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Used cars vs. Sluts


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Consider the following scenario:

A man walks into a car dealership to buy a vehicle and is greeted by a car salesman.

The potential buyer is shown around the floor and is given the chance to look at various models, is given their specifications, gets a chance to sit in a couple of the models and is even given the opportunity to test drive a couple of the vehicles.

The buyer selects two models and takes them both out on the road to see how the drive and to get a better feel for them.

After returning from the second test drive they both go into the car salesman’s office to discuss purchasing a vehicle.

One vehicle is a brand new 2013 model that has less than 5,000 clicks, no dents or scratches, in perfect working order, has all the bells and whistles and comes with a 5 year warranty. It costs $25,000.

The second vehicle is a used 2009 version or the same vehicle, has 130,000 clicks, has a dent in the bumper, less fuel efficient, doesn’t have a leather interior and only comes with a 3 year warranty. It too costs $25,000.

The buyer is perplexed.

“You want to sell me a vehicle that has 26 times the mileage, 2 years less on the warranty, a couple dents and is lacking some of the details I want in a car. Tell me again why I am paying the exact same price for it?â€

“Well, because all cars a created equal†the car salesman retorts. “Who are you to scoff at the thought of getting less of what you want for your hard earned money. Who are you to impose your societal expectations and social conditions on this vehicle? You’re obviously projecting! You’re obviously not a real man! You and your double standards make me sickâ€

“Well if I’m spending my hard earned money on something – I want to get what I want. I don’t want a subpar vehicle with more mileage, more dents and less of a warranty. And who are you to tell me what I should like? Who are you to tell me what is valuable? Who are you to try and impose your capitalistic expectations on me? I’ll buy whatever vehicle I see fit!â€

Society (on the whole) is the used car salesman.

A slut is a used vehicle -- or maybe more aptly a used-up vehicle -- and society is attempting to sell it to you for the same price as a new vehicle.

A car that has been driven around the block a few times really isn’t a big deal. A car that has driven across the country – twice – is much less desirable if you are spending the same amount of money to purchase it.

Society – particularly feminists -- wants you to believe:

= = > Used cars (sluts) are as good as new cars.

= = > Used cars (sluts) should cost the same as new cars.

= = > There is no intrinsic difference between the two.

= = > A used car (sluts) have the same market value as a new car (female who has had only a couple sexual partners)

Now before you get your knickers in a knot – I am not saying women/sluts are only as valuable as cars. I understand NAWALT but it seems in this day and age sluts are the rule, not the exception.

If you’re spending your heard earned money (commitment) and you want to ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck – no pun intended -- why would men value something that has been through the ringer over something that is brand new or gently used?

The problem is that the vast majority of modern women have been ridden hard; they've spent much of their lives on the cock carousel. They are truly used up...

In fact, human beings desire brand new things over used things. Apart from things that are considered collectibles -- 99.9% of the time the value for something used goes down -- not up.

Yet, my asexual virgin ass would glady avoid "high-quality" men like Marky Mark who view women as nothing more than items.

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Well, if the 2009 was a limited edition and had some feature that was work whatever the difference is, maybe it could be worth it?

All human beings are limited edition.

God, I HATE the phrase "hard earned money." I can't even identify WHY I hate it so much, but it just grates.

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The problem is that the vast majority of modern women have been ridden hard; they've spent much of their lives on the cock carousel. They are truly used up...

The thing is, who are and where are these women? I honestly don't know many women, young or old, who fit this description. I probably know more celibate women in the feminist camp than what he'd describe as "sluts", not because men aren't available, but because these women are too picky for what they are finding.

I guess he mostly never has sex and assumes that everyone else in the world is at it with a different person every night. Per the CDC it is a pretty small carousel... more like one you'd find at a grocery store than a carnival....

Median number of male sexual partners in lifetime, for women 25-44 years of age, 2006-20081: 3.6

Percent of women 15-44 years of age who have had 15 or more male sexual partners, 2006-20102: 9.0%


1 NHSR No. 36, Table 3 Adobe PDF file [PDF - 836 KB]

2 Special tabulation by NCHS

NOTE: Includes partners with whom respondent had any type of sexual contact (vaginal, oral, or anal sex)

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First, I have a used car and it is much better than a new car.

For the rest of the message, it makes me vomit.

We found everything I hate.

The capitalist spirit "What is new is better than what is old! Buy NEW things! Spend MONEY !"

And then ... You know, losing her virginity will not harm you. Losing her viginity is... not important. It's all. It's not important that your wife is vigin or not.

But hey, I'm a communist, feminist, bisexual, and no-virgin since my 14 yo. I guess that is what is closest to the devil for this kinds of people.

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It's so cute in this scenario how the man still gets to be a person, but the woman is the exact equivalent of consumer goods, with only monetary value, related to her virginity. It's almost like he doesn't see women as individual people with whom one might have a relationship.

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The thing is, who are and where are these women? I honestly don't know many women, young or old, who fit this description.

Over here! Me! Me!

I have been trying for months to come up with a pithy location for me FJ profile. Thanks to our dear friend Marky Mark, I now have it - The Cock Carousel!

:drama: :drama: :drama: :drama: :drama:

(I know the drama llama isn't the same thing as a carousel horse, but it's the closest smilie I could find.)

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As long as you look after your vagina and wear a condom when you have sex, you cant even tell a "used" vagina from a virgin one.

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So what happens when that new model has been found to have defective parts and has a recall on it? What about the driver who is inexperienced and a drunk goes out and wrecks the new car?

We need a blowup doll fund for these idiots.

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Im guessing this one isnt married and its all womens /feminists /sluts fault/girls that will not look at me faults..

I can't even ................

What the .......

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Asserting that people lose value with experience is not even remotely the same as proving it. I'm coming to hate analogies. So often, they substitute inadequately for thought.

God, I HATE the phrase "hard earned money." I can't even identify WHY I hate it so much, but it just grates.

Maybe because many of the people who use the phrase have a vastly inflated sense of their own self-reliance? They didn't "earn" their extensive and expensive education, nor their carefully prestigious Standard English accent, nor their inheritance, nor the connections they built while getting that aforementioned education. They don't really work ten or twenty times as much as the people who only get one tenth or one twentieth as much. And often that term is used selfishly, as in "why should my hard earned money go to help those other people who aren't as lucky as I am?"

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LOL. This guy needs to venture out of his mom's basement- I think there might be a carbon monoxide leak down there. It's the only explanation.

Wait, never mind. He can rot down there. :roll:

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I am always perplexed when I hear about these women who have a lot of sexual partners. I don't know anyone like that. I am celibate and most of my are friends too. Me thinks he is using a minority of women to "prove" a point about ALL women. Anyway, why is the guy the one doing the "purchasing?" Isn't the woman making a commitment too? Oh wait, women aren't really people with standards. What was I thinking???

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I've had vastly more sexual experience than my partner. It's pretty much a non issue, but if its come up at all he likes that other men have desired me and I chose him.

But then, he's a normal person with healthy self esteem, unlike the average MRA. He spent hours yesterday on facebook arguing with a group of people from his church choir about abortion, furious that they would want to control my body and reproductive choices. Marky seems to be all about controlling women's bodies, even those of women he has never met, is never likely to meet, and is most certainly never going to have sex with.

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LOL. This guy needs to venture out of his mom's basement- I think there might be a carbon monoxide leak down there. It's the only explanation.

Wait, never mind. He can rot down there. :roll:

And on further thought, if there is a leak why fix it? I'm all for putting him out of our misery.

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How about this:

I am in the hospital awaiting surgery for a brain tumor.

A young, shiny clean high school graduate enters the operating room. Arms up, gloves on. Brand new scrubs and a fresh ponytail.

"I will be doing the surgery today instead of Dr.Jones," she says.

Wait what? I want Dr. Jones. Dr. Jones is an experienced Neurosurgeon with many degrees and accolades. She has completed this very surgery hundreds of times.

But when I tell this to the young girl, I am told not to be so prejudiced. Give her a chance. She has waited all her life for this!

You see, the young woman is the virgin. The experienced doctor is the slut. Society will try to tell me that I should wait for the honorable virgin. But really, do I want to take the risk? I want someone who knows what they are doing! A virgin is not as valuable as a slut, of course.

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It's "through the wringer" Not "ringer."

And on this slut thing, I don't know many of them either, most of my friends are celibate or in long term relationships/marriages. And the ones I do know, I don't care, they are still people, unlike Marky Mark who thinks that women aren't people.

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Oh, Marky Mark. This man (and I use that term loosely) is so pathetic I can't even get angry over his MRA bullshit. His obvious need to blame his sexual failures on women is, well, obvious.

Also, I am one of those "sluts" he talks about and not ashamed of it. I've taken many a ride on the ol' cock carousel and enjoyed every minute of it. And with my vast sexual experience, I feel qualified to say this man has a 3 inch penis and has never given a woman an orgasm in his life.


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Here's what I don't get: a virgin gets married. She remains a virgin for one night. Does that mean she is no longer valuable?

You'd think these MRA-types would be bragging about how hard-ridden their wife is, not how virginal.

Or... maybe NONE of them are married.

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I think these guys are such assholes that theyre still virgins. Even prostitutes wouldnt be offered a million dollars to sleep with them.

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How come the men are never described as used anything?

Because you're supposed to want the car with the massively inflated spoiler and gas guzzling engine instead of the reliable one that's just the right size to fit your lifestyle.

LOVE the surgeon analogy, LOVE.

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As long as you look after your vagina and wear a condom when you have sex, you cant even tell a "used" vagina from a virgin one.

Grasshopper, let me tell you a story about birth and your vagina... Why are you screaming!? Wait, no, come back!

I was just going to say that if we're reducing people to their vaginas, a "good wife" will get nine months of use out of her natal vagina before it's shredded. A "slut" will probably get 10 or 15 years at least.

ETA: damn, I'm bad at this. That should read a "good wife"'s husband will get nine months of use out of her natal vagina before it's shredded. A "slut"'s man will probably get 10 or 15 years at least. because sex is all about the man, amiright Marky?

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