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Josh Duggar Loves Himself


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Oh, we know. If Josh Duggar loved himself any more, his head wouldn't fit through conventional doorways.

...even Jim Bob probably thinks Josh loves himself a bit too much. *cough* sininthecamp *cough*

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OMG I always forget how goofy Anna was. I always felt embarrassed for her. At least she has some confidence now.

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Lol, like that wasnt obvious :D

OMG Josh has changed so much in just a few short years :o He looks so young, which is sad considering he is only about 25 and shouldnt look that much different.

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Lol, like that wasnt obvious :D

OMG Josh has changed so much in just a few short years :o He looks so young, which is sad considering he is only about 25 and shouldnt look that much different.

Bitterness and hate will age you PDQ.

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It's funny because his parents and grandmother have all aged very well.

I think part of that is because food and dieting were different when they were his age. Not as much of the fast food and processed crapola.

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His parents and grandmother all also had to actually work hard to get to where they are now. Josh just always seems to have this bloated, self-satisfied expression of entitlement.

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His parents and grandmother all also had to actually work hard to get to where they are now. Josh just always seems to have this bloated, self-satisfied expression of entitlement.

Boob and Grandma yes, Mullet not so much.

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Boob and Grandma yes, Mullet not so much.

I guess it depends on one's perspective. For 10 million dollars I would not have spent that amount of time in my life pregnant, in labor, and nursing. I know it was all fun, fun, fun for her, but not for most people.

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Omg the video cracked me up. That was so weird...I loved that someone took time out of their day to create that.

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If Josh got any more egotistical he would make Anna wear a Josh mask when theyre in bed together.

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If Josh got any more egotistical he would make Anna wear a Josh mask when theyre in bed together.

How do we know he doesn't?

I bet he screams his own name.

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Too funny. I'd love to be a fly on the wall listening to Joshie talk to his girlfriend about all the elaborate mental, emotional, and spiritual preparations required before you kiss.

Good god. You'd need the strength of 20 men to pull a needle out of his ass.

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Omg the video cracked me up. That was so weird...I loved that someone took time out of their day to create that.

Agree it was soo funny!

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My first thought on reading the thread title: of course josh loves himself. His parents certainly don't, and someone has to.

(then I remembered he has a wife and kids... Maybe they love him?)

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Smugger loves himself more than Anna and his kids combined. I bet it was his idea to get the pillow and blanket with their pics on it done. Creepy!

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Smugger loves himself more than Anna and his kids combined. I bet it was his idea to get the pillow and blanket with their pics on it done. Creepy!

Sad part is he can't physically love himself it is against his beliefs. so he will be forever a virgin unto himself.

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Please tell me that Josh does not go to sleep on a pillow and blanket with his own face on it every night. That would be just weird.

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Please tell me that Josh does not go to sleep on a pillow and blanket with his own face on it every night. That would be just weird.

I think the last time I saw that pillow case it was in Michael's crib.

That might be even weirder.

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