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Is this about the PP? ?!


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The PP's name is Steven Anderson. A guy I know who works for Border Control considers the PP a douche nozzle.

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This is so ridiculous. This didn't happen because you can't have a Bible Study at your house. This guy was obviously drawing a large enough crowd that the neighbors complained. And the guy probably said screw you, I'll do what I want. So, in order for the city to be able to do anything, they had to charge him with running a church in a residential zone (which is essentially what he was doing).

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We've had two cases like that near us. It was true there also the neighbors complained. When any group meets at the same house on the same day and at the same time week after week and clog up the neighborhood, it's very easy to get an inspector to come out and see the mess.

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It's probably wrong, but I find it hilarious that his wife asks if it's any different than a regularly meeting Tupperware party. Is there such a thing as a regularly scheduled Tupperware party? I have friends who sell Mary Kay, and whie they're all the time encouraging people to host a party, they're at different places and times.

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Sorry for the false alarm, all. I guess the thought of the PP in jail was too good to resist! :) Thanks for the link to the HuffPo article - I used it on my friend's Facebook status, which had quickly and predictably descended into "Christians are SO PERSECUTED, wahhhhhhh!" madness.

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We've had two cases like that near us. It was true there also the neighbors complained. When any group meets at the same house on the same day and at the same time week after week and clog up the neighborhood, it's very easy to get an inspector to come out and see the mess.

Are you in the San Diego area? I remember a case in San Diego where a couple was holding a Bible study in their home and they had issues with neighbors and the city.

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Yes, San Diego county. There was one that received national attention and one that seemed more local news.

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