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Women need to be meek and quiet

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Another whine post from Lori


In this article, the author gives 32 reasons why American men are being emasculated. Among them are: less men are in the work force, during the recession men lost twice as many jobs as women did, more than half of middle management jobs and health care jobs are now held by women, only 51% of people are now married, men play too many video games, more women than men are in college, lack of fathers in the home, and pornography.

Wow, if Satan wants to destroy a country, he destroys the men. How did we get here??? I believe a huge reason is feminism. Men were created by God to be the leaders. All throughout the Bible, the men were the leaders except in very rare circumstances.

When women begin acting like men and wanting to be like men, they take away a man's motivation for being a man. If there weren't so many women in the workforce, there would be a lot of jobs available for men.

If women would learn to have quiet, meek, and submissive spirits who wanted to please and serve their husbands, there wouldn't be so much divorce. If sons had fathers at home to teach them how to be men and train them in the ways of the Lord, they wouldn't be steeped in pornography and video games.

Let us put on the full armor of the Lord and fight this spiritual battle. Begin by loving and obeying your husband. Love your children enough to discipline them and weed out the rebellion in them. Learn to be chaste, discreet, and good. Do everything you can to be a keeper at home if you have children.

We don't wage war the way the world does. God's ways are completely opposed to the world's ways. We don't win by becoming stronger, more aggressive, and in leadership positions. We win through prayer and doing things God's way.

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Another whine post from Lori


She's quoting from another MRA site. And many of his stats are off or obviously questionable (bit surprise)

The things these men and then Lori Alexander is a Monster herself refer to are never even discussed by the men and women I know well. The men I know are not emasculated, are in good relationships of their choosing with women who also view the relationship as good and chose the parameters with their spouse. THere is no one size fits all in successful relationships--but there seems to be a lot of whining in iffy relationships.

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I thought testosterone made a man want to be a man. silly me. As submission woman grow in numbers abuse grows like duhh. The whole divorce thing is just lame. of course it is all woman's fault I mean when a woman grows a set men run.

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She's quoting from another MRA site. And many of his stats are off or obviously questionable (bit surprise)

I'm not sure if this Michael T. Snyder's site can be considered straight MRA or not. He actually runs a complex of sites, where he posts these batshit crazy articles that always have a number of alarming points provided in bullet form. He's a prepper/fundie/Biblical literalist with a twist of MRA thrown in for good measure.

The comments in all his blogs make me want to tear my hair out. They're so damned ignorant.

He has:

The Economic Collapse Blog: ZOMG!!11 We're in for another depression and people will be fighting in the streets like animals! (Which he's been predicting for many years and which hasn't happened) theeconomiccollapseblog.com

The End of the American Dream Blog: Mostly pearl-clutching and racist-type articles about how American society is going to Hell in a handbasket (aka White Straight Male Butthurt Blog) endoftheamericandream.com

The Truth Wins: The New World Order and/or the Rapture is coming soon. Typical far-right paranoia ramblings. thetruthwins.com

I am a regular reader, just because I like to see these absolutely insane ramblings. He's also apparently written a novel that he calls "faction" (so clevar!!!!!!) which is all about how America is plunged into an economic crisis and right-wing freedom fighters like him apparently save the day. It might make good snarkworthy reading material, but he originally had it priced at $19.99, and there's no way in Hell I'm paying that even if it's a laugh riot. A couple of the reviews on Amazon are hilarious, though.

[Edited to purty up the formatting]

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I wish Lori Alexander is a monster would take her damn advice and actually be meek and quiet instead of bossy and noisy via her blog.

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From the comments:

Lori Alexander

There was a study that came out recently that proved that children don't need fathers! Satan must have authored that study. Ask any child. They all want fathers. The need fathers.

I feel like at this point, I could write a parody of a Lori is a Fucking Monster post and no one would know the difference.

Lori Alexander

You are certainly allowed to think and live as you please, Courtney, but as you pointed out, I base my teachings upon God's Word. I believe men were created to be protectors and providers and women were created to be nesters and nurturers. Society was a much safer, saner place when the sexes knew their role and lived them out.

Please explain how society was safer. Was there less war, genocide, rape, abuse, and slavery?

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I was going to comment on the below part earlier, but I got distracted with the TV.

health care jobs are now held by women, only 51% of people are now married, men play too many video games, more women than men are in college, lack of fathers in the home, and pornography.

Lori is a fucking idiot to not realize that without working women, the healthcare field would suffer. She has had surgeries and health problems and she can't fucking snap about all the people involved in her care. Women have been working in healthcare for a long time. Also Lori, many men realize that they aren't right for healthcare jobs. A guy friend of mine thought about going into nursing during college. He took a few pre-reqs and did research. He realized he wouldn't be the right fit for healthcare. Not all men are video game addicts. Many men don't play video games on a daily basis and if they do it is for short periods of time. My boyfriend likes spending Friday nights playing video games with friends or me. It is an outlet for him to relax.

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In this article, the author gives 32 reasons why American men are being emasculated. Among them are: less men are in the work force, during the recession men lost twice as many jobs as women did, more than half of middle management jobs and health care jobs are now held by women, only 51% of people are now married, men play too many video games, more women than men are in college, lack of fathers in the home, and pornography.

There are less men in the work force because predominantly masculine jobs were the ones that suffered the most. If men want jobs, then they need to go back to school, learn a new skill, and switch professions. I worked my rear end off for 5 years to get my college degree. If men are not willing to put in that kind of effort, why should I feel sorry for them? Get up off your ass and make your situation better instead of complaining or allowing the situation to depress you. If more women than men are in college, that's the fault of men. Again, get up off your ass and go to school if that's what you desire. Otherwise, stop bitching. My husband hated his job. Instead of complaining and whining about it, he went back to school to get a degree. And, yet again, a lack of fathers in the home is the fault of fathers. Even if your relationship with the child's mother does not last, you can still be a part of your children's lives. My brother went to court, fought for full custody, and received it. He didn't sit on his back side doing nothing. He didn't grumble about the divorce. He was proactive in trying to change his situation. Stop trying to get the world to feel sorry for you and do something to help yourself.

Wow, if Satan wants to destroy a country, he destroys the men. How did we get here??? I believe a huge reason is feminism. Men were created by God to be the leaders. All throughout the Bible, the men were the leaders except in very rare circumstances.

Oh, boo hoo. Poor men. If you want to be a leader, then step up and be one. Why do you need women (or other men for that matter) to give you permission or stroke your ego? There are plenty of male leaders in this world in business, government, science, etc. I can guarantee you that not one of them looked to others for acceptance before taking that role.

When women begin acting like men and wanting to be like men, they take away a man's motivation for being a man. If there weren't so many women in the workforce, there would be a lot of jobs available for men.

Ah, yes. The straw man argument about more jobs being available if women didn't work. The fact is, there are numerous jobs available right now, but they are mostly in fields that are female dominated. If men truly wanted jobs, they'd go back to school and get nursing/social care/teaching/etc. degrees. Furthermore, how can anyone (male or female) take away someone's motivation unless that person is allowing others that power over him.

If women would learn to have quiet, meek, and submissive spirits who wanted to please and serve their husbands, there wouldn't be so much divorce. If sons had fathers at home to teach them how to be men and train them in the ways of the Lord, they wouldn't be steeped in pornography and video games.

Why is she lumping video games and pornography together? They are worlds apart. My husband, a 4.0 college student, great guy, and awesome father, is a video game nut. He loves them. Video games themselves are not bad so long as you don't let them take over your life. They are simply games, like bowling, bridge, Monopoly, etc.

Studies have shown that the more education you have and the older you are when you marry, the higher the likelihood that your marriage will last. If Lori truly cared about lowering the divorce rate, she would encourage women to get a college degree and wait to marry. Current divorce rates are the lowest they've been since 1970. The average marrying age in the U.S. is the highest its ever been. There are more college graduates now than at any point in the history of the U.S. So, apparently, more education and putting off marriage does help cut down on divorces.

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