could not care less about who persecuted, and nailed Him to that cross, and whoever wants to split hairs about it, is missing the point. They want to hate Jews, and will find any reason for which to do so. How sad and sorry.

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yeah, that one always confused me, too. Surely Jesus dying was supposed to be a good thing ("Good Friday", after all). So why did we have centuries of telling people they were The Worst Ever for causing it?

... I remember hearing that the Orthodox church has Judas as a Saint, and wishing we'd stayed with them rather than the Romans ;-)

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Keep in mind that these people claim to be 'Christian' and that tells you all you would ever need to know about trying to reason with them.

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Tell them the whole point of Jesus' birth was to die for the sinners. If no one had killed him, they wouldn't be saved. It might make their heads explode, though.

I am waiting for my check for the "Jewish owned" banks and media. Seriously! I want my cut.

There is nothing you can do about the Holocaust thing. If they don't believe actual photos and testimony from history, then that's that. The scary part about Holocaust deniers (to me) is that there are not very many survivors left. Once they all die, who will be around to dispute their claims?

But you could ask them where the "undesirables" all went, then? Were they vacationing in the South of France?

I have never heard that the Royal family was Jewish, but the Roschilds were. Maybe they are getting them confused?

And I think some people (honestly!) confuse supporting Israel with being controlled by the Jews. I have even heard this from liberals. The Jews are such a tiny percentage of the US population, and the Orthodox Jews (the ones who are seriously hard core about Israel) are only (I think) 10% of all US Jews. So we are talking a tiny percentage of Jews who REALLY care about Israeli interests over US interests. Not enough to sway even one member of congress, let alone a Senator.

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Holy shit, is this shit still going around? :cray-cray:

Yep. Just check out (or don't, if you don't want to feel squeamish) the comments sections of MSN and Yahoo. Apparantly Jews shouldn't be successfull because they supposedly own all the world's governments and companies, but a non-Jew (white/Christian) controlled-world is a-ok! :roll: :pink-shock:

edit: I know, right Stephenie? There's even a Jewish pro-Palestinian group, so I don't even know where these sick fucks get their information from.

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I haven't really seen Christians talk about that stuff, but I do see online conspiracy theorists bring it up.

As for #3, Jewish people are very over-represented in media, but I believe that's explained by the fact that when television was first getting going the population of NYC was about 1/3 Jewish, and while due to anti-Semitism Jewish people couldn't easily get jobs in traditional media, the new media of television was less prestigious and couldn't really afford the same prejudices.

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Another question: why do you think these people don't want Jews to be successful? To own their own businesses, companies, etc. How come they've never questioned the non-Jew owned companies in media, but just the 1s they assume to be Jewish-owned? Why do you think that is?

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Another question: why do you think these people don't want Jews to be successful? To own their own businesses, companies, etc. How come they've never questioned the non-Jew owned companies in media, but just the 1s they assume to be Jewish-owned? Why do you think that is?

A combination of the Us vs. Them mentality and the idea that only a limited number of people can be successful. Both misguided.

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People who believe these nutball ideas aren't interested in facts. Next time they start up, burst into laughter and say "you are so funny!" and then quietly take them off your Christmas card list.

Some of them might change by getting out of their paranoid little bubbles and meeting actual Jews, but I wouldn't count on it.

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Some Christians use Jewish success as proof that the Bible is true and the Jews are God's chosen people. Given what the Jews have suffered over the centuries, I'd hate to be chosen, but they use that as further proof. (People wouldn't hate the Jews so much if they weren't special. Kind of a "they're just jealous" argument.

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I think people get confused by the fact that there is a very vocal pro-Israel lobby and think that that means Jews are in control of the government. This is confusing apples and oranges, as the pro-Israel lobby has all kinds of folk in it who are by no means all Jewish (fundie Christians make up another huge part of it, as well as all kinds of people of any and no religion whose business is trade with Israel). It's not a monolithic bloc of Jews with super-powers.

Also, I've got Jewish mates who spent time in Israeli jails for their work to help the Palestinians. Not all Jews feel the same or think the same about Israel.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"But you could ask them where the "undesirables" all went, then? Were they vacationing in the South of France?"

No, according to Hutton Gibson, father of Mel, " "They simply got up and left! They were all over the Bronx and Brooklyn and Sydney, Australia, and Los Angeles."

Of course, he also says that the Second Vatican Council was a Jewish plot.

No point finding arguments to refute these asswipes. They are unreachable.

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I keep bumping into this mental diarrhea and it really outrages me.

Some people dedicate entire websites and organizations to these theories - and call it "awakening"... Since when, may I ask,, is going back to the 1930s is considered an awakening?! It's like going backwards, mentally and morally...

Many people blame their effed up lives on - whatever they can, and they fabricate myths that revolve around influential Jewish families.

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Well, apparently it's a problem when Jews are in charge/own things, because they are planning to make all the non-Jews slaves dontchaknownuffink? :lol:

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You know what, I just want my cut of all that sweet, sweet world domination cash. Could really boost my grad student stipend. Oh look, I'm an academic - guess we do have a monopoly on education.

If there is a way to change an Anti-Semite's mind, I doubt it's with reasoned arguments. Not that getting to know Jews helps either. I worked a terrible low-wage retail job in high school side by side with someone who liked me, could see clearly that I was working the same job as she was, and still believed that I was part of some worldwide conspiracy and was probably just hiding my money. Oh well, at least she never asked to see my horns and tail.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My simple argument against all the Jewish conspiracy theories goes like this:

Observe any group of 2 or more Jews, for at least an hour. Sooner or later, there will be a difference of opinion, and someone will feel compelled to leave and start their own group.

I sort of hoped this story was a satire when I first read it, because it sounded like an old joke about a Jew on a desert island building 2 synagogues, but no, it's quite real:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... d-dog.html

Israelis also tend to start new political parties at the drop of a hat. More than one Prime Minister has bolted from his own party, while in office, and started a new one. In all, 110 political parties have been represented in government since 1948.

http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jso ... tytoc.html

Now, a worldwide conspiracy would have to involve some secrecy, right? Some ability for conspirators to work together? A high degree of cooperation and very low rate of dissent? In short, Jews are about the last group capable of pulling off a conspiracy.

[Yes, yes, I know I'm stereotyping. I have a weird sense of humor and make ironic Jewish conspiracy jokes, like calling my kids' odd preferences and dictates The Protocols of the Youngers of Zion, or saying "I call this meeting of the worldwide Jewish media conspiracy to order" when I was discussing a student newspaper with 2 friends in my basement.]

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was reading over at Radar about Duck Dynasty and it being :pink-shock: fake. The comment section made me extremely uncomfortable and downright pissed me off. The Jewish conspiracy mentality is alive and well. I just can't believe people really think that way. YUCK

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Hat off to any group that can succeed in this world...so many Jewish folks I know exceed in so many areas. Medicine, Real Estate, Media etc. I think a lot of it is just flat out jealousy...I see with so many idiots "they got theirs and I haven't got mine...they must be taking mine!" mentality.

DH works for a Jewish charity. The amount of money they raise...it's not unusual to have someone drop by and write a check for $10K. Granted, he works with the wealthiest of the wealthy, but I admire the emphasis on giving back and helping your fellow wo/man out.

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