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In a fairytale world

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In my fairytale world all is perfect. Unfortunately they won't let me live there. So I dream about it (and then write about the stuff that is on my mind)

Entries in this blog

I need to buy me some new shoes

This week I have accomplished something great, HUGE even: I have finally found shoes that don't make my little toes feel like they somehow missed their amputation appointment. Color - check Ease of purchase - check Ability to reorder 1000000 pairs at once - near check (I actually want to wear them a bit more first to make sure they'll hold up ok). No attack of the allergies while shopping - check NO squished painful toes! - CHECK! You have no idea how happy I am about this



The horse, not the horseshit.

Actually this is about the horseshit. On Saturday I was gifted some horseshit. Not just a little bit but 4 or 5 trailers of the stuff. Before it came I had cleaned up the area it was going to, and then put some of the random concrete stuff found in that area next to the trees so they wouldn't get piled up with horseshit. My idea was to create a visual boundary of where the cleaned up area awaiting shit ended, but apparently that failed. I don't think the apple tree really appreciated waking



No Trespassing that's what it said At least that's what I could read

So I  wrote this a while ago. and certain circumstances recently have made me revisit it. I don't really think my garden should need rules. However over time I have discovered that without them some people are weird and do bad shit. My rules are based on real stuff that has happened in my garden in the last few years. *sigh* It is a bit of a forever growing list but here goes: It is never ok to spray Roundup in my garden it is not ok to do this without mentioning it



I am a honey bee Shunned off from the colony

Today I came across some bees in my garden (it happens nearly everyday ). I have quite deliberately made sure I have flowers that bees love, because bees are good. Weirdly, my borage is way more active than my phacelia this year, but we also have a lot more honey bees than bumble/solitary ones this year which may play a role. I do wonder if we have a new beekeeper/hives nearby. The Bees: (I am super super proud of this photo by the way. I cropped it and that is the only editing)



Each little slug here Cuttin' a rug here

So I've been a bit busy recently and thus my garden has been a tad neglected. It has been making the bees happy because the self-seeded phacelia came up and flowered. So I will show you what I did today. I turned this... (see all those pretty flowers!) into this: Yeah, there are still weeds, but it's a shit load better than it was. At least tomorrow I'll be able to find the slugs easier. All my potatoes in these rows did come up. A lot are missing now:



Mosquitoes come to suck your blood

Here's a thing to think about:   If you want to try and do your bit for the world and live a bit more aware of the ecological impact you have on the world, how far should you take it: Do you let slugs live in your garden to eat all your food? Do you kill mosquitoes that suck your blood? Do you let nits live in your hair, because if they make their home in it, that's where they want to live?   Do you take a milder stance and try to rehome them: Collect and



I lost my mind, seven eight or nine times

I'm not going to lie, today has just been one of those days... Usually my muscle memory is pretty strong. It does NOT usually fail me this badly. I'm a bit saddened by it today, because seriously - I'm not really up to having my mind fail me. Nope, I'd much rather have over effective muscle memory happening and tripping me up, than having everything go haywire. It just happened to be one of those days where: you find the cleaning products in the fridge you open the fridge



Do you like my cookies? They're made just for you

I just want to say how much I HATE cookie disclaimers. Having a floating bar on a website saying something along the lines of "This website uses cookies. You can read our cookie policy here. ACCEPT" annoys me. Mostly because I don't usually have to actually click "accept" before they start feeding me cookies. I also dislike that so many websites only let me click accept, and not deny. And don't get me started on Facebook's: "To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and prov



We are a special speck of dust

You know there are some great memes out there. Some apply to your life, and others don't. This is one of the ones I really wish did. I could have used it a fair few times. Instead I was the kid getting in trouble at school for telling others the truth: that Santa is a LIE! In my defense: I really didn't know any better. No one told me I should keep it a secret (I was never allowed to believe in such things). All I knew was that I had a memory verse that went something like ""Then you will k



'Cause these are the rules for us

Oh the fun you shall have! Congratulations! Today is your day! You’re now on Free Jinger, You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. To articulate well thought out views. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. To the Pray Closet, banned, or Journey to the Heart It’s your fault really, if you are not very smart The rules are quite simple, so read them with care. Make sure you don’t break them, to stay welcome here. Read them and learn them,



That’s my way to deal with the drastic and stupid things said so just relax

Sometimes I have to try really really really hard not to be a dicky smart-arse. Today is just one of those days. It really does make the 'New Page' button my best friend. It at least seems understands me, doesn't mind me poking at it a shitload, and has yet to tell me to bugger off. The awesomeness of its silence really is rather marvelous.   That said: I am hoping the tech crew get it sorted soon. Sometimes these sorts of tech problems can get really bad and and the error ou



It's hard to rhyme a word like vagina

Or so they say. I guess one may not have heard of China? 6 months and no days ago I embarked on my journey to become enmeshed in this Hive Vagina Apparently people come from as far away as North Carolina! Thinking about that nearly gives me angina... Least you think me a bit insane, That wasn't my plan when I boarded this train. To be completely honest I had severely underestimated the eyestrain That such longevity here would cause me to obtain. I guess my rhyme is nearly o



Oh but you've overlooked just one item

Sometimes I overwork myself. Like that time I failed to read my course guide until today, and just found out I didn't even need to do half the 120 exercises that I did. In fact I don't even need to know over half the stuff I rediscovered. The sad part is: the really interesting stuff that is useful is the stuff not needed - what is up with that? How to change your text color from black to red? yeah - that is what I apparently needed to learn , oops, I learned that years ago. At least I should n



When you know I can't love You love, love, love

This morning I got out of bed quite early (more than an hour before my alarm). It allowed me to go outside and do some gardening before it got too hot. I was planning to weed a bit, but that hasn't happened yet. There is a reason why. I'll give you a hint here, it relates to a 4 letter S-word. (I've put photos under spoilers so those who are grossed out don't have to look) So I was out early enough when the greenhouse was still a bit moist from the dew. Apparently that's the time tha



Keep on climbing, keep on reaching

I do like numbers. And pretty graphs, ratios, and patterns. I half dislike having to manually gather all that stuff though, which does get me a bit sad sometimes. I mean seriously, why can't I have a stats panel that I can control so I can make pretty patterns out of my own stats? Just for kicks and giggles this is how I've spent my posting time on FJ. PM's aren't included because I have no desire to count them all So I noticed recently that I'm nearly up to a certain *leet* number of



I'm as mild and as meek As a mouse

Today in my gardening adventures I've been trying to plant out my tomatoes. I say trying because I can only garden in 10 minute spurts before I get overheated and start melting. Apparently it's meant to storm today. It's currently hot and humid. Part of my house is full of seedlings and the rest are in the greenhouse. Now if all the seedlings were in one place currently half of my greenhouse would be filled with pots. Ick! I only had one tomato planted out already; a cherry tomato that the



I Can't Ignore Myself

Usually FJ is really nice and polite. I mean, it even thanks me for sending reports! Until yesterday, when I was going to attempt to have a nice quiet evening on FJ without being annoyed by myself and this happened: I mean seriously!? Way to spoil my plans. And not only that, where is the politeness? Why does it not say "We are very sorry, but you may not ignore yourself"? Because trust me I can ignore myself, it's a bit of a mind-fuck, but still totally possible.  



anything is possible when you're sowing the seeds of love

What's in my garden? April 2016 version. Well here is the major garden plan: Left side: strawberry plants, all 250ish have been replanted this year. There are some flowers, they seem happy although I still need to net them, or try to. ??? - I'm guessing this will become mostly wild flowers/bee + butterfly plants. It is still a little bit undecided. Currently there is a flowering Brussel sprout that I'm hoping to collect seeds from We have a selection of unknown



Those secret messages that spill into the air from far away

Happy   -- --- .-. ... .   -.-. --- -.. .   -.. .- -.--![Morse code day] If people wished to celebrate this properly they would ensure that all work communication today was written in Morse code. Thankfully someone created a nice converter so at least it wouldn't be too terrible. Of course if one did decide that having to communicate a whole day in Morse code was way too much, there is always this not-so-safe-for-work excuse if you are currently living in a snowy area.  



sometimes it seems like we’re speaking in tongues

Many moons ago when I was a teenager, we went to a few different Pentecostal churches. Looking back it was quite interesting. They had quite different, yet similar views on spiritual gifts and things like that. It made for some interesting times. I did get quite a few free personality tests out of it. Apparently matching your MB profile to your spiritual gifts will let you enhance them and figure out just how to serve God in the best way possible. Church 1 believed that spiritual gifts are



What about nature's worth, It's our planet's womb

Today is not only jelly bean day! but also earth day! In case you haven't been to google yet today, you should really visit. and then spend the next 10 minutes or so refreshing your page... It is a perfectly healthy and normal activity for earth day! In case google wasn't enough, you should go check out some of Kristen Cumings Jelly Bean art



And Five months 'till I sing

Many moons ago I decided to join FJ. Well not sooo many moons ago. Today it was 5 months ago. Why? Well I really really badly wanted to participate in some thread drift that was going on. IIRC it went down something like this: - I read some thread drift talking about pregnancy/birth practices/beliefs and was reminded of some weird stuff that was up-and-coming in one of my churches when I was young. I wanted to know if it was still around and going strong, because it was really fucky.



Everything seems all right When we're poisoning pigeons in the park

Sometimes I laugh at inappropriate things. Apparently some of my weird sense of humor has started coming back lately. I harvested all of my beets. Lets not mention the ones that are currently in the back of the fridge. I had plans, but I got a bit sidetracked (actually my plans contained cheese and I'm trying to do a cheese free cooking week) I would like to make some chocolate milk. Currently I'm quite hungry, and chocolate milk sounds good, even if it is currently considered cont



They have their own role in ecology, Microorganism, microorganism, microscopic organism

Every now and then I like geeking out on weird stuff. Today's topic: soil science. I mean it has to be useful right? It can't make me much more garden-crunchy than I am. And at least I now I can claim "but it's scientific, I heard it from profs!" Cover crops are apparently awesome. Yay me! I do that. Or at least I try. Someone stole all my cover during the winter. So yeah, last year it didn't work. This year though! I have seeds, many seeds because COVER CROPS!!! (I use bee friendly ones



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