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Former Lesbian Atheist And Doma


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A former lesbian atheist who majored in English and Queer Theory and is stuck with the unwieldy Rosaria Champagne Butterfield is pissed about the repeal of DOMA.

One of my enduring life values, which carried me through the Feminist and Gay Rights movements of the 1990s, and continues to motivate me today as one of Christ’s own, is the desire to stand with the disempowered. So here I am. Standing in a familiar place, bearing a new heart supplied by the Holy Spirit, a renewed mind, transformed by Christ’s atoning love, a new mission, created from before the foundation of the world by God’s sovereignty, and a new identity as a daughter of the King.

Christians make up over 70% of Americans. She is not among the disempowered.

. But here I stand, still sporting my comfortable shoes.

Is this writer trying to hit every stereotype?

Now the Supreme Court, using strong, cosmological, moral language defending the human dignity of same-sex unions, overturns DOMA and Proposition 8, sending a resounding rebuke to the Christian ideal of creation ordinance, and with it, the normative (albeit not always redeemed) heterosexuality that undergirds it.

This does not sound like what someone who is on a track to be a college English professor would write. It sounds like a Vision Forum intern who is desperate to sound intelligent and believes a lot of words equal education.

The Bible is not some pragmatist’s paradigm. It is the double-edged sword that chiseled truth into my stony heart, rendering it new and with it, recreating me as a new creature in Christ, a daughter of the King. I have no personal sexual orientation to call my own after Christ chisels my heart anew — and neither do you. We have Christ orientation, an alien identity to which we claim no rights. Do we struggle with sin? Yes. Is temptation a sin? No. What distinguishes temptation from sin? Temptation clobbers you from the outside and lures you to do its bidding. Sin makes temptation a house pet, gets it a collar and leash, and is deceived to believe that it can be restrained by impositions of civility.

Translation: I so find other women beautiful and get aroused by them but damn it, I won't be Satan's chihuahua!

It is an act of homophobia to believe that people in the LGBT community are either too sinful to respond to God’s call on their life, or to believe that people in the LGBT community have a fixed nature that will never, by the blustering, unfounded, and uncharitable declarations of secular psychology, change by the power of the gospel.

It is wrong to be homophobic as long as you define homophobia as not denying same sex couples the right to marry or not judging them by their inability to change into heterosexuals.


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She sounds like a nut.

What is DOMA?

Defense of Marriage Act-it basically said that only heterosexuals could get married. When Clinton signed it no one thought that our nations' views on homosexuality would change so radically in just twenty years.

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sending a resounding rebuke to the Christian ideal of creation ordinance

The DOMA verdict was not about Christianity. The world does not revolve around Christianity.

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Defense of Marriage Act-it basically said that only heterosexuals could get married. When Clinton signed it no one thought that our nations' views on homosexuality would change so radically in just twenty years.

When DOMA was enacted, I was appalled. As I like to say, "So you think Bill Clinton is a liberal? I have two words for you: NAFTA and DOMA."

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When DOMA was enacted, I was appalled. As I like to say, "So you think Bill Clinton is a liberal? I have two words for you: NAFTA and DOMA."

Clinton is a fiscal conservative. However during most of his presidency he had a GOP controlled Congress to deal with so he had to do a lot of negotiating like Don't ask don't tell and NAFTA. And he still got impeached. :grrr:

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Now the Supreme Court, using strong, cosmological, moral language defending the human dignity of same-sex unions, overturns DOMA and Proposition 8, sending a resounding rebuke to the Christian ideal of creation ordinance, and with it, the normative (albeit not always redeemed) heterosexuality that undergirds it.

Did God take away her ability to use English in a sensible way?

That said, I like this quote because it highlights why DOMA needed to fall. The United States government and Supreme Court are not based on Christian norms and ideals, and do not exist to promote Christianity. Instead, there is freedom of religion, and separation of church and state. Christians are not persecuted in the US. She has every right to embrace Christianity, and nobody is forcing her to continue to be a lesbian. Just as she has the freedom to choose her religion and sexual partners, however, the Supreme Court is allowing others to make that same choice for themselves.

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