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Maul the Koala

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Kayla Hempel

I hate how people always think the Duggars were freeloaders before TLC came a long when really, they own commercial properties that they rent out for their income. TLC might be a shoddy network, but I believe the Duggars are a wonderful family and maybe people should give them the benefit of the doubt rather than assume the worst. Especially wasting time trolling the Facebook page for their show. They're people, they're a family and they're probably better people morally than most of you.


Better people morally. :lol: They wouldn't give this woman the time of day if they saw her on the street.

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In response to criticism of the article about how the Duggars "guide their teenagers to adulthood."

Stephanie Wiley

I wonder what some of you people do for a living and furthermore I wonder how you are raising your children. I have a feeling lots of liquor, tattoos and food stamp cards are involved :0)

Because the presence of liquor, tattoos, and food stamps are signs of moral failure--and if you disagree with a reality TV show family, you are automatically a horrible person.

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Kayla either forgets or doesn't know that Boob and Mullet admitted to getting help from the church they used to attend. Someone who went to high school with Mullet talked about the church handouts on another forum. The thread on that forum happened back in 2004 right after Jackson was born. The high school classmate seemed to imply that the handouts were common knowledge in the Duggars' area. They did struggle financially in the past. If the Duggars didn't have a show, they would be in a really bad place financially right now. TLC has given them freebies and without TLC, the TTH would have never been finished.

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Another thing I will add is that Kayla and some of the other leghumpers don't realize that TLC and the producers do hide a lot of things from the audience.

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In response to criticism of the article about how the Duggars "guide their teenagers to adulthood."

Because the presence of liquor, tattoos, and food stamps are signs of moral failure--and if you disagree with a reality TV show family, you are automatically a horrible person.

That gem came from someone who works at a 'crisis pregnancy' centre. Well then. Lovely.

https://www.care-net.org/ (not breaking the link)

Lilwriter, Kayla deleted the post or the post was deleted by the Facebook gods earlier this morning. It's common knowledge they weren't self sufficient, why continue to deny it?

I wish I had caught the leghumper wanting to buy a car from Josh. She was going to homeschool her kids. Her post was just mind boggling.

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Gosh the post from the leghumper in Modesto was epic stoopid. I'm sorry it has been lost to the ages. It was a fun night on 19K&C. :D

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I think they continue to deny that they weren't self-sufficient mostly to keep up the "large happy family" image. I bet Boob's parents helped them out during hard times. Boob's dad disagreed with their lifestyle, but maybe he helped them that way his grandchildren wouldn't suffer.

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Kayla Hempel

I hate how people always think the Duggars were freeloaders before TLC came a long when really, they own commercial properties that they rent out for their income. TLC might be a shoddy network, but I believe the Duggars are a wonderful family and maybe people should give them the benefit of the doubt rather than assume the worst. Especially wasting time trolling the Facebook page for their show. They're people, they're a family and they're probably better people morally than most of you.

Better people morally. :lol: They wouldn't give this woman the time of day if they saw her on the street.

So, we've seen the Duggars pimp their family out on TV for years. They've exploited their micropreemie's struggle to survive, filmed their young son's fall into an orchestra pit and then dragged him around the country in a motorhome, and stood grinning over the ammo box casket of precious Jubilee. But Kayla insists we should give them the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming the worst, while she automatically assumes the worst about a bunch of random strangers that she knows absolutely nothing about. What. An. Idiot :roll:

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So, we've seen the Duggars pimp their family out on TV for years. They've exploited their micropreemie's struggle to survive, filmed their young son's fall into an orchestra pit and then dragged him around the country in a motorhome, and stood grinning over the ammo box casket of precious Jubilee. But Kayla insists we should give them the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming the worst, while she automatically assumes the worst about a bunch of random strangers that she knows absolutely nothing about. What. An. Idiot :roll:

The Duggars count on their ignorant fans to defend them. Sure, it's real moral not to show your knees but to keep adult "children" functionally unprepared to take care of themselves. It's real moral to blanket train your babies and then force your older children to raise them. When people are struggling, and there's been a lot of struggling during this recession, there is nothing wrong with getting help, but don't try to pass yourself off as some kind of paragon of independence. Wonderful family? Maybe for droids, not for humans.

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So, we've seen the Duggars pimp their family out on TV for years. They've exploited their micropreemie's struggle to survive, filmed their young son's fall into an orchestra pit and then dragged him around the country in a motorhome, and stood grinning over the ammo box casket of precious Jubilee. But Kayla insists we should give them the benefit of the doubt instead of assuming the worst, while she automatically assumes the worst about a bunch of random strangers that she knows absolutely nothing about. What. An. Idiot :roll:

Kayla has become my favorite leghumper over on 19K&C FB. It's truly unfortunate she's blocked me and deleted her most egregious comments.

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I felt like mixing it up with the 19KandC leghumpers. Seems like Experiencedd is really putting on a good fight with the morons. Keep it up!!!

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Holy hell...you made me check it out and All Hail The Bacon Bra!! My favorite so far was the simple questions that simple people couldn't answer. I wish I could think of stuff like that to say, but I choke.

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From this day forth I do hereby decree that I shall answer the moronic question 'when is this show coming back' with a bitchy response about how dumb they are to think they're the only ones asking that question.

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I felt like mixing it up with the 19KandC leghumpers. Seems like Experiencedd is really putting on a good fight with the morons. Keep it up!!!

It's only gonna work until I get banned or get some kind of a complaint that will close my current FB act. Some daze I just love poking them with a verbal stick. It's an odd hobby that keeps me amused.

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Janice This family is an awesome example of Love and Devotion. Even though their ways may not be all our ways, who are we to judge? Besides the behavior and the respect this family shows one another certainly surpasses most families I know, including our own most of the time. I dont know how she does it, and I applaud them for standing firm in their beliefs. They certainly are not Fans of God, but true followers of God.

Yeah right. Sexism goes in the Duggar family. Fuck that.

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Janell The kids are not indoctrinated and their beliefs are based on the Bible. The 2 older sons run their own businesses and one of the girls...Jessa or Jinger is studying to be a midwife.. The older kids are all first responders... and how can anyone say the kids are not getting enough attention? These kids do more and have more life experiences than i did or my kids. They are not on welfare and they do provide for their own kids through real estate. And whoever mentioned blanket time... it is wonderful it is not abusive as was implied and the Bible does refer to spanking. So it is up to each of us to raise our kids with much prayer asking God for his wisdom. And we are not to judge another person.

The Bible is full of contradictions and the Duggars aren't living completely based on the Bible. The businesses were handed to the boys by Boob. Boob is the real owner of the car lot. I guess Janell isn't a huge Duggar fan. She doesn't ever know which girl is a "lay midwife." It is obvious that some of the younger kids don't get much attention. Jackson and Johanna come off as babyish for their ages. The experiences the Duggars kids have had were provided TLC. Without TLC, Boob wouldn't be able to go take his family on those trips with his real estate income and we know once the show ends, the Duggars probably won't go on extravagant trips again. They will go a missionary trip here and there, but they won't do anything like the Europe or Asia trip.

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From this day forth I do hereby decree that I shall answer the moronic question 'when is this show coming back' with a bitchy response about how dumb they are to think they're the only ones asking that question.

Every time someone asks 'when does the next season start?' I've been replying '20th March'. Well tgey didn't specify they meant a TV show season did they? :P

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From this day forth I do hereby decree that I shall answer the moronic question 'when is this show coming back' with a bitchy response about how dumb they are to think they're the only ones asking that question.

Oh please do as its all of the leghumpers and I loved it when someone put it was cancelled and Linda came back no it isnt and gave a date :lol:

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The leghumpers will be crying when the show does get canned for good. I predict they will claim that TLC is the devil and of course there will be the usual "this family need to be on TV, they aren't like the Kardashians" rants.

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The leghumpers will be crying when the show does get canned for good. I predict they will claim that TLC is the devil and of course there will be the usual "this family need to be on TV, they aren't like the Kardashians" rants.

Isn't it sad that Mamma Kardashian, who farmed out her daughter's sex tape, did a better job at preparing her children for the outside world than Mama Duggar. It says something that Mama Kardashian has raised daughters that appear far more literate and capable ofmaking their way out in the world without a television show.

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Kay Lossehelin Just an FYI that Caresse Crosby and many of the other Duggar-haters who are posting above are here to stir things up. They are bottom-feeders from freejinger and have whole threads where they mock what the Duggar supporters say here. They refer to y'all as "leghumpers." Their whole existence is to snark on what they refer to as "fundies." They despise conservatives and are here for no other reason than to get y'all upset. They can't stand the Duggars or any other family that leads a similar lifestyle.

Ooh are we skeered? :o

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Ooh are we skeered? :o

I'll take all you bottom feeders over a boatload of those throwback, knuckledragging, retrograde asshats. If they represent the "top feeders," then I'll gladly suck up the scum with the rest of you.

Keep up the scrapping with those mouthbreathing leghumpers. :lol:

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