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The Girl Who Blogged

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Just a little place for me to ramble on about my life. Including but not limited to -  personal nostalgia, family, my dog, rheumatoid arthritis, Disneyland, t.v. shows, weather.

Entries in this blog

Song on Repeat - December 26th, 2016

Tonight's song I've been listening to over and over is "I'm Not the Man" by Ben Folds. I am basically trying to find every live version I can on youtube. I have been obsessed with this song since the album came out. It gives me a lump in my throat when I listen to it sometimes. In February, I'll be seeing Ben live with a local orchestra. I have no clue if he'll play this one but I might go a bit crazy if he does. A lovely live version is behind the spoiler tag. In high school, I like



Patience and Compassion

Just over a year ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Recently my son was diagnosed with autism. In a short time, I think these two things have already started to change my personality. For the better, thankfully. I've always been very judgmental. I don't necessarily tell people what I'm thinking of them because I'm not downright mean or anything. But in my head (or to my husband) I'll basically think/say horrible things about people. I know it's awful but I figure they'll never



Songs on Repeat - November 6th, 2016

Recently I started listening to a band from Canada called Walk off the Earth. A few years ago, they became a bit famous from a video where everyone in the band played 1 guitar for a song. I didn't take much notice of them at the time. But recently someone I know shared a video of them performing Adele's "Hello" using plastic tubes and stuff. It was really good. So I searched out more of their stuff on Youtube. They do a lot of cover songs. But since I don't know much current music, most of the s




This year was probably my son's best Halloween yet. At least from my perspective. Halloween 2013 - He was only a little over a month old. We put him in a Superman onesie but didn't go anywhere or do anything. We didn't even hand out candy. Halloween 2014 - He was one year old. We didn't trick-or-treat but we did put him in a costume and then in the stroller to roll around the neighborhood a little (he still couldn't walk yet.) Halloween 2015 - Two years old. First time trick-or-tr




Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning. Just completely overwhelmed with life. Tonight I am freaking out about my rheumatoid arthritis. I am worried it's basically going to kill me. Shorten my life by 10+ years. I hate the internet. I've had a cough for 2 weeks. Is it allergies? A cold? Or something worse? I never had to worry about this sort of thing before. My son was just diagnosed with autism. While it was mostly expected...it's still been hard for me. It just opens up a whole new set of wo



Song on Repeat - July 12th, 2016

Tonight I have "Superman's Song" by Crash Test Dummies on repeat. Probably an odd choice. I'm sure most people don't even know or remember this song. When I was young, I had the single for "Mmm mmm mmm mmm" and this was the b-side on my cassette. It's been 20+ years and I still truly love this song. The lyrics are a bit sad but as a kid I didn't really notice much.    



Tonight's Videos

As usual, I'm up watching videos on youtube.com instead of sleeping. Here is a sampling of some I watched this evening....(behind spoiler tags)... Blame it on the Rain - Milli Vanilli.  I will happily admit that I enjoy a few Milli Vanilli songs and this one is my favorite. RIP Rob. Toy Soldiers - Martika.  I have vivid memories of calling the radio station to request this song. Kids Incorporated theme song. Listening to Martika always leads me to this. I freaking loved this s



My So-Called Life

In 8th grade, my friends and I were obsessed with the t.v. show My So-Called Life.  Seriously, obsessed. We lived and breathed My So-Called Life. We taped the episodes and watched them over and over. We started talking like the characters (mainly by adding "or something" to the end of sentences. I think I probably still do this.) When we'd pass notes back and forth, we'd sign the notes "Angela" and "Rayanne." Being the more reserved of my friends (and having red hair) meant I automatically ident



Tiny Desk

I know a post a lot of OK Go songs. But I discovered this recently and enjoyed it.  (I love this song and the lyrics, as well...though they were tweaked a bit for this....so I do recommend listening to the original version sometime. I think I posted it a while back.) Here's the the description on YouTube... The Tiny Desk has moved, and OK Go has helped make it so. Earlier this year, we needed to figure out the best possible way to move my Tiny Desk from NPR's old headquarters to our




I turned 35. How did that happen? I am half way to 70. What the hell?! I haven't been posting on FJ lately. Just going through another wave of not being super into forums. I'm sure I'll get back into it at some point. But right now I just don't have it in me, I guess. My son has been a bit of a terror lately. So in my limited free time I've been reading or playing a computer game. I've found that lately those two things are the best ways for me 'escape' for a bit. I need to get out of



Bizarro Me

I know I had a previous entry where I talked about reading my old blogs from 2002ish and how they seem like they were written by someone else. This entry is kind of along the same lines.... Tonight I did what I often do before bed...I went on youtube and watched various videos. I rarely go to youtube with a purpose. Sometimes I just see what's suggested to me. So tonight I ended up watching old Rooney (they were a band in southern California) videos as well as some OK Go from the early 2000



Song on Repeat - April 16th, 2016

I had never heard of the band Sloan until I met my husband. When I first met him, he made me a CD full of Sloan songs. So even now, 10+ years later, listening to Sloan still flashes me back to those early days of our relationship. This song especially. He even took me to a Sloan concert at the Troubadour back in 2004.   



Flashback - April 21st, 2003

So once again, I am reading old journal and blog entries when I should be sleeping. Oh well. (Side note - I noticed I say "oh well" in my blogs A LOT.) In April 2003, I ran into an old friend from high school. She told me she was engaged. I blogged about how it made me sad because here I was, 21 years old and never even had a boyfriend. At the time, I had recently started talking to my now husband online. We hadn't met in person yet though. So I'm lamenting about everyone around me getting



Song on Repeat - April 10th, 2016

I have been a Fiona Apple fan since high school. The first concert I ever went to was Fiona in 1997. It was in a fairly small venue. I went with my friend and her boyfriend. Someone threw up right next to us at the beginning of the show. I vaguely remember Fiona talking about now eating turkey on Thanksgiving (concert was in November.) Those are the things I remember most, strangely enough. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed the concert too. This song was from her 2nd album. Listening to it flashes



I Need a T.V. Show

I need to find a t.v. show to watch while walking on the treadmill. I cannot seem to motivate myself to get on the treadmill these days. So I am thinking if I can find a t.v. show to watch on Netflix or Amazon Prime, that might motivate me. I will only let myself watch it while walking (of course this all depends on whether or not my son naps each day but whatever.) So I can't figure out what to watch. In my life, I've watched a lot of t.v. Probably too much but let's not talk about th



Song on Repeat - March 14th, 2016

As I've mentioned before, I tend to pick a song and listen to it on repeat. Tonight (and for the last week) I've been listening to this song a lot. I don't know what it is that makes me love it but I am obsessed right now. I especially like the part around 1:55 (the part I put in bold in the lyrics below.) I just like the way Damian's voice sounds there, I guess. (I don't know how to make the video smaller here. Sorry.)   If I had a mountain, I’d push every stone to a cliff.



Six Months

It's been about 6 months since I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Some days I still feel like it's basically a death sentence. I look at my hands and feet and panic when I think about what could happen in the future. I freak out when I think about the possible side effects of the medication I am currently on (and the medications I will likely need in the future.) I feel like I'm too young to have to deal with this sort of stuff. Until 6 months ago, I didn't even really know what RA was.



Goodbye, Comfort Zone

I am going to be forcing myself out of my comfort zone in 2016. It's necessary. I already did a little bit at the end of 2015 by joining the wellness center. I never thought I'd join a gym and the wellness center is basically a gym where the clientele is mostly old people. For me, it took a lot of courage to finally go. I'm still not 100% comfortable when I'm there but I'm getting better with it. This year, I need to get out of my comfort zone for my son's sake. It's embarrassing to admit t



I Won the Lottery!

Okay...so I only won $7. Whatever. Let's just pretend for a minute that I won $900 million dollars and never had to worry about money again...... The very first thing I'd do is book a trip to Disneyland. It's one of my favorite places. I really wanted to go this year but we're bogged down with medical bills so no vacation for us. When we normally go, we stay off-site in a cheaper hotel. But this time, I'd book a suite at the Grand Californian. My husband said he'd want to book a signature s



Flashback - February 27th, 2003

So this isn't really a "flashback" or anything. I just wanted to use a common title for blog entries where I am talking about OLD blog or journal entries. I am not creative so that's the best I could come up with. Ha! As I've mentioned before, I've been keeping a journal or blog off and on since 1990. I love going back and reading them. I figure as I come across things, I may write here about them. I'm sure it will be interesting to no one but myself. Anyway.... On February 27th,



Songs on Repeat

Most people over the age of 12 or so don't like listening to the same song on repeat. I am not one of those people. I can seriously listen to the same song on repeat for quite a while. I'm pretty sure my husband thinks I'm nuts. But I've always been like this. So I thought that I might post songs in my blog from time to time...just for the heck of it. Tonight's song on repeat is "Waltz #2" by Elliott Smith. (That's kind of huge. Hope it's okay to post it like that. If not, I



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