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I wish the Long Island Medium would visit the Duggars


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I wish TLC would send the Long Island medium to visit the Duggars and NOT tell them *who* she is! I would LOVE to hear what spills out of her mouth! She always tells it like it is!

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Hey! Things were looking lonely on this topic. Thought I'd drop a line or two. I'm betting the Duggars would want to know more about "unfamiliar" guests before they drop by. They are DEEP into the New Testament and somewhere it's mentioned that God frowns upon people talking to spirits. Now I find this very strange because this is a gift that she's had her whole life. This something she didn't ask for and I imagine it's VERY difficult to ignore spirits bothering you ALL day, everyday! Seriously doubt JB would allow her to visit. She would have to just pop up on them one day and tell them she's such a fan of their show. We all know JB and Michelle LOVE having fans. That might be the only way she gets through the door!

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That woman bothers me so much. I hate it when people exploit the emotions and grief of others for profit... or for any reason, really. I guess if believing that they're receiving messages from their departed loved ones through a medium brings them closure, in a sense she's not hurting them. But it still seems wrong. She's basically manipulating vulnerable people. Maybe she actually believes she can communicate with spirits. I don't know. But I hate it when I see previews for her show and she's got elderly people or little kids crying because she's telling them she's made contact with their dead loved ones.

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I really don't know what to think Theresa Caputo. But I do think sending her to visit the Duggars would be good for the other reasons. She could tell him about how her son Larry Jr. is graduate of an actual college and she could tell SmugJill all about how she "kicked out" her daughter Victoria to go to college out of state. She could also tell Boob about how Victoria dates and picks her own boyfriends.

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I've never watched Long Island Medium, but it's my suspicion she talks more to Teh Google and the background check sites to find information on people, moreso than she talks to spirits. Stuff like that brings up my bullshit detector, just as much as Godspeak does.

I saw an expose a while ago about psychics on tv shows, and they have people working for them finding out as much as they can about people in the audience before they go up for their psychic reading.

And once I went to a psychic at one of those psychic fairs just for the laugh. Boy did she have me wrong!

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I got a tarot card reading about ten years ago at the fair. She told me a blonde woman was going to betray me. I'm still waiting for it to happen.

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I'm picturing Professor Marvel looking in Dorothy's basket where she's got a picture of Auntie Em in The Wizard of Oz while she has her eyes closed.

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I've never watched Long Island Medium, but it's my suspicion she talks more to Teh Google and the background check sites to find information on people, moreso than she talks to spirits. Stuff like that brings up my bullshit detector, just as much as Godspeak does.

I saw an expose a while ago about psychics on tv shows, and they have people working for them finding out as much as they can about people in the audience before they go up for their psychic reading.

And once I went to a psychic at one of those psychic fairs just for the laugh. Boy did she have me wrong!

Considering the magic tlc pulls with the duggars I have a hard time accepting the truth behind anyone who appears on their network.

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Is there enough room in the Duggar house for the mullet and Caputo's hair?

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I saw Theresa at a reading and she was AMAZING. She doesn't do cold readings, she just outright says stuff and is always 100 percent correct. It is uncanny.

The reading was last year but I do remember some things sticking out, such as Theresa saying: "whose friend/family member/insert relationship here committed suicide by hanging?", and there was another person who brought their deceased loved one with them and she was like: "do you have his/her ashes with you?".

Edited to say: I am by no means a Theresa stan. I went with my friend because she had tickets and loved the show. And I had nothing to do, so I said why not?

It was really sad though, some of the people were outright hysterical during their readings but they CHOSE to buy tickets knowing what might happen.

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I had an experience about 10 years ago in New Orleans. If somebody told me this story, I would call bullshit, but I was was walking through Jackson Square and one of the palm readers caught my eye. She motioned me over and I told her I wasn't interested in paying for a reading, but she asked if she could do one anyway. What the heck, so I said ok. I was floored at the detail she she gave. She asked me no questions, she just talked. It was as though she had seen into my memory. She told me a few things about my future, but mostly she helped to heal some serious wounds I had been carrying for years. I think it was a gift that she happened to land in my path that day. I believe there are mostly fake psychics out there, but I also think there are those with a gift of sight. Maybe Teresa can do a reading on J'Chelle and tell us finally what her baggage is.

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If Theresa does have the gift, maybe she should do a reading on Boob. Maybe Boob's dad will communicate through Theresa to Boob that he should stop trashing his late dad.

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If Theresa does have the gift, maybe she should do a reading on Boob. Maybe Boob's dad will communicate through Theresa to Boob that he should stop trashing his late dad.

Maybe he could also call them out for making his wife do all the laundry.


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Poor Grandma Duggar. She needs a looooooooooooooooooong vacation.

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If Theresa does have the gift, maybe she should do a reading on Boob. Maybe Boob's dad will communicate through Theresa to Boob that he should stop trashing his late dad.

This is what I'd like to see, regardless of if it's fake or not.

We joke about psychic ability running in my family and there have been a bunch of freaky incidents that are too hard to explain. The most recent was when my great-aunt was dying. She got up in the middle of the night looking for a pen and paper. The nurse asked what she wanted, and my great-aunt told her to write the number "11452" ten times on a sheet of paper. My great-aunt then slept on the paper, and she died a couple of days later. At that time, we were working on flying a rabbi friend in from Israel to officiate her funeral, but the day after she died there was a bad snow storm that made the trip impossible. We sent an e-mail to her synagogue asking if anybody could officiate, and a man ("Kevin") who was friendly with her from services volunteered. In the meantime, we kept trying to look up what "11452" meant. It didn't correspond with her birthday, her anniversary, or any other important dates in the family. When Kevin called up my mom to get some information from her for the eulogy, and the following conversation happened.

Mom: By the way, my aunt was very focused on this one number right before she died. Would you know if it's associated with a quote from the Torah or something like that?

Kevin: I can try. What's the number?

Mom: 11452.

Kevin: . . . .

Mom: Any ideas?

Kevin: . . . . That's my birthday. January 14, 1952.

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This is what I'd like to see, regardless of if it's fake or not.

We joke about psychic ability running in my family and there have been a bunch of freaky incidents that are too hard to explain. The most recent was when my great-aunt was dying. She got up in the middle of the night looking for a pen and paper. The nurse asked what she wanted, and my great-aunt told her to write the number "11452" ten times on a sheet of paper. My great-aunt then slept on the paper, and she died a couple of days later. At that time, we were working on flying a rabbi friend in from Israel to officiate her funeral, but the day after she died there was a bad snow storm that made the trip impossible. We sent an e-mail to her synagogue asking if anybody could officiate, and a man ("Kevin") who was friendly with her from services volunteered. In the meantime, we kept trying to look up what "11452" meant. It didn't correspond with her birthday, her anniversary, or any other important dates in the family. When Kevin called up my mom to get some information from her for the eulogy, and the following conversation happened.

Mom: By the way, my aunt was very focused on this one number right before she died. Would you know if it's associated with a quote from the Torah or something like that?

Kevin: I can try. What's the number?

Mom: 11452.

Kevin: . . . .

Mom: Any ideas?

Kevin: . . . . That's my birthday. January 14, 1952.

That gave me the chills. I think there are people who have certain forms of sixth senses or higher instincts. I agree it would be interesting to see Theresa or someone else do a reading on the Duggars. I decided to have some fun in my previous post about the stuff with Boob's dad. I don't even think Boob and Mullet know they share a network with someone like Theresa. Josh and Anna probably know about Theresa. I don't see the Duggars ever agreeing to meet with Theresa. Like I said before, I don't know what to think of Theresa being a medium. But she and her family live pretty normal lives compared to the Duggars. Theresa and Larry aren't control freaks over their kids. Theresa's kids aren't always part of her dog and pony show. Victoria is going to an actual college. Mullet said in an interview that the older kids do CollegeMinus because of their travel schedule. Even if Theresa is a phony medium , at least she isn't a shitty mom like Mullet.

Like I said before, Theresa meeting with the Duggars would be fun for other reasons. Boob and Mullet would freak out about Theresa's 19 year old daughter living out of state and being a part of college gymnastics team. It would be fun if Victoria tagged along and talked to the J'Slaves. Victoria has the life that somebody like Jinger wishes she had.

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