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Duggar review- which episodes?

Talitha Cumi

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So, my favorite podcast, Read It and Weep http://read-weep.com/, does reviews of bad books, movies, and TV shows. It offers sponsorship of an episode, where if you pay them, they'll review episodes of a TV show of your choosing.


I have to buy a review for the Duggars. I can't help it. So let me hear your suggestions- what episodes should I ask them to watch? I can buy a three-hour or a six-hour block. I just listened to their Toddlers and Tiaras review, and laughed my considerable ass off. :lol:

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I agree about the Josh & Anna wedding episode. The "Legos" talk alone goes down in horrible, embarrassing (and hilarious) history.

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The one where they assemble the family for a photo then tell them she's pregnant with #20 and Jim-bob about rips Josiah's arm off OR the JoshAnna wedding, Michaels toilet birth or David/Prissy's wedding, the cringe-worthy Bates Courtship episode....too many to count.

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What about including one of the earlier specials, like 14 Kids or something? Which was the one where they went to Disney and Josh looked like he was about to explode? Which was the pickle special? Jordyn's head in the stairs? Whichever one of the J-kids fell off the stage?

David/Priscilla wedding is a good one, because isn't that the Joy eyerolling one?

I'm (not really) sorry to say I haven't seen most of the eps, so I'm basically going by the descriptions I read on FJ.

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Definitely the J&A wedding special and Michael's birth. Perhaps also the recent ep with Michelle's birthday scavenger hunt? The kids putting "Be fruitful and multiply" over the bed in that one is classic Duggar craziness.

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The episode with Grandpa Duggar and his massive tumor on the back of his head on display for all the world.

Michael's birth.

Josh & Anna's wedding. Actually, the proposal too. Josh's constant "ooohhh!"s got to be really, really awkward.

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Josh's proposal to Anna! Anna and Mrs. Keller wore the matchy shirts, and Josh offered Anna romance in the form of a side hug.

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Okay. I bought a 6-hour block (which is 6 TV-hours, so more like 4.5). Here's what I've gathered so far:

14CaPG- so they can see the giant hair and the frumpers

Josh and Anna's engagement

Duggar Dating Rules

Michelle's family reunion (and the Creation Museum!)

Josh and Anna's wedding

The Duggars going to public school to show how awesome they are

The oldest ones and Jim-Bob going to Central America, leaving Michelle alone with the 7 youngest

Michael's toilet birth

Priscilla and David's wedding (for the Joy eyerolls mostly)

The one where Jana cried about having to give her box away when she was a kid

This is almost 5 hours, which I think they'll be okay with. But one problem-- the toilet birth episode only has two parts on YouTube, for a total of 28 minutes. I can't believe there isn't another part (haven't watched it yet), but I can't find it. I HAVE to include that ep, so does anyone have it available?

I'm not sure about including Duggar Dating Rules. Pros- Amy, who is not bad in small doses, and the whole chaperone conversation. Cons- chaperones were briefly covered in the engagement ep, so maybe it's not necessary. Should I keep it? And if not, what should I put in its place? It has to be a half-hour ep, and ideally I'd like it to be something that fits in the overarching theme of wacky fundiedom and how much life sucks for the girls.

I've actually not seen these eps, so now I get the handsex thing. God, so much handsex! And the server in the engagement ep made me LOL. "People are trying to eat here."

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Cool! When will the review be up?

Not until March. I'll post a link when it's up!

Also, they let me plug a site. People usually plug their blogs or something, but I thought plugging FJ might be appropriate. What say you?

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I'm glad you included the creation museum episode. That one is soooo snarkable.

The best part is that one of the reviewers writes for Skepchick. Her head is going to explode.

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Okay! I emailed them the playlist, and the episode should come out in 4-5 weeks. Final lineup:

14CaPA- Mullet, frumpers, and countenances.

J&A engagement- Handsex, chaperones, and purity.

Family reunion- Creation Museum, mainly. "Creation is actually more scientific than evolution." Jana, honey. No.

J&A wedding- Legos, first kiss, and Josh playing piano while Anna irons-- shades of their future together.

Duggars at public school- "You can call me Mrs. Duggar, but my name is Michelle." "My favorite book is Waiting for Prince Charming."

Everyone goes to ATI except Michelle- Okay, I can't even remember what's in this one.

Central America trip- Bringing joy to the natives with old clothes and Feesta Navidad. I wonder-o if the natives-o appreciated it-o.

Michael's birth- Josh sleeping, Anna on the toilet. Another day for the Smuggars.

David and Priscilla's wedding- The flamingest groom, the most clueless bride, and Joy is over all of this.

Yet another ATI conference- Grandma's stuck in the laundry, and overwhelmed by the years of pressure, Jana finally breaks down.

Special bonus- Rick Santorum for President!

If anyone wants to see the playlist, it's http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsIynOZ_QefLo5FEejkoRptGtFmz1VxbX.

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Please tell me we will all be sharing a wine podcast party

I approve of this. :D

If you want to hear their take on Toddlers and Tiaras, here it is.

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The episode where Michelle, Jana, Josiah and Joy Anna define defrauding and Nike. It was in the second season.

Aw man, too late. I could only add it if I cut Duggar Home Alone. Maybe I should rewatch and do that. Does anyone know which episode was Nike, so I don't have to watch the entire second season?

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